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[Nikki S. Jenkins] The Feminization Station / Caption Stories

Uhuru N’Uru

Dec 17, 2023
WIP: Will take many posts & time to complete all these uploads. Luckily I saved the 8muses BBCode as text, so don't have to redo the written content other than redo all the images

The Feminization Station: Caption Stories by Nikki S. Jenkins​

“•Nikki S. Jenkins - Icon 1 by Uhuru N'Uru•”.PNG

With over 180 stories, and uploading reduced size cover pics for each years Catalogue Post, it will took a while to get this massive collection completely uploaded.

That's process is now Completed, and this thread is now in maintenance mode. When new content is made available, and is not reduced sized scaled images, it will be added to the catalogue. A guide to obtaining the full sized source images, when I'm no longer able to get them myself.

This is something a little different to the usual Erotic Fiction, this is the work of your typical single caption poster, common on Blogspot.
What makes this author unique, is those captions have evolved from one off panels to full blown stories.
Often with over 100 panels, all containing (by caption standards) a “Huge wall of text”, with each accompanying photo transformed and manipulated in Photoshop.

The author, “Nikki S. Jenkins” has amassed over a decade of experience.
Mostly via her second Blogspot site “The Feminization Station: TG And Sissy Captions” running from 15th August, 2011.
Prior to that her first Blogspot site was dedicated to “The Omar Bell Universe”, First Post was 6 months earlier on 14th March, 2011.
In May 2017, a serious illness, caused Nikki to lose her prior means of income, and led to the successful attempt to become a full Time creator, using Patreon.
Malicious reporting led to the demise of the Patreon, as Nikki came to the realisation that only having her own site, gave her any control of her income.
This resulted in the creation of the Premium WordPress Site, “The Feminization Station” in September 2018.

These were the source sites, now all gone (links kept for reference only).
The Omar Bell site had not been updated (with new captions), since November 2011.
The Omar Bell Universe – Blogspot Site

The Feminization Station: TG And Sissy Captions – Blogspot Site

The Feminization Station – WordPress Site

The Photoshop work, though obvious in the earliest posts, quickly improved, and become excellent by the time the her content was being sold.
This gives the author two advantages, by removing the need to find only transgender models, and being transformative enough to be considered fair use.

There is an existing Requests Forum Thread, for much of this content, but most of Premium Stories are Scaled.
Due to how WordPress works, and the authors serious lack of technical skills.
She knows how photo manipulation in Photoshop works, well enough to make the captions, but little more than that.

As a result, paying customers get automatically served scaled images, not the originals if larger than the scaled limit.
Some of the older uploaded stories (from Patreon?) in the requests thread are only 1080p for earlier premium content.

The current scaled limit is 2560 Pixels (length, or width), and any panel that exceeds that limit is scaled, it's easy to see, as the “-scaled” suffix is added to the name.

Why not use ePub, or PDF?
Due to the format being only in JPGs, rather than Text + Pictures we normally see here in the Erotic Fiction Forum, these are best treated more like an eComic would be.
Most eBook Devices, and PC eBook Readers, including Calibre's eBook Viewer, present CB7 format much better than the converted ePub, with image only content.
If you want to use a basic image viewer that can't handle the CB7 file, just use this 7-Zip context menu option
Extract to “eBook Name”

The CB7 (a renamed 7Z) file will extract to one “eBook Name” folder containing all the JPG files.
Alternatively if you prefer a different archive tool, it should have an equivalent extract command, or why should you prefer it.

Extract To “<CB7 NAME>”

[2021-07-20] Mirror – 83×JPG.CB7
Extract To “[2021-07-20] Mirror – 83×JPG”

Original Names
About 95% of the content has a standard naming scheme.

n.JPG, where
Start condition is n = 0
Then n=n+1
Until all images are numbered.

Explanation for those thinking;
“WTF that maths shit mean???”
Cover is always 0.JPG, with content starting at 1.JPG, then 2.JPG, 3.JPG …, until all pics are numbered.

I've made this standard the only acceptable original naming scheme, so some (Mostly free content) pics are not original names.
The only reason for this is to ensure correct ordering of the pics, something that those odd original names didn't always do.
So the 5% of stories that don't already follow this standard system, have been renumbered.

Also for Calibre Import reasons, mainly getting the covers to show up automatically, The CB7 comic format must be used.
The more commonly used CBZ format, will just not allow covers to appear, and you can't even browse inside the CBZ to do it manually.

If you still don't understand it yet, CBZ, is simply a zip file with the extension renamed to CBZ.
Similarly CB7, is just a renamed 7Z (7-Zip) file.

This brings up an added complication with 8muses 50MB upload limit, which requires most of the CB7 files to be split, before uploading.
As renamed 7-Zip files, extracting the contents, also removes the CB7 Archive.
Which defeats the object of using the CB7 format, that most ePub readers, including Calibre require, to display the pics as an eBook.

The solution, is to upload the entire Collection in premade folders.
Premium content is always provided as individual Caption Stories, but split into year of release folder groupings.

For the Free content, I haven't bothered with individual Story uploads.
There are way to many smaller stories, and it's all available on one, or both the author's sites.
So all “Free Content” is a mass upload, taking up just 12 split parts, rather than the 64 it would require otherwise.

Numbered, and Named File Sets
Each Folder set (By year for Premium) will have three posts (with five for the first two years, due to being over the limit).
This is entirely due to another 8muses restriction, which is the 60 Attachment Limit on each post.
Numbered, and Named File Sets, are always separate posts, to make choosing just one set much easier.
  1. Numbered Pics are Standardised numbering, which matches most original names, and now all follow that standard.
    • Cover = 0.JPG
    • Content = #.JPG
      • Where #=#+1 for each pic and N=1 is start number (No leading zeroes).
  2. Named Pics, my own preference.
    • Cover = [YYYY-MM-DD] <Book Name> by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
    • Content = [YYYY-MM-DD] <Book Name> by Nikki S. Jenkins – Page 00#.JPG
      • Where #=#+1 for each pic and #=1 is start number(leading zeroes used as needed).
        • “WTF that maths shit mean???”
        • Same as numbered content, but has zeroes in front
        • Starting at Page 001.JPG, then Page 002.JPG, Page 003.JPG …, until all pics are numbered.

Folder Structure
Free Content
Free Content is a provided as one collection, but still separated into these Folders on extraction.
TFS\[2011] Free Blog
TFS\[2011] Free Docs
TFS\1 Mini-Series
TFS\2 Uncollected

Premium Content
Premium Content is always separated into yearly Folders.
TFS\[2017] Premium
TFS\[2018] Premium
TFS\[2019] Premium
TFS\[2020] Premium
TFS\[2021] Premium
TFS\[2022] Premium

Inside these extracted folder structures, you will find CB7 files with a standardised naming convention.

