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[Unknown Author] Seeking specific spring break bdsm story

bdsm exhibitionism
  • 3D
  • saebasan

    New member
    Apr 20, 2024
    I read a story a while ago and now I can't find it again. Common event, I know. I might have even archived it, but I don't know the title or author, so it is challenging to search for it.

    I thought I originally saw it on Literotica, but I asked there and no one had a clue. So I am hoping this audience has a broader knowledge base.

    In any case, to the story.

    I am 90% certain it takes place during Spring Break in Florida. The story describes an event where an elder male sponsors a college-aged female for a sexual gauntlet event. The females might be a bit reluctant, but it is all consensual. The gauntlet consists of 50-60 different "stations" where the female needs to perform a specific activity. For example, at the very first station, she removes her shirt and hands it to a member of the audience. Things get progressively more interesting from there, as one would expect.

    The story carefully describes all of the stations in detail, as well as what happens at the end of the gauntlet.

    Does this ring a bell with anyone? Any hints to the author, title, or site where it appeared would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance
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