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[Santo Fabbro] Santori stories

Cap 7 - Pag 227 - 257 (Hairless)
PS. Page numbering is decided by the author

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Hi, thanks for sharing! :giggle:

I didn't see the SS7 cover: "Test Subject".
Sorry, if I'm wrong. I attatch it.


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Bonus of the chapter 7 (16 pages)


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I hope the dog doesn't want to fuck Alex.... I really hope not, I don't like the way the story is progressing
I think the same as you (SliferSkyDragon nightwing)
To all this... Where is the sister? It would be interesting if she started playing with the dog since neither her mother nor her brother pay much attention to him. She's part of the family too!
Hello everyone.
I was told people share my work in here and so I came for a visit. Don't worry, I'm okay with it being shared in here - I'm not here to take it down.

I've read through all the comments in here I feel like I could address some things.

The file numbering of the images sure is somewhat broken. There are numbers missing here and there, even though there's no missing in-between images. It's because sometimes I had idea for an images that I didn't finish, sometimes I had to reoder the images, sometimes I was making tens of images at the same time, sometimes I was combining multiple images, and I was also uploading the images on two different websites, with two different sets of names because of how they sort the images... Yeah, sometimes it's pretty chaotic. If you're interested, at this point I already renamed all of my comics to a nicer number pattern with no missing numbers and uploaded it to my MEGA folder (which has almost all of the 3D stuff I made for free). Though I just created my account here so I can't post the link to it.

Chapters 1-5 unfortunately don't have full hairless versions. I don't have the work files for those chapters anymore so I can't even go back and make them. I could take the handful of hairless images I made back then and make a separate version out of that, but considering I made the hairless variants for just some of the images, it would be alternating between hairy and hairless variants pretty often so I didn't even bother with that.

I'm glad so many people here like my work. I'm sometimes reading about how I should stick to just this or that because people don't like various kinks I include or plan to include in my comics, but to that I can just say I simply can't please everyone. So I'm just doing comics about things I personally find hot and interesting (with just few exceptions) and for now that's probably the best course of action for me because I'm still doing all of this for free as a hobby. I'm still learning about various 3D related things and I treat this comic series as somewhat of a training grounds where I will test wide variety of different kinks and techniques. Then, after I will learn most of the things I want to learn and finish this comic series, I plan to start several new ones with more focused and thought out plot/kinks/characters. So even if this comic series won't go to your liking, hopefully you will like one of the comics I plan to do in the distant future.

For real life reasons (which I won't discuss here), I don't have any way for you to financially support me. One day I would like to make this my main source of income but for now, the best way for you to support me is simply with kind words.

Right now I have plans for 5 additional chapters but I don't have any specific plans for the sister in any of these chapters. I'm thinking about adding a chapter about a threesome between Alex/Jess/Sarah but I can't promise anything about that just yet.

If you want to ask me any questions, feel free to do so. I will occasionally check this thread when I have some free time. And sorry for the long post.
Hello everyone.
I was told people share my work in here and so I came for a visit. Don't worry, I'm okay with it being shared in here - I'm not here to take it down.

I've read through all the comments in here I feel like I could address some things.

The file numbering of the images sure is somewhat broken. There are numbers missing here and there, even though there's no missing in-between images. It's because sometimes I had idea for an images that I didn't finish, sometimes I had to reoder the images, sometimes I was making tens of images at the same time, sometimes I was combining multiple images, and I was also uploading the images on two different websites, with two different sets of names because of how they sort the images... Yeah, sometimes it's pretty chaotic. If you're interested, at this point I already renamed all of my comics to a nicer number pattern with no missing numbers and uploaded it to my MEGA folder (which has almost all of the 3D stuff I made for free). Though I just created my account here so I can't post the link to it.

Chapters 1-5 unfortunately don't have full hairless versions. I don't have the work files for those chapters anymore so I can't even go back and make them. I could take the handful of hairless images I made back then and make a separate version out of that, but considering I made the hairless variants for just some of the images, it would be alternating between hairy and hairless variants pretty often so I didn't even bother with that.

