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    [Six Pack Site / Joe Six-Pack / Sick Puppy Press] Comics

    Yea its prob a sub character or there will be multiple tfs
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    [Six Pack Site / Joe Six-Pack / Sick Puppy Press] Comics

    Well here's the quote to put that doubt to bed "Illustration from a new comic coming as soon as I can get it done."
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    [Redryder74] AI art (AI generation for stories not my own)

    That's unfortunate 😞
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    [Melissa N.] Collection

    I said it last year. She wrote herself into a corner with mirror and I don't think she knows how to get out of it. I have no idea where mirror is heading any more and it feels like Melissa doesn't either so she is just winging it. This should have ended about 6 months ago
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    [Melissa N.] Collection

    I don't think it's that deep at all I think she just started with a great idea and since patreon model let's you just post unfinished work she serialized it. And as she went along she got more ideas. Which lead to more and more ideas. And here we are. She is a creative artist at the end of the...
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    [Melissa N.] Collection

    Pretty much because her stories are convoluted messes now they used to be so much better that's what's frustrating
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    [Melissa N.] Collection

    Exactly lol
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    [Melissa N.] Collection

    I think Mirror is just a classic case of buying off more than she could chew. It started off as a simple comic with a simple premise and should have stayed there but then she kept getting ideas and then going down all these different plots and paths when she never needed to. I blame patreon for...
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    [Redryder74] AI art (AI generation for stories not my own)

    Welcome back !!! Looking forward to new stories 😉
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    [Various Artists] Melissa N. - Melissa 822 inspired Comics, Stories & Artwork

    Pre bimbo Daisy was the best Daisy and would have made that story hit better. Lean into the consequences the story set up not just turn her into the school slut
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    [Melissa N.] Collection

    Just more exposition with No substance
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    [Melissa N.] Collection

    This so so watered down now it's practically skim milk I don't even think Melissa knows the plot anymore these recaps are for herself more than us lol
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    [Melissa N.] Collection

    Every time you think you know what's going on Melissa come in like nahhhhhhh you have no idea.
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    [Melissa N.] Collection

    Hannah updates on kimono.party enough
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    [Melissa N.] Collection

    Think so? I think Hannas art is better than lit kit but Melissa N has the superior art. I think for me Hannah's Characters are just ugly lol
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    [Melissa N.] Collection

    Subscribe - litkit (best value and return on investment) Wait for Kemono.party - Melissa N ( too much fluff and extends stories for no reason) Pass completely - hanna23 ( stories are just not interesting 100% feminization not gender change stories drag with nothing happening)
  17. S

    [Melissa N.] Collection

    Agree I was really hoping she would keep that look at first she made her a terrible looking blonde but got so much backlash she posted a poll and changed her hair color
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    [Melissa N.] Collection

    Ask other people that Make niche comics if $5300 a month is not great. She is in the top 1% in the medium in profits I think only TGTrinity makes more at a whopping 7k per. $5300 is still over $63k just to make fetish comics and she still works a full time job....
  19. S

    [Melissa N.] Collection

    Litkit has great art but if you notice everyone in the comics looks exactly the same. Every final transformation is the same face
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