Numbered Content
[YYYY-MM-DD] <Book Name> – <Number Of Panels>×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7

[2021-07-20] Mirror – 83×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7

Named Content
As the renamed files already give the author name, and because extracting the JPGs increases path length, those CB7 files are named thus
[YYYY-MM-DD] <Book Name> – <Number Of Panels>×JPG.CB7

[2021-07-20] Mirror – 83×JPG.CB7

I don't see any reason why anyone would want both named, and numbered sets, as the contents identical.
However if you accidentally extract both sets to the same place, you can use this naming difference to split them.

If anybody, does want both sets, then I strongly suggest Downloading one entire set first.
Then use my system of adding a intervening Name, and Number folder in the TFS folder, to avoid mixing up of the two sets CB7 files.

TFS\[2021] Premium
TFS\Name\[2021] Premium
TFS\Number\[2021] Premium

Download EVERY Attachment with same name.
They are single 7-Zip File Split into parts due to 8muses 50MB upload limit.
You are going to see this same warning, on every post right above the attachments.
I don't expect to see “My archive program says 1st file is incomplete”, because of course it is, it's only split 1, and you need all of them.
Uploads can occasionally break, but the most common mistake is the user error of taking just one part of a split archive, and complaining the files “incomplete”.

Note: An unwelcome, and totally unnecessary restriction of the 8muses site is it does not actually allowing 7Z file uploads.
We can fool the system, only because 7Z, and Zip use the same split archive naming scheme.
The sites file type restrictions, allows all the files with a 3 Digit numerical extension through, wrongly assuming they are split zip archives.
So if I say an Attachment is only one split file, it's just a fake split so the file can be uploaded as an attachment.
I do tell you how many parts to expect in the spoiler tags, of the attachment post, so you have no excuse for not knowing you don't have all the parts.

With over 180 Stories, of varying length, a basic synopsis, of the stories is needed.
The catalogue shows reduced size covers, alongside any additional info Nikki S. Jenkins, posted on the Blog and/or Premium sites.

The Catalogue is split into different posts, on the forum, but you can get my offline original ODT version, and a HTML conversion.

ODT version was made with LibreOffice, and has a basic Macro, to enable the Spoiler function, it's only been used on one Story.
[2013-02-15] Sensitivity Training
Author deemed the comment worth hiding, with Spoilers, so I've done so as well.
If you don't enable the Macro, you just can't show the spoiler content, but Doc works fine otherwise.
The covers in the ODT doc, are embedded, so it's a single file.

{ODT Pics Embedded} TFS – #3 Catalogue – The Feminization Station – Caption Stories by Nikki S. Jenkins.7Z.001
{ODT Pics Embedded} TFS – #3 Catalogue – The Feminization Station – Caption Stories by Nikki S. Jenkins.7Z.002

TFS\#3 Catalogue\ODT + Pics
The Feminization Station – Caption Stories by Nikki S. Jenkins.ODT

Now added a separate Pics Folder version, which is identical, except Pics are Linked, not Embedded.
Apart from the CSS file, this Pics Folder is also identical to the HTML Files folder, and can be Hard Linked, if you have both.
Don't see why anybody except me would need multiple formats, but same applies for the Number/Name variants, the contents are the same, only naming system varies. So I Hard Link them to maintain the variants without doubling storage costs.

{ODT + Pics Folder} TFS – #3 Catalogue – The Feminization Station – Caption Stories by Nikki S. Jenkins.7Z.001
{ODT + Pics Folder} TFS – #3 Catalogue – The Feminization Station – Caption Stories by Nikki S. Jenkins.7Z.002

TFS\#3 Catalogue\ODT + Pics
The Feminization Station – Caption Stories by Nikki S. Jenkins.ODT

TFS\#3 Catalogue\ODT + Pics\Files










HTML version is a Calibre conversion, but it required extensive manual editing to get it working.
The Spoiler uses the <Details> Tag, which requires HTML5 to work, all currently supported browsers should work fine, I use Pale Moon.
Which is a niche Firefox Fork, but still the best option for keeping my pre-Quantum (v57) Firefox must have extensions working.
Many have now become dedicated Pale Moon extensions, since Mozilla turned Firefox into a Chrome clone.

HTML format requires a separate Files folder for Images, and also has a CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) file with formatting info.

{HTML + Files Folder} TFS – #3 Catalogue – The Feminization Station – Caption Stories by Nikki S. Jenkins.7Z.001
{HTML + Files Folder} TFS – #3 Catalogue – The Feminization Station – Caption Stories by Nikki S. Jenkins.7Z.002

TFS\#3 Catalogue\HTML
The Feminization Station – Caption Stories by Nikki S. Jenkins.HTML

TFS\#3 Catalogue\HTML\Files










Download EVERY Attachment with same name.
They are single 7-Zip File Split into parts due to 8muses 50MB upload limit.


  • {HTML + Files Folder} TFS – #3 Catalogue – The Feminization Station – Caption Stories by Nikki...002
    15.8 MB · Views: 68
  • {HTML + Files Folder} TFS – #3 Catalogue – The Feminization Station – Caption Stories by Nikki...001
    50 MB · Views: 39
  • {ODT + Pics Folder} TFS – #3 Catalogue – The Feminization Station – Caption Stories by Nikki S...002
    34.7 MB · Views: 32
  • {ODT + Pics Folder} TFS – #3 Catalogue – The Feminization Station – Caption Stories by Nikki S...001
    50 MB · Views: 24
  • {ODT Pics Embedded} TFS – #3 Catalogue – The Feminization Station – Caption Stories by Nikki S...002
    30.8 MB · Views: 40
  • {ODT Pics Embedded} TFS – #3 Catalogue – The Feminization Station – Caption Stories by Nikki S...001
    50 MB · Views: 53

#1 Logo – The Feminization Station – TG and Sissy Captions – Blogspot Site Logo.JPG

[2011] Free Blog​

Free Caption Stories ended on the 19th February 2017, and some stories were even removed, only to be “Remastered”, and provided as free content.
Caveat their was a Mini-Series revival, during 2020, but they are posted for free on the paid site, and though also on the Blog, like Single Captions, it’s always with lower quality images, so I get even the free content, from the paid site these days, it’s always at an higher resolution, as it’s possible for the tech savvy user to access the original uploads directly, even though no user clickable links exist.



[2011-08-22] Revenge Is A Dish Best Served Feminine by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
Revenge Is A Dish Best Served Feminine
Caption Stories

This was actually one of the first caption stories I made for this site, and looking at it now, I’m still pretty happy with the result. Although, I have to say that my favourite frame is the title page.
Original Post
No Text Posted.

