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[Garak3D] A Desire in the Family

Pages 102 - 110 (Update)

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A Batman mom/son story is a great idea, there are not many exploring it... mostly because Batman's mom is dead, but well, the Lazarus Pit exist for a reason :p

I really hope Garak explore other IP, I've been asking for more "Back to the Future" porn parody since forever xD for a movie that literally has a mom in the past lusting for her son there's a big lack of porn about it.
Fantastic story, maybe Bruce's mom could have be/show just couple of years more (mature), but still, the plot and dialogues are what really counts, so for now i love it. Hope that entire development will be as good, and once we get to mom/son scenes, i hope those will really be hot and hard. Keep going Garak, unfortunately there aren't many more artists doing this type of stories left around.
Zipped Version With Correct Numbering. 000 - 124.


  • A Desire in the Family 0-124.zip
    A Desire in the Family 0-124.zip
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Oh man, absolutely incredible,i just love this type of "multiple" mom/son situations, great scene... Only thing, just few images of background would have been great (who are they, how they got there, and how villains got them to fuck...stuff like that) . But anyway , it's just very , very exciting scene and whole atmosphere in this comic is great, moms are realistic and really hot , as usual with Garak's art. Congrats man and thank you very, very much.
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