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[Various Artists] ๐Ÿ˜ˆ Hot Arts and Sciences ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

[ThreeX] ๐Ÿ˜ˆ Basement Dweller
I'm really enjoying "Abby" so far, with the farmer relying more on rewards and positive reinforcement than force.
I think punishments are hot, but only with the sub's consent. I don't want to feel like a rapist or a monster, especially not toward my partner.

To administer punishments, physical or "mental", feels great as a dom because I feel in control and powerful, but also because they are a mean to achieve other effects on your partners. Like a sense of accomplishment for having born it, a feeling of having atoned for failures... and also the aftercare afterward feels even better, because it feels deserved/earned.

So, "Abby" is great so far to me... too bad the womb mark was forced onto her though. (and also, too bad the farmer is an old guy. Please, use your expertise on women closer to your own age. Take it as a challenge, to win against their worldly wisdom! ;)).
I'm really enjoying "Abby" so far, with the farmer relying more on rewards and positive reinforcement than force.
I think punishments are hot, but only with the sub's consent. I don't want to feel like a rapist or a monster, especially not toward my partner.

To administer punishments, physical or "mental", feels great as a dom because I feel in control and powerful, but also because they are a mean to achieve other effects on your partners. Like a sense of accomplishment for having born it, a feeling of having atoned for failures... and also the aftercare afterward feels even better, because it feels deserved/earned.

So, "Abby" is great so far to me... too bad the womb mark was forced onto her though. (and also, too bad the farmer is an old guy. Please, use your expertise on women closer to your own age. Take it as a challenge, to win against their worldly wisdom! ;)).
Taking a break from the thread (so as not to entertain comments for or against)
My position on the matter is that, in this style of games, they are only pleasant when both parties enjoy it and provide pleasure to the other, it is an exchange and feedback of feelings, emotions, Endorphins, serotonin, dopamine and oxytocin.
Two, it's pleasure. One, it's masturbation.
That said, I think there is no need to continue the conversation so as not to distort the thread and continue enjoying the images.
[Novaksus] ๐Ÿ˜ˆ Abby Chapter 1 - 34