[2011-08-26] Subject One – My Roommate by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
Subject One: My Roommate
Caption Stories

This is an ongoing series (which I’ll be getting back to at some point) in which a pair of amoral scientists study gender roles by feminizing unsuspecting boys. I actually started this one because I liked the model, and thought she’d be easy to manipulate for my purposes. As it turned out, I got mixed results. I admit that I rushed a bit on some of the photos, but on others, I was really quite pleased (and still am) with the result.
Original Post
This is the first in a series of photo stories in which a pair of scientists decide to explore gender identity - ethics be damned.

[2011-09-04] From Boss To Secretary by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
From Boss To Secretary
Caption Stories

I love the idea of a sissy secretary, and this caption story was meant to capture that idea.
Original Post
As I’m sure some of you have realized, I really like the idea of turning the tables on a macho man. One of my favourite examples of this is taking a powerful businessman, and turning him into his own pigheaded idea of what a secretary should be. This is a simple photo story about just that. Hope you enjoy!

[2011-09-11] 3 Strikes And You're Feminized by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
3 Strikes And You’re Feminized
Caption Stories

This was my first real attempt at painting in my photo manipulation. I simply couldn’t find a suitable set of pictures from which to draw the modifications, so I just painted them myself. It’s solid as first attempts go, but I’ve definitely gotten better since then.
Original Post
No Text Posted.

[2011-09-27] Be All The Sissy You Can Be by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
Be All The Sissy You Can Be
Caption Stories

I remember being relatively proud of this caption series when I finished with it, but it didn’t get the response that I thought it might have deserved. Maybe it’s the general concept of it, that we’d pluck a sissy from basic training and force him to serve his fellow soldiers as little more than a sex toy. I don’t know. Either way, I’m still proud of it - especially the modification work.
Original Post
I’m not sure why, but I really enjoyed doing this slideshow. I think it turned out very well. Hope you all like it.

[2011-10-20] Turning The Tables by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
Turning The Tables
Caption Stories

This was a bit different than my typical caption stories. I didn’t do much (if any) manipulation of the images. I just made a background (which didn’t turn out nearly as well as I’d hoped), and started writing. The story is really fun, and I love the twist at the end.
Original Post
I found this series of photos just sitting on my hard drive today. The layouts were already done; all I had to do was write the story. It’s strange, because I only vaguely remember doing it (maybe it was at 3am when I was half asleep one morning). I have no idea what the story I originally intended was, but I like this one as it is. Hope you do too. Not a long series, but I think it’s effective.

[2011-11-01] Let The Past Stay In The Past. Nah, I’ll Just Feminize My High School Tormentors....JPG
Let The Past Stay In The Past? Nah, I’ll Just Feminize My High School Tormentors. Thanks For The Suggestion, Though.
Caption Stories

I love making these sort of plaid backgrounds. I don’t know why. They don’t look terribly great in this context. Anyway, I thought that, though it was a very simple modification job, the photos turned out very well. And the story is a personal favourite of mine.
Original Post
I was only going to do a one-photo caption for this particular story, but I had this short series of photos just sitting there, so I decided to use them instead. It’s a bit of a revenge tale (love those, in case you didn’t know already), and it’s not my greatest work, but far from my worst. The pictures aren’t bad and the story is fun. The stand-out for me, though is the background. I didn’t even intend for it to come out like that, but…well, a happy accident.

[2011-11-11] Catching Up With An Old Friend by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
Catching Up With An Old Friend
Caption Stories

I absolutely love this series. The layout stands as my favourite background that I’ve done. I think that it could almost stand as a work of art on its own accord. And then there are the pictures. I think they have absolutely top-notch photo manipulation. I remember having this set of photos sitting on my hard drive forever, and finally, over a weekend, I broke down and decided to really give it a go. It was difficult and time-consuming, but I think the results speak for themselves.
Original Post
I really liked this set of photographs. The modifications were a pain in the butt, but I think they turned out pretty well. And I love the captions. Enjoy.

[2011-11-13] Subject Two – The Personal Trainer by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
Subject Two: The Personal Trainer
Caption Stories

This is the second in the aforementioned series, and I think I did a bit better job on this set of photos. The results may not show it, but they were quite a bit harder to manipulate.
Original Post
This series chronicles two seriously unethical researchers as they try to determine whether or not the masculine gender role is genetic or if it is learned.
The first in this series can be found Above
I’ve had this one on my plate for quite a while now, but I just haven’t had the time to complete it until now. I hope you all like it.

[2012-02-11] Time – The Changing Face Of The Ideal Man by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
Time: The Changing Face Of The Ideal Man
Caption Stories

This was a fun concept I had that started with the cover and blossomed into two full articles. I love the idea of gender role reversal, and I decided to incorporate that into this article series. The layouts were kind of difficult at first, but after a few hours, it felt like second nature. And it turned out better than I ever could have expected.
With this set, I wanted to create a set of fake articles through which I could tell an alternate history. It was pretty fun, trying to get the layouts right - and using a little different style of writing than I usually employ.
Original Post
I was reading an issue of Time Magazine the other day, and I thought it would be fun to make a fake cover. I even thought about making a few fake articles, explaining this role reversed future, but I haven’t gotten around to it yet (those things can get pretty complicated).
I’m well aware that Time doesn’t publish nude models on its cover, but in my vision of this role-reversed future, nudity isn’t demonized like it is today. Even if you follow the reality of society’s views on sex and nudity, you can see that we’ve become quite a bit more relaxed about them in recent years. Is it so hard to imagine that, in a couple of decades, we will be able to appreciate the beauty of the naked human body without it being seen as perverted? I don’t think so. Either way, it’s my little imagined world, and I’ll put naked models in it if I want to.

[2012-03-03] The Womanizing CEO by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
The Womanizing CEO
Caption Stories

This short caption story was created from a picture series I didn’t even remember I had. I was just looking through my library, and when I saw them, a story popped into my mind almost immediately.
Original Post
I’ve written similar stories before, and I’ve read countless others. But there’s something about the womanizing boss who gets feminized that makes it such a fun situation to write about. Anyway, enjoy!

[2012-07-20] The Bachelorette Party by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
The Bachelorette Party
Caption Stories

This one isn’t a terribly complicated caption story. I didn’t really do much in terms of modification or anything, but it is one of my favourite concepts - a feminine boy at a bachelorette party.
Original Post
One of the things I enjoy most about doing this is writing stories that reflect the action in a given picture. Sometimes, the story matches better than at other times, but I do take quite a lot of pride in letting the two elements work together to evoke a certain emotion or tone. However, as I’ve recounted before, I tend to get a little carried away with my stories. I want so badly to write a fully-realized narrative that I sometimes forget that I have very limited space. The result is tiny, tiny font (in relation to the picture). I know I’ve given instructions about how to get around that, and how to still be able to read the caption, but it still bothers me. But the story always will come first for me. I’ll cut the story a bit, but I won’t cut it so much that it changes the flow (just to make it fit).
And that’s why I love multi-caption stories. There are no space constraints. I’m free to tell the story I want to tell, and usually I can get more into the character’s head. As a writer, that’s what I love to do. The only downside is that these things take forever to create (in comparison to the one-off captions I usually post). I can typically create a single caption in 30 minutes or so; it typically takes 2-4 hours to make a multi-caption story. With my posting schedule, it’s really, really difficult to do that very often.
So I guess we can call it a special day when I am able to post one. Today’s a special day!

