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Looking for Don Silver thread Toxic Attraction chapters

Yeah bro, for those who are satisfied with mediocrity!!
You're a joker! lol
Go and write your story. you still resent the fact that he blocked you on patreon and now you criticize every chapter of it, but when it is thrown into public access, you read it faster than anyone and wait impatiently. no wonder they say that the most important hayter is the most important fan. Dude, create yourself a new Google account and subscribe to his patreon where you have access not only to the usual discord on which you are sitting under a different name, but also to the discord for insiders.
I am not familiar with the legal situation in the individual states of the United States of America, especially not in Chicago.
As far as I could tell from the last chapter, Dan did not harm, injure or assault anyone, did not vandalise anything in the hotel
or cause damage to property, did not carry any weapons or life-threatening objects or drugs.
His only offence was that he drank more than he could handle. He was a bit loud and knocked loudly on a room door several times.
Are these REASONS enough to be arrested and locked up in a cell?
If so, then half of the citizens of the United States should be in prison!

Under normal circumstances and in a constitutional state (because the USA is and should be a constitutional state!) they should
have released Dan after his interrogation and a warning (small misdemeanour payment of perhaps 50 - 100 $).

But no, Don makes a giant elephant out of a molehill, stomping around in a glass house.
... And that goes beyond the limits of my imagination and all rational logic.
The only thing I haven’t liked about this story for the last say 7 chapters or so is how weak Sarah has become and how Lester went from a slob roommate to some international man of mystery who seems to be able to do anything and get anything without any real issues.

I get that this is a big money maker for DS but there needs to be a change soon. Maybe make Sarah push back or even have the husband start to formulate some plan to take back everything and get a few over Lester because of not what’s the point of him even being there
Go and write your story. you still resent the fact that he blocked you on patreon and now you criticize every chapter of it, but when it is thrown into public access, you read it faster than anyone and wait impatiently. no wonder they say that the most important hayter is the most important fan. Dude, create yourself a new Google account and subscribe to his patreon where you have access not only to the usual discord on which you are sitting under a different name, but also to the discord for insiders.
Yeah, definitely, you're a joker! Lol
Are we sure he has uploaded it to Literotica? Seems like he is waiting to make money
fair point - I think all of these guys seem to suddenly get the lightbulb moment when they realise they can either trot out the same scenarios over and over (Don Silver's obsession with sex in a car while a down-and-out either watches or joins in, to name one) and keep cashing in. I asked Envoyeur about the lateness of chapter 3 when he'd said it was coming out about 6 months ago, and his response was pretty much that he doesn't operate a monthly payment regardless of whether he uploads new content or not (the AvidNovice system) and that there's only a cost when he puts up new material on Patreon. Which is fair enough. My main objection overall is that either you can pay every month and end up with a not-particularly-well written wank-fantasy that has cost probably 200 USD, or wait for 18 months to two years, pay once and get the lot.
fair point - I think all of these guys seem to suddenly get the lightbulb moment when they realise they can either trot out the same scenarios over and over (Don Silver's obsession with sex in a car while a down-and-out either watches or joins in, to name one) and keep cashing in. I asked Envoyeur about the lateness of chapter 3 when he'd said it was coming out about 6 months ago, and his response was pretty much that he doesn't operate a monthly payment regardless of whether he uploads new content or not (the AvidNovice system) and that there's only a cost when he puts up new material on Patreon. Which is fair enough. My main objection overall is that either you can pay every month and end up with a not-particularly-well written wank-fantasy that has cost probably 200 USD, or wait for 18 months to two years, pay once and get the lot.
Hey captaingrimes, I agree 100% with you.
Be aware of wrani "The DS cheerleaders' chief". He doesn't seem to agree with people who doesn't idolatre DS way of doing business.
I don't think Dan is a failure or a loser.
The opposite is the case!

Even if it is fiction: If someone has a family to feed, a house to pay off and loses their job in the middle of it - if they have any sense of responsibility, they would do anything (even if it means moving to another city) to find a halfway decent job to help the family make ends meet.
... And it is precisely with this awareness as a provident father and husband that Dan has accepted the job in Chicago, with the thought and intention of treating it as temporary until he finds a better job.

All his efforts are sabotaged and manipulated behind his back by Lester, as are his efforts to move to another flat.
As readers, we should keep that in mind!
It's therefore an absolute cheek to draw the conclusion that he's a failure!

His tendency - to share his wife ‘with older, sometimes disgusting men with a big sexual appetite’ - does not mean that he is a nerd or that he is not man enough.
That's a stupid assumption!

And if Sarah stays with Lester anyway and has a child that his dad calls Grandad because he'll be over 60, then she should go down that route - the grandad's club slut route ...
But I don't think so!

I also believe that Dan will soon find out about the whole plan and Lester's manipulations.
(Perhaps with the help of the security company and not least with the help of Jesse - after the photo in the hotel - after which he takes him to his chest and tears off his cock and then stuffs his mouth with it).
... And then that son of a bitch Lester's days will be numbered, because Dan will ‘see red’ as he goes on his revenge...

Any other option would be at odds with the character and the title of the story ...
Why so secretly, behind closed doors, with hidden cameras?
Why not turn Sarah into a porn-whore and send her into the porn-industry?
So that this inferior, characterless, criminal bastard Lester and his ilk can watch her films.
What a blooming fantasy ... really hats up!

By the way, what kind of dubious and dark machinations does Lester do for a living?
He spies on companies, sabotages their software, manipulates their business and so on.
And who does he work for?
On whose behalf is he spying, for which organisations, individuals or cartels?
He is a criminal and nothing else and should be taken out of circulation and punished!

Will the author D.S. simply let this criminal scoundrel Lester go in the end?
Or will we see (I hope so!) that Dan, with the help of his new work colleagues from New York, tracks him (Lester) down and then puts him where he belongs, namely in prison.

Another point is that we are talking about children here, children who have a biological father and mother.
We are not talking about goods whose ‘expiry date’ has passed and which can be thrown away or taken to another place.
Neither Lester nor anyone else is authorised to come near these children!
What kind of logic is that?

... And when Sarah decides in the end in favour of the inferior and criminal Lester, she's nothing more than a ‘cock-driven!’ bitch.
She seems to forget that her husband (Dan) left his family, his home and his town to give her a better life and not for the sake of his ego!
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