Abby turned around and got comfortable on her knees. The man held her chains in one hand, and the other hand grabbed a bit of french fries, feeding it to the girl. She was strangely accustomed to being fed this way. It only felt thrilling and exciting to be treated like a pet. Her mark throbbed powerfully. Rewarding her every obedient act.
"The bull went hard on ya. Without permission, he won't unload inside ya... So... He will keep humpin' forever. I'll let Randy know ta not let it spiral out ever again." He fed her a piece of hamburger.
He then wiped her lips, letting her speak up.
"It... was painful... sir..." Abigail said with a weak voice.
The man's face twisted into an empathetic look of encouragement and sympathy.
"Yes, child. But you're such a good girl. Brave girl. I saw ya. Stood upright. Even through tha pain, ya endured. Strong. So strong. Made me proud" He gave her a warm head pat before he resumed feeding her.
Footsteps could be heard. Someone was approaching. Abby froze up and stared helplessly at George. Panic was beginning to spread. The old man jingled her chains. "Don't worry, child. I'll keep ya safe" He said before addressing the approaching man.
"Dom, glad'ta see ya. Randy let ya in?" His tone was casual and friendly. He gave him a wave before putting the hand on Abigail's cheek, caressing her lovingly.
"Yeh. As agreed upon. Three months are up, I'm here to check up on the progress and see if I must relocate the female." He sounded gruff, annoyed, and impatient.
"Ah yes, of course. I remember tha'bit, sure. Sit down, please. I ain't got food for ya, but ya look like a bit of a break could be nice." The old man said, gesturing to his right. Abigail nervously shifted where she was kneeling, scooting a bit closer towards the old man.
George patted his lap. "Sit here, child." And Abby didn't hesitate. She crawled up on his lap, curling up with her back towards the other man. She clung to the old man as she shivered. She didn't want to be taken away. The plethora of horrible scenarios out there that were waiting for her, she feared for her life. If she was let go from this spot, then she'd move to nightmare territories.
"I see the female has taken a liking to you, George. Classic or modern grooming?" He asked in a casual business tone.
"It's all classic, sir. I figured tha I didn't want to ruin more pure innocents with the crude tools of the modern age. Call me old fashioned, but this be much more of ma own style." He explained, giving the poor girl a kiss on the cheek before he whispered to her in a loving tone. "Don't be afraid, child. Ya got nothing ta fear. Be brave, be strong, be a good girl." He nuzzled her.
"I see. Well. Considering it's only been a few months... That's incredible progress. Can you demonstrate any of your training? Or have you not started yet?" The man asked.
Abby felt a sting of cold nervousness take hold. Training? What were they talking about? And did they mention grooming? She was just doing this to live a comfy life and be pampered non stop.
"Be brave for me, child. Turn around and show tha visitor some hospitality. Giving him a cold shoulder ain't good company, y'know" The old man said as he slowly lifted Abby up and rotated her. Plopping her down on his lap, he held the chain leash firmly. He wasn't sure if Abigail would be aggressive as she didn't seem to be as relaxed now.
"Hello again..." Abby said, scowling at the man. His careless attitude bothered her. She was naked, exposed to the world, unprotected, her shame on full display, and even leashed. So... Why was he not acting like it was a bigger thing? And what was this talk about training? And...
"W...Wait... Three months?" She blurted out, slightly confused.
"Yes, Abigail, you have been here for three months now." The man said in an informative tone.
She narrowed her eyes. Not caring to really humor his attempts to rattle her.
"Well. I have been a good girl." She simply said. She had never ever spoken about herself in such a reductive and condescending manner. It just felt right to say. Because, in all honesty, she had been very good.
"Heh. If you say so." He said, seeming a bit amused by her spunk.
"Oh. She been a good girl. Letting tha girl get lots of playtime too. She been acting good, deserving of treats." The old man said, rubbing her side gently.
This softened the girl's demeanor.
"Well. Seems like there's no need for me to relocate this one and reassign it. Heh. Perhaps being on her last leg is what it took to get her to accept her role... She knows what happens if she..." The man was interrupted by George. The old man spoke up, sounding a little annoyed.
"No need ta bring up such crude facts to the poor thing. She been good, so let's leave it at that. Don't want the child to get bad dreams" He said in a protective voice. The chain strained as he held her back. There wasn't a need, but he just wanted to show some dominance to make sure Abby didn't fuck up by yelling at the Human Handler.
"I gotta say, old man. You got a good handle on the creature. I have faith in your work here. You said your usual staff wouldn't return until later, and winter is approaching. Should feel it in the air soon. Will you be giving this one body mods to let it endure during the cold season?"
Abby opened her mouth as she was not going to let the man call her an 'it' and not hear it, but the chain yanked her by the neck and she was returned to reality. She felt only gratitude from the show of force.
"I'll leave that up ta her. I got plenty'o ways for HER ta be comfy during winter times. I'm a veteran, dontcha forget, son" The farmer said. His voice was firm and slightly forceful.
"I will mark your disrespectful tone. One more step out of line, and I'm taking your new pet for myself"
Both Abby and George were stunned and silent. The man's threat sent shivers down their spines.
"Please... Dom..." The farmer said. George's tune had changed as he was very aware of Dom's authority and reach. Dom stood up as his expression was growing angrier.
"Your slave is glaring at me, you are being condescending... I do not tolerate such disrespectful behavior." He pointed a finger at Abby, the poor girl flinched and whimpered anxiously as she squirmed on the farmer's lap.
"Abby didn't mean anything by it, and I..." The farmer was interrupted once more.
"You will hear from me soon enough, and I will make sure that actual measures are being taken for this thing's progress to speed up. It isn't a child, it isn't your pet, it is a piece of livestock that you will mold into a useful product."
With those hurtful and horrifying words, the man turned around and left. The two were left sitting there, their hearts beating fast. Abby felt a fear take hold deep inside of her. What was going on? She was here to help out on the farm, that was all. Why did he keep calling her an 'it', and why 'livestock'?