[2012-09-08] Feminized Husbands – The Finalists by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
Feminized Husbands: The Finalists
Caption Stories

I’ve always loved the idea of a reality television show in which men are feminized, so it’s no surprise that when I saw TGTales’ Feminized Husbands (the second one is Here) videos on YouTube, I was enamoured with it. All of her videos are fun, but that one stuck with me from the moment I first saw it. So I decided to put my own little spin on it. Yes, I went a little more in-depth with the characters, but that’s just my style.
When I was posting it, I decided that I wanted to extend the story a little, so I let you all vote which one of these characters you wanted to see again. You chose Joey Kennedy. My favourite? I was hoping for Leo Samuels because there are so many great pictures (and it would have been a much more erotic story), but if I were voting for the most interesting character, I would have picked Randall Starks. Either way, it was fun to see how you all voted!

[2012-10-05] The F-Virus by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
The F-Virus
Caption Stories

With this set of captions, I didn’t want to do too much in terms of story. I know that sounds a little strange coming from me, but I wanted to leave this little world open for later. Basically, it’s just an account (told via mocked-up medical records) of the inexplicable feminization of random men. I did enjoy the photo modifications here, though.
Original Post
This little idea has been sitting in the back of my mind for quite some time. I know it’s not terribly original. Nor is it my best work (the photos weren’t the greatest to begin with). But I don’t know - I just like the idea of a massive, global change. I do think that this is some of my better modification work as well, so there’s that.

[2012-10-09] Actions Have Consequences by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
Actions Have Consequences

No Text Posted.

[2012-10-14] Can I Tell You A Secret by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
Can I Tell You A Secret
Caption Stories

This one was really, really fun to do for a few reasons. First, it let me start toying with the idea of showing a feminized boy still trying to be a man. I was lucky enough to find the first set of photographs which made that possible. Second, the source model was just so darn cute! This story doesn’t break new ground or anything, but I think it great for what it is - just a story about a feminized man.
Original Post
I was going to wait a few days before posting this particular story, but when I finished it, I just couldn’t wait.

[2012-10-20] Girl-A-Matic Guide – How To Feminize Your (Least) Favorite Frat Boy by Nikki S. J...JPG
Girl-A-Matic Guide: How To Feminize Your (Least) Favourite Frat Boy
Girl-A-Matic Guides

I decided to mix the format up a bit. I kept a few of ideas behind the style, but with this one, I wanted to create my own style while keeping the spirit of the old guides. The major change is that the story/guide is entirely self-contained. Rather than put the dialogue in the picture (and elaborate outside of it), I just put everything into the caption. I also decided to stick with a single model throughout for continuity. Finally, I put nudity in the caption; that’s just what I like to see in this genre.
Original Post
I really enjoyed doing the “How to Put Your Bratty Brother in Bras” Girl-A-Matic guide. I could make a very fun post while paying homage to one of the pioneers in this genre. So when it got the response it did (mostly very, very positive), I decided that I wanted to do another one. That said, I didn’t want to rehash the same old thing. I wanted to put my own little spin on it.
First: I love nudity. It allows me to really stretch my abilities in the realm of photograph modification, and, I think, it increases the eroticism of most captions. Generally speaking, the only time I use a clothed model is when I don’t have time/feel like modifying it. There are exceptions, but I prefer, in most cases, to show my sissies in all of their glory. So that was the major change I made.
Second: I wanted to use the same model for every caption. It’s not really for any particular reason; I just like the cohesive feel of it.
Third: I don’t really do the in-picture caption very well. It always feels clunky because I feel like I always choose the absolute wrong picture for it. So I used a more traditional (for me, at least) approach to the layout of the caption.
Fourth: I put the entirety of the caption, guide, and story in the pictures. Mostly, I did this so that I could re-post easily on my ImageFap account, but I do love the way it turned out.
Finally, there were a few design choices I made within the set - you’ll see them when you read it - that were for no other reason than personal taste. I’m not trying to reinvent Girl-A-Matic here; I’m just doing it within the framework of my personal style and taste. I hope I didn’t screw it up too badly! But I guess that’s up to you all.

[2012-10-29] Feminized Husbands – The Winner by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
Feminized Husbands: The Winner - The Joey Kennedy Story
Caption Stories

This was one of my more interesting projects, and I actually put it off for a while. Originally, I was just going to write a quick text story (10-15 pages) detailing Joey Kennedy’s experience on the show, but more and more, I wanted to create a caption story. So one day, I sat down, found a series of suitable pictures, and got to work. The modifications were the bulk of the work, but the story took a little longer than normal. I really wanted to blend the eroticism of the changes with the reality of what it would do to a marriage. This marks the first time I really wanted to include a “before” image, and I think it turned out pretty well (even though it took me hours to get right).
Original Post
This has been coming for a while. I’ve had the story’s basic outline done for a while, but I just hadn’t had the inclination to go ahead and do it. I don’t know - traditional text stories feel kind of naked at this point. But then the idea hit me that I don’t have to do a text story. I can do a caption story. Sure, it’s a heck of a lot of work, but in the end, I was convinced it would be worth it. So I went to work trying to find suitable pictures.
Luckily, the model I chose for the original story had quite a few options; I just had to alter a few parts of the story to fit around it.
It took forever to get these photographs modified. Some, I’m very proud of. Others, I think are merely passable. But the story is the real gem. I love the idea that you all chose which character you wanted to see more of.

[2012-11-01] Sons Of Anarchy Tribute – I Had It All by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
Sons Of Anarchy Tribute: I Had It All
Caption Stories

This is my favourite caption story so far. It looks short because of the number of frames, but it’s really quite a robust story. Couple that with the fact that it is meant as an alternative future for the television show (one of my favourite shows, believe it or not), and it really takes the idea to a different level. I also really, really love this model, and I think that this story’s modification is some of the best I’ve done. The layout was kind of fun, too. I wanted to do something different, and I think this was a good change of pace.
Original Post
So this caption story actually started out as a simple two frame story. However, I got a little carried way with it.
Some of you (who don’t have cable or who haven’t watched the show) may be a little lost, as it’s based on a television program on FX called Sons of Anarchy. I actually got the idea for the caption from a few lines of dialogue in the show, and I just ran with it.
For those who have watched the show, I took a few liberties with the story line. For those who haven’t seen it, I think most of it’s self-explanatory, and stands reasonably well on its own.
Anyway, I truly enjoyed making this set of captions, and I hope you like them too.

