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[Various creators] A painting/A story - A story/A painting {All AI}

[Will2power] The Amazing Mr. Henry
Women just can't seem to leave him alone in spite of the fact that all he wants is some piece and quiet.
[Will2power] Devouring the Intern
Donald broke our date for some "important business" --fine. I'll just help myself to Rick, our summer intern...
[Will2power] Azula's Happy Ending
I always wondered what happened to Azula. I imagine that Zuko spent time with her during those years and hopefully got her the help that she needed --but they never said. So in my mind, she's a fixture in the palace now --with a few eccentricities. Believe it or not, this is one of her less... outrageous outfits.

After the madness left her and the healing process was finished, I imagine that the only place where that side of Azula would resurface would be in her bed.
[Will2power] Tracer's Night Out
It's not easy saving the world. Sometimes, you just want to forget it all and do something naughty for a night or two.

Tracer's Night out Later
Emily likes to see me flirt. Not to sound too kinky, but it turns me on, too. She'll sit off out of view and watch me flirt and enjoy myself. Later on, she'll introduce herself if things get too intense --but this time I bumped into an old friend and one thing led to another...

Tracer's getting kinky all the way.
Just seeing her like this makes me so wet. At first it was just supposed to be the weekend, but after getting intense, we've decided to go all the way into whatever kinks we've wanted to indulge --No holding back. Amélie, started to protest, but introducing her to the strapon has let her know she's going with us all the way. Doug's amazing stamina is going to make sure that we all spend the week filled with cum. Just to make sure, after I finish fucking Amelie, we all are going to get our own restraints so there's no backing out.
[Will2power] Emily's turn
It's been one incredibly crazy night. Seeing me go at it, Emily decided she wanted a turn. Since we promised ourselves to go freaky deaky, Emily decided she was going to give up her anal virginity. Pulling out all the stops this week!
[Will2power] A Welcome Guest
I didn't have any idea Emily'd gotten me this gift. I seriously don't know how she got Amélie to agree to this. It's just for the rest of our "vacation," and no one can ever know she was with us, but for the rest of my time off, I can keep her and play with her as I like. It's out little secret and no one knows where she is.

I think it's part of the excitement for her. Helpless as she is, if I decided to keep her, there's no way she could prevent it. I believe it's a turn on for her to know that she's at someone's mercy... I wonder how far she'll let me go. Best Vacation EVER!
[Will2power] How to train your neighbors
Believe it or not, they're here of their own free will. Never underestimate how far a suburbanite will go to get back at their husbands. I tried to turn them off to training. I insisted that they be pierced and tatted. To my surprise, they accepted it eagerly. I told them that I don't share --I thought if they knew they couldn't have their cake and eat it too, they'd lose interest. Here they are with their piercings healed and their tattoos in place. I told them I'd be keeping them in restraints and leashed with nothing else. Neither of them have worn clothing in three weeks. They're only out of restraints to eat, sleep, wash and exercise. Linda was so impressed with how far they've come that she decided to stay over the summer and help out. I've already told them I'll be keeping them both permanently. Not one hint of protest....
[Will2power] How to train Redheads
Training redheads is a special treat. For them you have to pull out all the stops, but it's well worth it.
How to train Redheads.png
[Will2power] They Came with the Office... Honestly
I should have known that things were a little off... On my first day at work taking over the firm, my "assistant" and "paralegal" waited until I got my books unpacked to reveal the unusual circumstances of working at this firm...
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[Will2power] All at the same time
One of us... who shall remain nameless --challenged our master saying that he couldn't discipline everyone at the same time. We were sore for days after...
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[Will2power] Secret's Out
It never fails. Once word gets out on campus that you have a huge dick, you've basically got a target on your back....
Secrets Out.jpg
[Will2power] What Mom doesn't know...
We took a trip to Jamaica this summer. The only reason Mom let me go is because Aunt Vivian signed up to be my guide. Little does she know what kind of lifestyle her sister-in-law indulges in.... Now I'm hooked too. By the time the summer is over she's going to have a cow with my new tattoos...
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[Will2power] Turned out...
I used to be the man of the house. Now I'm packing my things. Ever since my wife found out about my indiscretion, she'd been cold to me. The next thing I know, she was fucking this guy brazenly on our couch, going out with her friend Brittany and staying out till all hours of the night. Then she got her piercings and she says she's getting the same kind of tats Brittany has.

I guess he's the man of my house now.
Tured Out.jpg
[Will2power] Word gets out
You try to keep a low profile, but sooner or later the word gets out that there's a F*ck Pad in your neighborhood and the next thing you know it's nothing but orgies...
Word is Out (1).jpg
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