[Novaksus] ๐Ÿ˜ˆ Abby Chapter 1 - 35

Abby turned around and clung to the old man. Crying, she was shaking. She felt so naked and afraid.
"There, there, child. Shhh... Calm calm. Be brave. It ain't the end, just a small hiccup. Dontcha fret, I been through the hoops several o'times b'fore" The man said in a comforting voice. He held her gently and let her vent her fears and sadness out. He was so used to her nakedness, he just gently held around her, feeling her butt cheeks tense up every now and then as she drew strained breaths in between long sobs.
"It's okay, baby..."
He let her take as long as she needed. And 10 minutes later, Abby felt much better. The constant barrage of supportive words from the farmer made it easier for her to regain her composure.
George gently pushed the girl off of him, urging her to stand up. He maintained a grip around the handle of the chain that was attached to the collar around the girl's neck.
"Stand and give me a pose, babygirl. Maybe..." He furrowed his wild brows as he stared at her, deep in thought.
"Eh... Sir?" Abby nervously asked as she assumed a straight pose. Her hands behind her back, and her womb mark glowing red. Abigail was so changed by the mark. It was on a subconscious level that she kept jutting her hips forth, always trying to show off her mark, and by doing so, her crotch.
"Hmm... Bein' honest, girlie, still ain't figured out what ya be best suited for... Need ta figure it out, but... Don't wanna make the wrong choice... Show me ya butt, girlie" He rattled the chains. Abby turned and presented her large backside. Her muscles were impressive. Two large mounds of fat and muscle, twitching a little as she nervously tried to pose for the old man. Her proud body was a constant source of strength, but it felt weird moving around to the man's words, but. The heat by her crotch reinforced her obedience as she enjoyed the sensation, even when she was under distress. Strangely, feeling fear and anxiety only fueled her darker lust-ladened side.
The man stood up and sighed. He walked over to the girl and shrugged a little.
"Need to figure out whatcha be best for, girlie. I can't..." He looked so sad and frustrated. Abby waddled closer and leaned in, hugging the man.
"Thank ya, child" He cooed as he embraced her tenderly. The two exchanged warmth and comfort. Abigail was growing strangely attached to the man. She felt such a bond, and it wasn't the literal one. Tears trickled down her cheeks as his sadness and frustration made her feel so bad.
He wasn't getting anywhere with wracking his brain now. He instead swooped her off of her feet and held her in his arms. Abby wasn't prepared for the spryness of this very old man, but he was a farmer, so he was used to physical work. She was still impressed with his strength.
"Randy, need'ya ta bring this one up ta ma room and give her a bit of attention. I'll be there shortly. Can't get much more done, so might as well just make it an early night, y'know" He explained as the farmhand came walking over. Abby stared at George with big and wet eyes. She didn't say anything, but she clung to the old man. She was a bit afraid. The unknown was scary, and the future was nothing but. The shivering girl stared at the man as tears still rolled down.
"Be brave for me, child. Be with ya shortly." He wiped her tears before turning his attention to Randy.
Abby whimpered as she was handed over to Randy. Her legs fell down as the farmhand grabbed around her supple ass cheek. She was daintily delivered to the other man and he held her with such ease.
"Treat'er nice, and no bulls tonight. I be with ya in 15 min." The farmer said as he left the room. Randy turned and left the living room, heading to the stairs, ascending them. He gave Abby a simple smile as he squeezed her ass cheek. His thumb traced the lower parts of her slit. He wasn't as moved by the sadness in her eyes as he hummed to himself, carrying her off.