[2012-11-08] Girl-A-Matic Guide – How To Feminize Your Friend For Fun And Profit by Nikki S. J...JPG
Girl-A-Matic Guide: How To Feminize Your Friend For Fun And Profit
Girl-A-Matic Guides

This one is a little more “guide-like” than the others. But it also tells a better story (I think). We all know someone who has been stuck in the “friend zone”. Maybe some of you have been that person. But it’s an extremely relatable idea. We also know women who would use that situation to their advantage. And so, this little story was born from that. Probably some of my best work. I’m particularly proud of the last frame. It hardly even resembles the original photograph anymore, and it works so well with the story.

[2012-11-15] Justice by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
29 Pics - 28xJPG + 1xGIF
Caption Stories

This is (was) my longest caption story, but I think it’s worth pushing through. I had one goal when I started this caption story; I wanted to show the actual transformation of the main character, rather than pick up the story after he’s already been through the changes. To do that, I used four different models throughout this story (with varying degrees of modification). The first photograph only had the eye and face shape changed to be more in line with the model I used for the majority of the captions. The second model was largely untouched (the face is partially obscured, so you don’t really see the differences so much). However, I did modify the eye shape a little. The model had slightly slanted eyes before. The third model was the most difficult, because I had to completely change the face (I’ve only done it a few times, as it’s kind of difficult to make it blend properly). The fourth model is the final product, and was the subject of my typical modifications (mainly adding a penis in a couple of frames). This was one of my most ambitious projects, and I think it turned out really, really well.

[2013-01-11] The Power Of Suggestion by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
The Power Of Suggestion
Caption Stories

As I was modifying these pictures, I thought that, at the very least, this could be very special, visually speaking. I was lucky enough to find a male model that resembled the female model I planned to use - or at least he looked enough like her that, with only a few minor tweaks, they could pass for close siblings. Same face shape, eye shape and the like - I really only had to slightly alter the jaw line to get it to the point where it was acceptable. The caption stories are always so much more fun when I can show who the person used to be as a male.
I typically know the story I want to tell before I even start on the modifications, but with this one, I sort of did it backwards. It wasn’t until I was almost finished that I hit on a theme - show a character as he goes through hypnosis, and slowly have him “come out of it.”
The story isn’t terribly original or anything, but I do like the added realism of a drug which enables the hypnosis.
As I wrote it, however, I started to really get a feel for the characters, and the story just sort of took off. I think of this as probably my best-executed story I’ve posted onto this blog. I particularly enjoy the “fantasy” scenes. So often, I don’t get to describe the scene (that’s the shortcut the pictures provide), but with a fantasy, I can put ideas into the readers’ minds. And that’s all a writer can ever hope to achieve.
Original Post
This is one of the few caption stories I started modifying the pictures for before I had even a clue what the story was going to be. It was also originally intended to be only a few frames (maybe 5-10), but ended up being 30+. That said, I think it’s one of my most sophisticated stories yet. But you can all be the judge of that…

[2013-01-13] Step By Step – An Interracial Feminization Story by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
Step By Step: An Interracial Feminization Story
Caption Stories

Uhuru Note: See ODT Version
Original Post
As I do each time I post interracial captions, I want to preface this post by saying that I’m aware that some of you aren’t into that particular kink - for those of you who fall into this category, please understand that I’m not posting this in an attempt to offend anyone. I just happen to like the dynamics of racially charged feminization story.
That said, I’ve received mostly positive feedback on my previous interracial caption posts, so I’ve decided to post them here concurrently with ImageFap (typically, I only post them there, and then just add them to the archive). I’m not saying that I’m going to make a habit of this - it’s too early to tell - but I will say that this particular story is special. Basically, I worked on this one for a while, and I’m really, really proud of it. So I want to post it in as many locations as I can. Call it vanity.
So - if you’re into that sort of thing or you just happen to see what I consider some of my better work (in photo modification), please, continue. If not, move along! I’m just kidding, of course (if only sarcasm translated to text). I hope you all find something to enjoy here! I know I had a blast creating this one.

[2013-01-24] Military Men by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
Military Men
Caption Stories

I think the thing I’m most proud of in this story is the first frame, in which I did some facial modifications. I know that most people will overlook it, but it was really, really hard to get it right. That said, I really liked creating this story as well - it’s very different than my typical stories, and I think it ended up working really, really well.
Original Post
I’ve had this caption story finished for a couple of weeks now, but I really wasn’t happy with the first frame. It was one of those things where it simply wasn’t good enough to post, and I hadn’t had the time to re-do it before yesterday.
The core problem is that it’s really, really difficult to find quality pictures of the faces (of the types of models that I have to use for these sorts of stories). Most of them only have one facial expression (usually a generic smile), and the angles are almost always wrong. Throw in the fact that the lighting is usually wrong, low resolution images, and bad re-touching of photos, and you have a perfect combination for a frustrating process. But when I finally get it right, it’s a really satisfying feeling.
I won’t say anything I do is seamless, but I do think that a casual observer (who wasn’t previously aware of what they were looking at) might mistake the mash-ups I do for real people. And that’s good progress, I think.
Anyway, I wrote this little caption story on a bit of a lark. It’s not as serious as some of my others (though it may seem so until the very end), but it was fun to write. So I hope you all enjoy it.

[2013-01-31] A Reversal Of Fortune by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
A Reversal Of Fortune
Caption Stories

This was a fun one to do simply because it allowed me to let you all see a glimpse of a gender role reversed world in its early stages. And I did it by showing the effects on both sexes. I know it’s far from perfect, but it was definitely a fun one to create.
Original Post
From a technical standpoint, this caption story is probably my best effort to date. The modifications were fun (lots of variety), and I like the simplicity of the layout.

[2013-02-09] Making A Living by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
Making A Living
Caption Stories

With this story, I wanted to use a little different narrative device. Rather than tell a chronological story, I wanted to drop in on the protagonist in the middle of it all. Then, I would give him hints as to his former life until finally, we see the whole story. It was a fun idea simply because it was so different from my normal stuff. That, and I think the “before” pictures were quite good.
Original Post
This one was sitting on my hard drive for a while, waiting to be posted. Hope you all enjoy it.

[2013-02-11] First by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG

I intended to post this story when we hit 3 million visitors, but it wasn’t quite finished yesterday. It’s a little shorter than the stories I’ve been focusing on, and really only focuses on a single instance. It’s sort of like a really long one-off caption rather than the stories I’ve been posting recently.
Still, I think it’s a very effective, and kind of sweet caption (in a dirty, sexy way). I hope you all like it.

