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[Roget] My stuff


Apr 10, 2024
I'll post tests, larger experiments, and any notable AI monstrosities I create.
I have comfy running again. I think the key is to set the network to airplane mode before launching. My lan is hardwired so I can still access all me local net resources and none of the custom nodes can reach git. IMHO, constant updates in an experimental system is silly. I want a stable platform.

Anyway, here's some stuff I've been dong the last day or two.

I forget which model produced this. I like the style.


I'm getting ready to unleash tentacles on everyone! 🙃🤣😂😅🥹

I suppose Hatsune Miku + tentacles is somewhere down the pipeline :p It's a natural progression.
I've rebuilt my system and now have InvokeAI 4.2.7post1 running. I've been busy as hell with the rest of the world and it's taken me awhile to get my system back the way I wanted it.

So, here's a sample of my upcoming posts of pictures your great-gramma sent your real great-grandfather while he slogged around in the African desert during WWI.


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I've rebuilt my system and now have InvokeAI 4.2.7post1 running. I've been busy as hell with the rest of the world and it's taken me awhile to get my system back the way I wanted it.

So, here's a sample of my upcoming posts of pictures your great-gramma sent your real great-grandfather while he slogged around in the African desert during WWI.

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These B & W retro AIs are great. Thanks
There was once a time when the earth was home to other beings. Dark creatures who consumed humans, mind, soul, and body... They left in time and were never seen again. These images are all that remains of their culture on Earth.

Their feeding habits were learned through many decades of suffering and death. Humans fought them successfully, but many were captured. The beasts consumed and assimilated men on the spot, while the women were brought to their nests where they would be the live "breed and feed" stock for the next generation of these monsters.

The fighting never lagged. Only one thing was certain, a woman unable or unwilling to suicide was better off submitting to their fate than fighting. Those who submitted were pumped full of endorphins and hallucinogens and never felt injections of preparatory enzymes making their body ready for breeding and consumption, nor would they suffer as their flesh was consumed by the monsters growing inside them, finally killing them as the new monster erupted from her shell. They would die peacefully in mere weeks, having been a birthing vessel and the necessary "live fertilizer" for the developing plant-based tentacle beast. The endorphins and hallucinogens ensured that they never suffered and died in mental bliss.

But the fate of those who struggled was dire. Because struggling ruined the "host," the beasts would simply inject the preparatory enzymes into the struggle woman causing endless mind-searing pain until she was consumed head first by nest tenders over a span of months. The nest tenders used the women as "taxis" by engulfing the head to then penetrate the skull with roots that controlled the host's motor functions. This left the host free to experience excruciating agony as their flesh was ripped and eaten by passing beasts as though she were a snack buffet.

Your choice. Die happy or die sad. But die you will...


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Sad :-(

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