[Novaksus] ๐Ÿ˜ˆ Abby Chapter 1 - 36

"That's it, hold it in, don't come yet. Good girl" Randy said while he fingerfucked Abby after having brought her to a bedroom on the second floor. Abigail clenched her eyes shut as she did her best, but she couldn't hold it in for long. Moments later, she cried out and squirted into the air, covering the man's hand in nectar.
He laughed, smacking her pussy, then continued fingering her. Starting over again, Abby moaned helplessly as she tensed up, doing her very best. The feeling was absolutely intoxicating.
He was playing with her body, having fun masturbating her, and she couldn't do anything to stop him. She was paralyzed from the pleasure, and the fact that she was completely naked, only wearing a metal collar, drove her crazy. Mad from the heights of lust and depravity, she kept falling further into the black hole of debauchery.
Randy let go of her, but she couldn't help herself, she rolled over and kept fingering herself while moaning and whimpering. The heat was unbearable, she needed release, but every time she came, it only made her even hornier and more revved up.
"She seems a tad bit overstimulated, Randy. Maybe ya don't go so hard on the poor thing next time, eh? But, that aside, good job." George patted Randy's shoulder and the farmhand left the room, leaving the helpless girl to masturbate endlessly in the old man's bed.
"Hey, girlie. Stop touching yaself for a moment" George said with a sharp tone. It was what Abby needed to snap out of it. She sat up and looked at him, nervous and with wet cheeks from tears, she hoped he wasn't mad at her. She felt so useless, unable to do anything but obsess over her need for pleasure.
"I'll join ya in bed. And, no need ta be sad, child. Ya did nothing wrong" He assured her before removing his clothes.
George lied down in the bed and let a hand rest on the girl's hip.
"Ya beautiful, child. Beautiful and cute. Ya try so very hard, and ya are so strong. Don'tcha worry 'bout a thing, we'll get through this lil patch. Might need ta make a visit to Dom later, but, for now, just relax yaself"
He said, gently stroking her side as he flashed a loving smile to Abby.
"Ge... S... Sir..." She softly said, stuttering a bit.
"Ah. And, just keep calling me 'Sir'. No need for names or other titles. Keep it simple." George suggested. Having nurtured her enough, he hoped this would go over well.
George lied down and sighed. Today was not the best of days. Dom's words were lingering in his mind. He had to do something. He had grown so attached to the newest acquisition, he hadn't got the heart to just break it like the others. But...
Abby slowly crawled over, staring down at the old man with bated breath. Her cheeks flushed as her breasts swung gently back and forth as she came to a stop. She was in deep thought, her eyes staring adoringly at the man who was caring for her so very much. She had changed a lot lately, more than she could possibly have imagined. She had been groomed quite thoroughly, and her feelings for this man were basically installed into her brain during her long stay. Now, she was so very loyal to him, and she felt comfortable, even happy, when she let her insecurities take control. Unsure, she just looked at him, minutes passed. Finally, she opened her mouth.
"Sir.. I want... To help you..." She awkwardly stated. The ring on her metal collar swung around a little as she shuddered where she stood. A throb of excitement and pleasure rippled through her.

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[Novaksus] ๐Ÿ˜ˆ Abby Chapter 1 - 35