[2013-02-15] Sensitivity Training by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
Sensitivity Training
Caption Stories

I enjoyed creating this caption story because it presented a very unique challenge in that I wanted to show the protagonist at different stages of the transformation. To do that, I had to use quite a few different models (to varying degrees of success). A few look seamless while others are clearly early attempts. Still, I think it’s a very important step in the process of creating true transformation stories (rather than “before and after” stories).
Original Post
From a technical standpoint, this is easily my most ambitious project to date, and it was probably the most difficult caption story I’ve created thus far. It’s a longer caption story (34 frames and almost 20 pages of text). I’m sure it could have been told in few frames/words, but I had this notion that I wanted to really show the stages of transformation. And while a lot of the transition pictures aren’t perfect, it’s about as close as I can get at this stage. I actually had to re-do four or five of these from scratch because I wasn’t satisfied with the initial result.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy it, because I’m really quite proud of the final work. More commentary after the story (don’t want to spoil it for you!). Enjoy!
Spoiler Warning: Click “Spoiler” box, below to see the “More commentary after the story”.
The decision to use this particular model (named Jana Horova along with a slew of A.K.A.‘s) came from the picture featured in the seventh frame (tiny pink weights). That picture was originally supposed to be the second or third frame, but early on, I decided I wanted to see what I could do with showing the physical transition. So, the number of “before frames jumped from 1-2 to six (or eight, depending on where you draw the line).
I used no less than seven different body models to achieve the transitional effect, and there are a couple where you can’t really tell that I swapped the faces around; that means that I spent A Lot of time searching for suitable pictures. Some were originally black and white. Some were changed to black and white simply because I haven’t come close to mastering color yet (I’m getting a lot better, though). Others, I changed for dramatic effect.
Stylistically, these aren’t really that different from most my recent caption designs. Extend the picture, put a box and a frame on it. Nothing special. Though there were a few of them that gave me fits (because the original photographer doesn’t know how to compose a scene properly). On these longer caption stories, the framing is probably my least favourite part. It’s so tedious that sometimes, the photographs sit on my hard drive for weeks, waiting to be framed (though I jumped right into this one).
The story itself isn’t terribly groundbreaking, but that was by design. I’m not saying that it’s not a good (I wouldn’t publish it if I didn’t think it was solid) - just not terribly original. But I suppose it’s almost an archetype in this genre for a reason - it works. My favourite thing about the story is how it serves the visual aspect; the slow, deliberate transition coupled with the protagonist’s eyes gradually opening to what he’s becoming.
The story actually had a final frame (just text) where I detailed exactly how he was changed. But it felt kind of tacked on, and I think it works better leaving it open-ended. Besides, who’s to say I won’t revisit this character with a sequel?
[2013-10-03] A Tale Of Two Sissies by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
A Tale Of Two Sissies
Caption Stories

At 48 frames, this is easily the longest caption story I’ve written, and rightly so. It’s actually two interconnected stories, so it had to be slightly longer than usual. The story itself is fun, and I think, decently written. And I’ve been wanting to use Tanner Mayes as a primary model for a while. The photo manipulations turned out pretty well, and the whole thing came together pretty nicely.
Original Post
I’ve had this caption story prepped for quite a while. That means that I’d finished modifying and framing the pictures; I only lacked the actual story. Writing a story like this takes a while simply because of its length. At almost 50 frames, this is easily my longest caption story. I certainly didn’t intend for it to be this long, but I kept finding pictures I liked, so the story kept growing. I still didn’t get to use all of the pictures I wanted to, either.
That said, this is a unique story because it involves two different transformations (hence the name - it has no more literary meaning than that). I’m quite proud of some of the modifications here, so I hope you all enjoy them as much as I enjoyed creating them.

[2013-12-24] Fitting In by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
Fitting In
Caption Stories

This is probably my most complete caption story to date, in that the photo manipulation is the most consistent I’ve done and the story is decent. I know that interracial stories aren’t necessarily everyone’s cup of tea, but I do believe this is one of the best examples of my work.
This is little more than a silly, little interracial story that deals with a particularly impressionable (and feminine) white sissy in an all-black fraternity.

[2014-01-15] Boikini Season by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
Boikini Season
Caption Stories

This one is a simple concept inspired by TG Tales’ The Feminized Husbands Game Show. As that might imply, the framework is that of a contest between feminized men. Should be a fun detraction from my normal, more serious fare.
I had these pictures sitting on my hard drive for almost six months before I decided to do something with them. I’m always a big fan of feminization contests, and this one fit that bill quite nicely.
Original Post
This one’s been sitting on the back burner for a while now. It was inspired by a video called The Feminized Husbands Game Show created for the TG Tales channel on YouTube. If I haven’t mentioned it before, the videos created for that channel are absolutely fantastic, and deserve to be seen by anyone who enjoys TG fiction.
I’ve done similar caption series’ before, but I wanted to do something a little more “fun” with this one. Hope you all like it.

[2014-03-04] Rehabilitation by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
Caption Stories

This one’s set in a “Reparations” universe, and centres around the consequences of bucking the system. As you might guess, those consequences include complete feminization for those white males who refuse to participate in “Reparations” day.
Original Post
This story was originally going to be much, much shorter. I envisioned a quick, 10-frame caption series which I could knock out in a few hours. But as happens sometimes, I sort of got carried away by the story. As it grew, I realized that it could easily morph from an individual story to a much larger picture of an entire society - as told from the original protagonist’s perspective. I think I accomplished that.
However, I will revisit this at a later date, adding other perspectives. Either way, I hope you enjoy this one.

[2014-03-08] Gynarchy by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
Caption Stories

I originally thought this would be a text story, but as I was writing it, I had this idea that I could insert some modified “selfies” which could give the reader a bit better idea just how far the changes had come. Using low-quality pictures like this can be frustrating sometimes, but if its done correctly, it can also be virtually indistinguishable form the real deal. I can only hope that, with at least a few of them, I did it right.
Original Post
As you all know, I enjoy gender role reversal. I’ve said a few times that I also really like to build worlds - maybe it’s an alternate history. Or perhaps it’s in the near future. Either way, I’ve always had a soft spot for stories which combine gender role reversal and world-building. I’ve even tried my hand at it a few times (the fake Time articles and, to a lesser extent, the Omar Bell and Reparations stories) to varying degrees of success. In any event, it’s something that I think about quite a lot, so this caption series practically wrote itself.
I actually intended it to be a stand-alone text story, but I realized that it’s far more fun if you can see it. I’m really glad that I decided to do the pictures, too, because I think a lot of them turned out really fantastic. I hope you all think so too, and I hope you enjoy the story!

[2014-03-28] Black-Daddy.com by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
Caption Stories

This series depicts a dating site catering to black men and white sissies.