I'm glad so many people here like my work. I'm sometimes reading about how I should stick to just this or that because people don't like various kinks I include or plan to include in my comics, but to that I can just say I simply can't please everyone. So I'm just doing comics about things I personally find hot and interesting (with just few exceptions) and for now that's probably the best course of action for me because I'm still doing all of this for free as a hobby. I'm still learning about various 3D related things and I treat this comic series as somewhat of a training grounds where I will test wide variety of different kinks and techniques. Then, after I will learn most of the things I want to learn and finish this comic series, I plan to start several new ones with more focused and thought out plot/kinks/characters. So even if this comic series won't go to your liking, hopefully you will like one of the comics I plan to do in the distant future.

For real life reasons (which I won't discuss here), I don't have any way for you to financially support me. One day I would like to make this my main source of income but for now, the best way for you to support me is simply with kind words.

Right now I have plans for 5 additional chapters but I don't have any specific plans for the sister in any of these chapters. I'm thinking about adding a chapter about a threesome between Alex/Jess/Sarah but I can't promise anything about that just yet.

If you want to ask me any questions, feel free to do so. I will occasionally check this thread when I have some free time. And sorry for the long post.

I'll post the links. Thank you for your work.

Cap 1 - https://mega.nz/folder/DqRm0AzS#3AMl5u6g1Y3VmLy3smVCgQ/folder/uuxHxJqQ

Cap 2 - https://mega.nz/folder/DqRm0AzS#3AMl5u6g1Y3VmLy3smVCgQ/folder/LnwFnZiQ

Cap 3 - https://mega.nz/folder/DqRm0AzS#3AMl5u6g1Y3VmLy3smVCgQ/folder/ujwT2DJK

Cap 4 - https://mega.nz/folder/DqRm0AzS#3AMl5u6g1Y3VmLy3smVCgQ/folder/nnJ2gZQK

Cap 5 - https://mega.nz/folder/DqRm0AzS#3AMl5u6g1Y3VmLy3smVCgQ/folder/u6Z1HJRI

Cap 6 - Hairy - https://mega.nz/folder/DqRm0AzS#3AMl5u6g1Y3VmLy3smVCgQ/folder/i6wgRSaQ
Cap 6 - Hairless - https://mega.nz/folder/DqRm0AzS#3AMl5u6g1Y3VmLy3smVCgQ/folder/2qhHELqQ

Cap 7 - Hairy - https://mega.nz/folder/DqRm0AzS#3AMl5u6g1Y3VmLy3smVCgQ/folder/j6RiSbgL
Cap 7 - Hairless - https://mega.nz/folder/DqRm0AzS#3AMl5u6g1Y3VmLy3smVCgQ/folder/unojTRTQ

Cap 8 - Hairy - https://mega.nz/folder/DqRm0AzS#3AMl5u6g1Y3VmLy3smVCgQ/folder/6nZ1SDIA
Cap 7 - Hairless - https://mega.nz/folder/DqRm0AzS#3AMl5u6g1Y3VmLy3smVCgQ/folder/Sqx3XZ6A
Hello everyone.
I was told people share my work in here and so I came for a visit. Don't worry, I'm okay with it being shared in here - I'm not here to take it down.

I've read through all the comments in here I feel like I could address some things.

The file numbering of the images sure is somewhat broken. There are numbers missing here and there, even though there's no missing in-between images. It's because sometimes I had idea for an images that I didn't finish, sometimes I had to reoder the images, sometimes I was making tens of images at the same time, sometimes I was combining multiple images, and I was also uploading the images on two different websites, with two different sets of names because of how they sort the images... Yeah, sometimes it's pretty chaotic. If you're interested, at this point I already renamed all of my comics to a nicer number pattern with no missing numbers and uploaded it to my MEGA folder (which has almost all of the 3D stuff I made for free). Though I just created my account here so I can't post the link to it.

