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All of the lost media that I'm looking for


Jan 7, 2024
To everyone who reada this, I need help finding all of the following things:

All of Wolphoxarg/Wolphox's deleted Twitter art, with the main ones I want being his Loona pictures.

Dnapalmhead's Super Smash Bros comic

Sz-ryuuki's Deviantart art, mainly their Zangoose drawings

Logo85's Deviantart and Twitter art

Ritualist's old Deviantart art

Old and Deleted Deviantart art made by Me-Go, Wildbuff, Obsessionfodder, Exveefan, Muk100, Ryuakira, Fx-Man, UrusaiWrangler, MuscleGoddessTales, and David C. Matthews

Thiccerwaifus deleted Twitter and Deviantart art

Epic Meal Time's Meatballer and 50lb Mcmuffin episodes and all of Brandon Rogers deleted videos that are still missing.

If anyone can and could help me find any of these, I would greatly appreciate it. Or if anyone can help find someone who can help find me all of the things that I'm looking for, I would greatly appreciate that as well.
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