Abby turned around and clung to the old man. Crying, she was shaking. She felt so naked and afraid.
"There, there, child. Shhh... Calm calm. Be brave. It ain't the end, just a small hiccup. Dontcha fret, I been through the hoops several o'times b'fore" The man said in a comforting voice. He held her gently and let her vent her fears and sadness out. He was so used to her nakedness, he just gently held around her, feeling her butt cheeks tense up every now and then as she drew strained breaths in between long sobs.
"It's okay, baby..."
He let her take as long as she needed. And 10 minutes later, Abby felt much better. The constant barrage of supportive words from the farmer made it easier for her to regain her composure.
George gently pushed the girl off of him, urging her to stand up. He maintained a grip around the handle of the chain that was attached to the collar around the girl's neck.
"Stand and give me a pose, babygirl. Maybe..." He furrowed his wild brows as he stared at her, deep in thought.
"Eh... Sir?" Abby nervously asked as she assumed a straight pose. Her hands behind her back, and her womb mark glowing red. Abigail was so changed by the mark. It was on a subconscious level that she kept jutting her hips forth, always trying to show off her mark, and by doing so, her crotch.
"Hmm... Bein' honest, girlie, still ain't figured out what ya be best suited for... Need ta figure it out, but... Don't wanna make the wrong choice... Show me ya butt, girlie" He rattled the chains. Abby turned and presented her large backside. Her muscles were impressive. Two large mounds of fat and muscle, twitching a little as she nervously tried to pose for the old man. Her proud body was a constant source of strength, but it felt weird moving around to the man's words, but. The heat by her crotch reinforced her obedience as she enjoyed the sensation, even when she was under distress. Strangely, feeling fear and anxiety only fueled her darker lust-ladened side.
The man stood up and sighed. He walked over to the girl and shrugged a little.
"Need to figure out whatcha be best for, girlie. I can't..." He looked so sad and frustrated. Abby waddled closer and leaned in, hugging the man.
"Thank ya, child" He cooed as he embraced her tenderly. The two exchanged warmth and comfort. Abigail was growing strangely attached to the man. She felt such a bond, and it wasn't the literal one. Tears trickled down her cheeks as his sadness and frustration made her feel so bad.
He wasn't getting anywhere with wracking his brain now. He instead swooped her off of her feet and held her in his arms. Abby wasn't prepared for the spryness of this very old man, but he was a farmer, so he was used to physical work. She was still impressed with his strength.
"Randy, need'ya ta bring this one up ta ma room and give her a bit of attention. I'll be there shortly. Can't get much more done, so might as well just make it an early night, y'know" He explained as the farmhand came walking over. Abby stared at George with big and wet eyes. She didn't say anything, but she clung to the old man. She was a bit afraid. The unknown was scary, and the future was nothing but. The shivering girl stared at the man as tears still rolled down.
"Be brave for me, child. Be with ya shortly." He wiped her tears before turning his attention to Randy.
Abby whimpered as she was handed over to Randy. Her legs fell down as the farmhand grabbed around her supple ass cheek. She was daintily delivered to the other man and he held her with such ease.
"Treat'er nice, and no bulls tonight. I be with ya in 15 min." The farmer said as he left the room. Randy turned and left the living room, heading to the stairs, ascending them. He gave Abby a simple smile as he squeezed her ass cheek. His thumb traced the lower parts of her slit. He wasn't as moved by the sadness in her eyes as he hummed to himself, carrying her off.

The old man is very compassionate. It's not very common in snuff or BDSM comics. I'd rather see that instead of a violent world where people are always fighting each other. Keep it up! :)
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[Novaksus] ๐Ÿ˜ˆ Abby Chapter 1 - 37