Chapters 1-5 unfortunately don't have full hairless versions. I don't have the work files for those chapters anymore so I can't even go back and make them. I could take the handful of hairless images I made back then and make a separate version out of that, but considering I made the hairless variants for just some of the images, it would be alternating between hairy and hairless variants pretty often so I didn't even bother with that.

I'm glad so many people here like my work. I'm sometimes reading about how I should stick to just this or that because people don't like various kinks I include or plan to include in my comics, but to that I can just say I simply can't please everyone. So I'm just doing comics about things I personally find hot and interesting (with just few exceptions) and for now that's probably the best course of action for me because I'm still doing all of this for free as a hobby. I'm still learning about various 3D related things and I treat this comic series as somewhat of a training grounds where I will test wide variety of different kinks and techniques. Then, after I will learn most of the things I want to learn and finish this comic series, I plan to start several new ones with more focused and thought out plot/kinks/characters. So even if this comic series won't go to your liking, hopefully you will like one of the comics I plan to do in the distant future.

For real life reasons (which I won't discuss here), I don't have any way for you to financially support me. One day I would like to make this my main source of income but for now, the best way for you to support me is simply with kind words.

Right now I have plans for 5 additional chapters but I don't have any specific plans for the sister in any of these chapters. I'm thinking about adding a chapter about a threesome between Alex/Jess/Sarah but I can't promise anything about that just yet.

If you want to ask me any questions, feel free to do so. I will occasionally check this thread when I have some free time. And sorry for the long post.

personally, I will say that I like your work but not certain things. an example is the futanari, which at least in the story that has been presented here in this thread, does not fit at all. I think this story would have a happy better direction, just between the mother and the son, because adding the sister already makes the story lose its original storyline. but it is only my opinion and I will not deviate from it.
personally, I will say that I like your work but not certain things. an example is the futanari, which at least in the story that has been presented here in this thread, does not fit at all. I think this story would have a happy better direction, just between the mother and the son, because adding the sister already makes the story lose its original storyline. but it is only my opinion and I will not deviate from it.
As for the 4th chapter, even I was asking myself if I should even make it a part of the main story or just a side comic. Looking back at it I should've just made it a side comic instead of this weird dream chapter but what can I do with it now... I think back then I made it part of the main story to kind of warn people that the comic series will eventually get really weird over time. But if anyone really doesn't like it, they can just skip it and they won't miss on anything important anyway.

As for the other futanari comic posted here, even you acknowledged it as alternate history:
Santo Fabbro, he ruined all the magic between mother and son, by making this alternate history.
so I have no idea how that ruined all the magic between the mother and son when it's not even canon... If people can't differentiate between the official story and the non related side comics, I can't do anything about that.
Now I know they are behaving really weird in that comic if that's what you're having problems with. If I had more characters ready to go back then, I would probably use different characters for that comic. I'm just re-using the same characters for different roles in the side stories because I'm intentionally keeping my character roster small so that I can more easily update them all when I learn something new because I'm still learning a lot of new basic stuff. I will start making more characters once I fully figure out most of the things about managing the character assets.

Maybe the story would have a happier direction if it was just about the mother and her son but I'm not really going for a simple happy story with this comic series. I guess in here I'm more trying to more portray struggles with sexuality similar to my own and how it can feel to get corrupted over time. About how people can be turned on even by degenerate things they despise. It's probably not the best idea to try to include these kinds of deep depressive moral thoughts in any kind of porn as it might ruin the mood for some people but I think for now I just need to vent somewhere... Happy mom-son incest story will have to wait for some of my other comic series...

Originally I added the sister because I didn't want to have so many chapters with only 2 characters but even though I'm struggling to find use for her in the future chapters, I think she might still be useful for some parts of the plot I'm trying to go for...
Originally I added the sister because I didn't want to have so many chapters with only 2 characters but even though I'm struggling to find use for her in the future chapters, I think she might still be useful for some parts of the plot I'm trying to go for...
Can you do a threesome with the sister, mom and son eventually? also i do like the dog, but like other said don't really care for the gay butt stuff. maybe in an alt comic like suggested.
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