I made a small compilation of what is available from this artist, it is not much, but that's what I could get.
Another thing to mention is that some of their packages offered on their Gumroad contain NSFW versions. If anyone has the other packages, please share them on this forum 🙏🏻
- Kemono...
Hi, Does anyone have latest mini comics and art by Bewci (Bhoomi)
Deviant: https://www.deviantart.com/bewci
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/bewci
Kemono: https://kemono.su/patreon/user/59264016
If you are a Patreon subscriber, please post the Vault Mega links from the Hideout Tier and Golden Tier Monthly Rewards posts!
Hey, can someone share any zis works.
I just found this one: https://drive.google.com/drive/mobile/folders/1-KFNP_4VElwLw-_wl_6TKGRqAw2RirzU?usp=sharing
A thread for Artwork from Sytriabyss.
Rule One:
When new art is released, one notify the rest. After that any further continually begging, will result in an
One week ban from the threat. Continuing may result in an perma-ban from the threat!
Rule Two:
Please refrain from having other...