[2014-04-02] Daddy by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
Caption Stories

This is another series set in a “Reparations” universe, and depicts a black-cock addicted, white sissy who will do anything to get his fix.
Original Post
This is a bit of a throwback caption series for me in that I didn’t do any “before” pictures, and it’s pretty short. That said, I think it works really well for what it is.
This is inspired by a caption story created at Interracial Sissy Captions (great work going on over there - check it out). The caption series which inspired it can be found at Part One and Part Two. It’s actually based on one simple line in which the protagonist of that story says that his dad kicked him out. I wanted to explore how that father would react to becoming addicted to black cock. I know it’s not a terribly original concept, but like I said, I think it works. That, and I also think that the photo modification in this is nearly flawless. I can pick out the flaws, but the average viewer probably won’t.
I know that some of you aren’t really into the interracial stuff, so those of you who find it offensive, you may want to skip this one. For those of you like me, though - enjoy!

[2014-11-06] Girl-A-Matic Guide – How To Feminize Your Philandering Fiancee by Nikki S. Jenkin...JPG
Girl-A-Matic Guide: How To Feminize Your Philandering Fiancee
Girl-A-Matic Guides

This one is a little more “guide-like” than the others. But it also tells a better story (I think). We all know someone who has been stuck in the “friend zone”. Maybe some of you have been that person. But it’s an extremely relatable idea. We also know women who would use that situation to their advantage. And so, this little story was born from that. Probably some of my best work. I’m particularly proud of the last frame. It hardly even resembles the original photograph anymore, and it works so well with the story.
Original Post
I’ve been wanting to do a Girl-A-Matic guide for a while, but I just couldn’t seem to find the proper inspiration to justify the work. All of the longer caption stories take a fair amount of work, but the Girl-A-Matic guides take it to a bit of an extreme. Not only do I have to find the proper photographs, but I have to figure out a good layout for each frame. I’m still not certain how well that part of this series really turned out.
Anyway - enough of that. You all aren’t here to listen to me whine that kind of stuff. So here it is - the first Girl-A-Matic caption series in over two years…

[2015-05-06] A Perfect Couple by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
A Perfect Couple
Original Post

I’ll be the first to admit that I went a little overboard with this particular project. While I was able to hammer it out fairly quickly (about two weeks, from start to finish), it stands as my most ambitious project to date. It’s a complicated story coupled with complicated transformations. The end result was that I used more models in this story than I’ve ever used before (like, way more).
That said, I am extremely proud of the end result - particularly the gradual nature of the transformations. I know I could have cut some corners (especially with the various face swaps - sunglasses, back turned, etc.), but I chose not to because I approached this as a challenge. And I think, because of the difficulty involved, I grew as an artist. For someone who has been doing this for as long as I have, that’s fairly rare. And, I think, that makes it worthwhile.
So I hope you all enjoy it.

[2015-06-06] Game Of Thrones Homage – A Khal No More by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
Game Of Thrones Homage: A Khal No More
Caption Stories

I wrote this right after a Game of Thrones binge. Love the show, and I wanted to make something in that world. Short but sweet.
Original Post
I’ve been a fan of the HBO series, Game of Thrones for a while. Not only does it contain some really great stories, but it’s also a shining example of how to bring a world to life. The production values are outstanding, the acting is top-notch, and the writing is superb.
So naturally, I decided to do an homage - taking a pivotal moment in the series, and putting my own spin on it. Originally, this was going to be a single-caption story, but I decided to make it a bit longer.
Hopefully you guys will enjoy it.

[2016-01-19] Method Actor by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
Method Actor

This isn’t a terribly long caption story (I put it together in a couple of hours), but I like it.I hope you do too!
#1 Logo – The Feminization Station – TG and Sissy Captions – Blogspot Site Logo.JPG

[2011] Free Docs​


[2012-04-15] Entertainment Weekly – The Feminizers by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
Entertainment Weekly: The Feminizers
Caption Stories

This little series was born from the cover image. I don’t remember where I found it, but I quite liked the role reversal. The woman in the tuxedo surrounded by beautiful women was just too much to resist. And so, I created a little gender role reversal contest to justify that one picture.
It’s a little ironic, really, that I chose to make it an Entertainment Weekly article because some of my modification work is sub-par (I didn’t really have time to do it justice, and some of the pictures just weren’t cooperating). The irony, of course, is that EW is known for its shoddy Photoshop work.
[2012-09-16] Men’s Fashion by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
Men’s Fashion
Caption Stories

With this set, I wanted to show the different stages of how men’s fashion had changed (within the alternate role-reversed future). From suits to skirts, it was a fun little idea.
[2012-09-18] The Evolving Male Body by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
The Evolving Male Body
Caption Stories

I did a series of gender role reversal stories in which I recounted how a specific aspect of male life had changed. The first of these was one depicting a half century’s worth of changes to the ideal male body. With this set of pictures, I was beginning to experiment with my artistic capabilities within Photoshop. Love the idea, still not crazy about the execution. But it was a vital step toward creating more original art.
[2012-09-26] The Extinction Of The Japanese Man by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
The Extinction Of The Japanese Man
Caption Stories

I’ve seen quite a few stories about how men in Japan are becoming increasingly more feminine (in their attire, mannerisms, and cultural expectations). So I chose to create a short history depicting their feminization.
[2012-10-02] Girl-A-Matic Guide – How To Put Your Bratty Brother In Bras by Nikki S. Jenkins –...JPG
Girl-A-Matic Guide: How To Put Your Bratty Brother In Bras
ODT + 11xJPG
Girl-A-Matic Guides

I had created a few single captions in the Girl-A-Matic style, but this was my first attempt at a full guide. While true to the original format (even the cover is nearly identical to the original style), I didn’t think this was my best work. It was fun, and I was happy with it in the end, but I couldn’t help shaking the feeling that I could have done better. Either way, it was a really popular project, and was the beginning of my most popular series to date.
Original Post
I’ve had a few requests lately, asking me to try my hand at a Girl-A-Matic guide. I’ve always loved the originals, so I decided to do it.
For those who would like to see my inspiration, you can find the original Girl-A-Matic Here.
[2013-01-13] Step By Step – An Interracial Feminization Story – Annotated by Nikki S. Jenkins ...JPG
Step By Step: An Interracial Feminization Story - Annotated
ODT + 24xJPG
Caption Stories

Note:This wasn’t posted with the accompanying commentary seen in this ODT originally.
The Commentary was added to each picture, in the Caption Stories repost, rather than just the usual short introductory comments, which are just added to this document for the other reposts.

