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[Garak3D] A Desire in the Family

Thanks again for your passion on my work! It’s all appreciated.
I’m gonna take this time to take a bit of a hiatus and work on some other projects away from the sexy comics 😉
Can’t say when I will return but I do want to thank you all for the support.

Be nice to each other! 😎👍🏻

~ Garak
Thanks for all the comics you have shared.
Maybe "Desire in the family" was your best ever.
Joker and Batman are incredible - and so is the recent bdsm sex scene.
Take all the time you need.
However, the thing is you leave us at a hell of a cliffhanger.
I, for one, will be praying for your return.

Keep safe !
@Garak3D Take care and fuel up your batteries. I wish you much success with your other projects and look forward when you come back to do sexy comics again.

Have fun and thank you for all the wonderful work you so generously share. 🍻 🍻 🍻
I hope you come back with lots of more exciting ideas and hot renders (as you always do). We'll wait for you.
Hopefully Garrak3d comes back. The story and characters were great. I have to admit the sex part of the story was not to my taste, but it wasn't bad either. I had high hopes for Jace and his mom when they would eventually come together, also young Bruce and his mom. It's up to Garak3d to want to finish this excellent story. I don't know if he will or won't, only time will tell
Can't believe Garak would leave us hanging with blue-balls, it's torturing...!!!
"Don't start what you can't finish"... that's my motto; otherwise, you'll just be jerking someone off & leaving him/her unsatisfied...!!
It's NOT fair... even though an artist has his/her own needs (I can sympathize with that), but it's still NOT right to leave someone (or some people) hanging like that...!
If only some users weren't so annoying asking for updates every day or telling him how he should write this story, maybe then he would have finished this issue by now, we don't have many content creator that post their stuff for free and with an interesting story behind, so if Garak ever returns, I hope we don't push him away with the same mistakes.
I've got a sneaky feeling this one is ending up the same as his other comics, all thanks to you know who.
We’ll definitely see. My motivation to continue definitely went waaay down on this one after no one seemed to like it or at least my perception was I was mostly getting negative. I have new pages but since they were a commission I’ve just been sending them to that person. Maybe once I get to the end I can just share everything in one heap of the guy is cool with that.
Or maybe I’ll work on Strangel! 😉
We’ll definitely see. My motivation to continue definitely went waaay down on this one after no one seemed to like it or at least my perception was I was mostly getting negative. I have new pages but since they were a commission I’ve just been sending them to that person. Maybe once I get to the end I can just share everything in one heap of the guy is cool with that.
Or maybe I’ll work on Strangel! 😉
I feel with you Garak3D and I can understand that the behaviour makes you gringe and go away, what I don't hope of course. How about finishing your work as you plan and intend and then sell it?

Haven't check if the rules of AllPornComiX allow you to post links to a selling platform though.

I encourage you to do what you love to do and let the rabble be what they are - rabble.

Cheers 🍻
We’ll definitely see. My motivation to continue definitely went waaay down on this one after no one seemed to like it or at least my perception was I was mostly getting negative. I have new pages but since they were a commission I’ve just been sending them to that person. Maybe once I get to the end I can just share everything in one heap of the guy is cool with that.
Or maybe I’ll work on Strangel! 😉
I do love all your work, specially this one. It would be a shame to not be able to see what ending you had in mind or what kind of twists you wanted to do but I understand and respect you decision and hope all the best for you!!!
i think the people that love your work just stay quiet bc of the few haters. Ik in other forums your work is always talked about as being one of the best.
We’ll definitely see. My motivation to continue definitely went waaay down on this one after no one seemed to like it or at least my perception was I was mostly getting negative. I have new pages but since they were a commission I’ve just been sending them to that person. Maybe once I get to the end I can just share everything in one heap of the guy is cool with that.
Or maybe I’ll work on Strangel! 😉
I think you, as an artist and storyteller, shouldn't be looking at community feedback as a PRIMARY source of guidance.

You should always prioritize telling the story you want to tell, in whatever pace you want. When it comes to this story, in my opinion, it's good, or at least has the potential to be. It's all about setup and payoff, and that vision, perseverance and time, both real and in-story.
Where I *personally* lose interest is in the setting itself. Because you're using already established characters in an already established universe (Batman), it feels like a parody, even though the story is original and unique, just the presence of the characters makes me feel that way.

However, I do encourage you to finish this despite the reception, whether good or bad. It'll make you feel good and most importantly, you'll improve with each finished project.

If you feel like the community perception is getting in your way of creating what you want, then you might want to reconsider the way you release your content.
Dripping content on weekly basis like Pegasus Smith, Daval3D and MandoLogica only works if your story is already set in stone and don't care about community perception influencing you, and even then that's not easy.
Pegasus Smith learned that the hard way in Au Naturel #10 with an NTR attempt, considering his audience is mainly "somewhat" pure Incest fans, that didn't go over too well and the backlash was great enough to where he wouldn't try that again. In fact, I would say that experience taught him a thing or two about pacing, character relationship development and long term storytelling. Which actually bled into his other IP "Timmy strikes back" and is very noticable when you compare the chapters that were release post AN#10 at the same time.
Keep this in mind, if you were to only listen to your audeince, you would be on your 6th IWMM issue with 30th Parker and Dawn scene by now... and a Shay scene here and there (... what, I want my Shay ♥)...
Non the less, if you're easily influenced, then this isn't the schedule for you.

I feel like the old school "make the whole comic, then ship it out all an once" approach would benefit you more, especially since your comic issues are on the longer side (343 pages of IWMM and ADitF #1 >200 pages), or you can split them into 2-3 smaller "to be contined" 100ish pages. Again, just a suggestion.
That way you can do your work in peace unifluenced by others and take feedback after.

One thing I observed with the community is, just like everywhere else, there is a silent majority and a vocal minority, so you really should just treat this platform as a way for community to discuss and argue. In my country we have a saying "Sto ljudi, sto ćudi", which means "hundred people, hundrted wonders" meaning you can't please everyone and nor should you try to.
Another thing is that "less is more" more often than not, and I'm refering to sex scenes here. It's better to have fewer with more meaning than many that feel like fetish checklist, especually with the main cast of characters. However do keep in mind that there should be a good balance of both considering these are porn comics after all.

This industry is a niche by itself and there are communites around each genre, some bigger, some smaller. However, a good story can go above that, case in point, Himero's "Bucket list", a proof that you can even make and "old man/daughter" incest appeal to a wider audience just on the back of good writing and characters.

I hope you don't see this as critique, but rather as an advice and encouragement. I do hope you continue to create, and on the side note (come on, no way you didn't expect this, I think you saw enough of my messages by now) I hope you continue IWMM story one day, I feel like that one is a lightning in a bottle filled with potential.
Best of luck mate :D
We’ll definitely see. My motivation to continue definitely went waaay down on this one after no one seemed to like it or at least my perception was I was mostly getting negative. I have new pages but since they were a commission I’ve just been sending them to that person. Maybe once I get to the end I can just share everything in one heap of the guy is cool with that.
Or maybe I’ll work on Strangel! 😉
Thanks for still checking in. For the love of God, please start I Want My Mummy 2. :cool:
That’s a good critique Chazz. I’ve been leaning towards completion first overall these days, and if that means nothing comes out … so be it. I agree.
I don’t have a schedule that allows for quick work anyway anymore so that’s mostly why I’ve had to take a step back.
Oh, I like to listen to input from people … but then it becomes “This sucks because my fetish wasn’t put in at this point …” and so forth and then the more aggressive posturing that occurs. I just wasn’t into it so I’ve just been doing things I don’t share.
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