The old man saw the state of the poor girl. She was scared, unsure, nervous, frightened, horny, lustful, groomed into a domesticated pet, and in need of release. The girl was in heat.
George figured he should take a bit of control. She was so cute and timid, he just had to taste her.
Flipping Abigail onto her back, he brought one hand to her glowing warm cunt. It was dripping wet. His lips found hers, and they embraced in a loving and passionate kiss. He was generations older than her. He was old, crooked, authoritative, and dangerous. She was young, naive, beautiful, unspoiled, and emotionally vulnerable.
Their kiss was a beautiful thing. He knew what he had done to her, and this brought him such pleasure and excitement.
After a long and loving kiss, George broke the kiss.
Abby felt more confident after the kiss. The reciprocation of such love, she couldn't help but wanting to give more. She gently pushed George back, and he lay down on his back. He had nothing against Abigail getting comfortable and intimate with him. He wanted to see how much he had managed to reprogram the girl.
A lot, it would seem. With little hesitation, the girl pulled the old man's underwear down, tossed it aside, then grabbed his cock, and began dragging her tongue up and down its large size. It was obvious she had little experience with this as she just kinda marked the cock with her tongue, wanting to show George that she was open for more. He felt relieved. Having been nervous that the experience with the bull had pushed her away from doing intimate things, but it didn't seem to be the case at all.
"Mmmh.. Good girl..." He cooed as he admired her focus.
With the praise pushing her further, the girl climbed onto the old man. She straddled him, jutting her crotch against the base of the growing cock. The gray hairs prickled against her sensitive and smooth skin.
"Heh... Now.. Ya see the problem, child?" He smirked as he leaned on his arms, getting a better view. Her expression was priceless. Scared, anxious, excited, determined, trying to hold a mask of control and power, tears welling in her eyes as she was obviously overwhelmed. Abigail pushed the mammoth phallus against her body. It was now bigger than her arm. The mental image of how deep inside of her it would reach, she moaned a little as her cunt quivered. George laughed.
"Hah! 'Fraid that would be bad for ya. And even dangerous for me. Without any procedures done, ya can't have ma cock, child".
She opened her mouth, but had nothing to respond with. She instead climbed over the cock, then sat down, resting her back against it. George lifted himself further up, meeting the ascending girl.
The two laughed a little as they met at the top before just exchanging a long and silent stare. Abby's hand graced the man's bald head. His chin bumping against her cleavage. He couldn't help but admire the beauty of her youth and innocence. She was perfect.
"Girlie... Ya something else, that fer sure" He admitted.
"Mmmh.. Sir, you're the nicest man I ever met. The best man I've ever met..." She admitted in return. The two slowly slid back down again.
"Ya can't take my cock. Just relax. No need ta try anything. Maybe with time, ya can be trained to take it. But... Fer now, let's just get some rest. I know ya haven't been able ta sleep fer long. Let me make you orgasm one last time, and we can take an early night" He said, it wasn't a suggestion, as he was already fingerfucking the young woman. She leaned back and they interlocked fingers. Humping against his hand, she moaned warmly, smiling blissfully as she let the man toy with her naked body. It felt right. And so very very good. The more she offered up herself, letting the men here do as they wanted, the more the mark glowed with warmth. She couldn't stop herself, and now, she had been so changed by it, it was impossible to go back to how she was.

[Novaksus] ๐Ÿ˜ˆ Abby Chapter 1 - 38

George, the old farmer, was snoring softly. He held around her body, and his head was resting on her. Abby was strong, her body was solid, and she could easily support the weight of George without even noticing. She felt happy that he used her as support when sleeping.
But, she woke up early. Still long until the sun would rise. She gasped. There was something in her crotch. It was burning so much, it was almost painful. She had to scratch the itch, she needed to expose her private parts. She had been covering it up all night, and it was such excruciating misery to not flaunt her cunt.
As she pulled away from the cover of the blanket, she spread her legs, lifted her hips up, and presented her vagina to the open air. The red light of the mark was glowing so brightly, the room was basking in the red hue of her unquenchable horniness. Her unending need to expose herself.
Moaning softly, she moved her hips around. In his sleep, George's hand found her breast and began kneading it. He was still fast asleep, but Abby was more than happy to give him a stress ball to play with.
She needed more...
Curse her mark. She couldn't rest, she couldn't stop herself. Bouncing up from bed, she was wide awake. Now, she needed to go get something to help... bring her more pleasure. More thrills. He had removed most of the toys downstairs, so she hoped she could find something.
He was sleeping alone for 20 minutes. He was enjoying his sleep. Such a nice way to fall asleep, a beautiful girl in his arms.
Returning, the girl leaned over the bed, checking if George was still asleep.
She stifled a moan as the sound of a vibrating toy filled the air. She had added some cuffs that she didn't find a way to lock her own hands with, a half mask that covered her lower face, and she had a clothespin attached to her clit. It vibrated at random intervals and caused her such pleasure, and some pain.
She wondered if the old man would've taken advantage of her if he found her all tied up and helpless. She didn't want to tie herself up in the basement, and she was so very close to doing just that.

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