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AI book cover workflows for erotic literature


Feb 17, 2024
I've been working on creating cover images for some of my favorite literotica stories and hope to connect with others doing the same. I'd like to create a repeatable workflow that cuts down on the amount of manual work required while still permitting full control of content and style. Given the subject matter this all has to run locally off my i9 NVIDA 4080 laptop and not require any paid subscriptions. For prompts, I'm currently exploring LM Studio with Dreamgen's Opus v1.2 7b Q8 model. For images, I'm using ComfyUI with the DreamShaper XL v2.1 Turbo DPM++ SDE checkpoint and a variety of different LORAs and embeddings. Adding text is a manual design process using Gimp.

Anyone else doing similar work here? Have any tips to share?
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