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[Request] [Author: A Strange Geek] Anyone knows if there is more work from this author?


New member
Jul 26, 2024
I am familiar with https://storiesonline.net/a/A_Strange_Geek but was wondering if there is any newer content then 2015.

He writes uniquely good content, unfortunately seems like he stopped working on his stories and is not replying to emails.

Please let me know if you have more content from him or know how to contact him, thank you soo much!!!
Iam a big fan of strange geeks work and love the stories he does. However i have not seen or heard anything from him for years. Shame really because his stories are beautifully put together. My favourite has to be the haven series by far🫶
Iam a big fan of strange geeks work and love the stories he does. However i have not seen or heard anything from him for years. Shame really because his stories are beautifully put together. My favourite has to be the haven series by far🫶
I totally agree, his stories are way beyond anything else, especially the Haven series! His character and world building is just superb and I really would like to see the Haven series continue, I think there is still a few open plot lines that i would like to see explored! I tried to reach out to him but it seems his email is inactive, Maybe you can try writing him an email and show him that there is still interest ;)
I absulutly agree with you totally. The way he tells his stories in suck vivid detail its like your apart of his story. The way he captures you and enthralls you keeps you wanting more. Iam so gutted he's not produced anything recently. He has a quality gift in wrighting. I shall try my dam hardest to get in touch with him 🤞. OMG i was thinking the exact same thing about the haven series. One of mine i would love to happen is that melissa somehow gets her powers back and causes chaos in the town could you imagine oooooh yeah lol🫶
Yeah, seeing Melissa have another go would be something. Personally I think there is a lot of potential around the goverments involvement. But most of all the darkness making a return (also much weaker), maybe getting assistance from the cult and the school principal becoming a formidable power in her own right.
OMG this should be put together and written either by a strange geek or somebody willing to write for him permisson allowed of course. Jeeeez the possibilities are endless and just the thought of either melissa or the principal corrupting innocent people has the juices flowing🤔
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