These comments only make sense as originally posted, so it gets it’s own ODT, plus the order of the 2nd, and 3rd from last posts is reversed.​
[2013-02-25] College Changes A Boy by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
College Changes A Boy
ODT + 17xJPG

I’m a big fan of Taylor Jordan’s series “College Changes a Boy” (Uhuru >Edit: Included in ODT file) which is published on Fictionmania. I submit that it’s one of the absolute best examples of pure feminization eroticism; at least it’s one of the best I’ve ever read.
I even did an homage illustration a few months ago (Uhuru Edit: This Cover).
Originally, I intended to post a series of illustrations, but I sort of got side tracked (and to be honest, I wasn’t terribly happy with how some of my illustrations turned out). Either way, that idea got put on the back burner until Taylor started posting new instalments (which brought that ambition back to the forefront).
And so, I found a suitable model, and I started working on some visual aids for his story.
I recommend that you read the story (Uhuru Edit: Eight parts and Unfinished [2013-02-23] was last post) before you look at my contribution.
I decided to post my pictures chronologically rather than in the story’s order (visually, it has more impact that way). I hope you all enjoy it. Also, give Taylor some positive reviews so he continues to write this terrific story.
I do want to reiterate that this is not my story. While I reworded it, and wrote it from the antagonist’s perspective, it is still Taylor Jordan’s story. I simply wrote this as an homage to his work.
[2013-03-02] The Program by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
The Program
ODT + 21xJPG

I’ve had this story brewing for quite a while. Originally, it was only going to be around ten frames, but as I wrote it, I realized that it required quite a lot of back story. That realization coupled with my affinity for world-building, and the story grew. I wanted it to be a relatively short (text-wise) story at around 5-7 pages, but it ended up being over 20.
I usually have no issue with longer stories, but with this, that meant that I needed to find more “before” pictures to modify. It’s difficult sometimes to find suitable pictures simply because porn stars (which I invariably use - who else has a plethora of naked pictures sitting on the internet?) really aren’t known for changing facial expressions. They usually only have two or three (happy, indifferent, and mid-coitus). So I have to convey the situation with words and body language. Those sorts of pictures can be sort of difficult to find.
I have noticed something, though. Men are vain - probably more so than women. I know that goes against the stereotype, so let me explain. When I’m looking for pictures to use, I’ve noticed that all women need is a camera and a mirror. They don’t think anything of putting a picture with bad light and no production value on the internet. Men (at least the ones who will put a picture on the internet) aren’t like that, however. They have to have good light. They need production value. And they almost always “fix” it in Photoshop. The issue is that those pictures aren’t really suitable for my purposes. I want unaltered pictures. I don’t want them airbrushed. I don’t want them desaturated. I want raw pictures. Bumps, bruises, and bad lighting - that’s what I need to get the best results. Sadly, that rarely happens with pictures of men.
Anyway, once the story was complete, I realized that I needed about four more “before” pictures. It actually took quite a while to get those pictures right. I considered incorporating the “history” section into captions, but I ended up realizing that stock photos of doctors and politicians would have looked cheesy. In the end, I’m happy with the final result. I hope you all enjoy it.
[2014-05-01] Progress – A Gender Role-Reversed Future by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
Progress: A Gender Role-Reversed Future
ODT + 19xJPG

As most of you know, I’m a huge fan of gender role reversal worlds - specifically, how masculinity might evolve in the future. I’ve done projects and stories detailing my vision multiple times, but I never seem to get enough. I know that there are probably people out there who don’t get into that sort of thing, so I say to you folks - just look at the pretty pictures! Some of the modifications I made for this series were really good, so I hope you all enjoy at least that part.
Anyway, I also used a slightly different layout for this one. Instead of doing self-contained captioned pictures, I decided to separate the pictures and text. Part of it was just my being lazy (framing these pictures is a pain sometimes), but part of it is that I wanted to do something different. I’m reasonably happy with how it turned out, too. So there’s that.
Hope you all like it!
[2014-08-18] The Justin Bieber Story by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
The Justin Bieber Story
ODT + 26xJPG

The following is a fan request I’ve been working on for quite a while. It wasn’t the easiest thing I’ve ever done, and I had to start over a few times, but I think the final result is pretty good. I’m not going to say that it’s perfect; it isn’t. But if you suspend disbelief, I think it’s fairly enjoyable.
[2014-11-19] College Changes A Boy – Summer’s Over by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
College Changes A Boy: Summer’s Over
ODT + 22xJPG

I’ve mentioned a few times how much I like the series College Changes a Boy by Taylor Jordan. I don’t know what it is, but there’s just something about it that pushes all of the right buttons for me. Because I’m a fan, I decided to make a couple of tribute pieces for the stories - Uhuru Edit: See first story listed above - that were met with largely positive reactions. Even the story’s original author liked the last one.
Sadly, though, the story hasn’t been updated in quite a while. Taylor, it seems, has been dealing with some real life time constraints, so the story hasn’t had a new instalment in almost two years. Because I love the premise, I decided to write my own addition to the story.
[2016-01-24] Like Mother, Like Son by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
Like Mother, Like Son

With this story, I’m doing something a little different from what I normally do - specifically, I didn’t really write captions so much as an illustrated story. It’s an important distinction because, with the caption stories, I use the pictures to guide the narrative. With this one, however, I wrote the story, and sprinkled the photos in to accentuate it.
I don’t foresee this being the norm or anything, but I do like to change it up from time to time (as the story dictates). Hope you like it.

#1 Logo – The Feminization Station – Wordpress Site Banner.JPG

1 Mini-Series​


[2020-05-15] The Vacation by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
The Vacation

A man experiences an amazing transformation when he and his wife go on a vacation to an exclusive resort.
Original Post
Okay, so this is the last in the little mini-series I’ve been doing. I didn’t originally intend to do four captions on it, but I liked the model enough that I wanted to continue the story. Anyway, hope you all liked it.
[2020-05-24] Adjusting To The Quarantine by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
Adjusting To The Quarantine

During a pandemic, when a man and a woman are quarantined, she insists that he earns his keep by acting as her maid, complete with his own uniform.
Original Post
Because the last couple of mini-series have been well-received, I decided to do another. I’m not sure how long this one will be yet, but I’m looking forward to it!
[2020-06-18] Infatuation by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG

After a woman catches her long time boyfriend cheating, she makes it clear that it’s her way or the highway, sending him down the path toward feminization. Features Tiffany Brookes.
Original Post
This is the conclusion of “Infatuation”. I had fun writing it, and I hope you all enjoyed reading it.
[2020-06-21] Attention Whore by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
Attention Whore

A lifelong cross-player (a cosplayer who likes to crossdress as female characters) makes a bet with his stepsister that culminates in him reawakening his need for femininity as well as a fetish for attention, domination, and humiliation. Features Zoe Bloom.
Original Post
Alright - so this story actually ended up being a bit longer than anticipated (I was going for around 18 frames, but it ended up being 24), but I think it turned out pretty well. It got a bit weird, but I think that’s the only way it could’ve gone. In any case, here are the final two frames of “Attention Whore”. I hope you like them.
[2020-08-24] Homecoming by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG

In an homage to “College Changes a Boy”, Homecoming focuses on a transformed young man as he comes home from studying overseas. Features Naomi Woods.
Original Post
So - that’s it for now for this one. I know I’m leaving it as a bit of a cliffhanger, but that’s intentional because I want to continue the story sometime in the future (either with another mini-series or with a full caption story). Also, some eagle-eyed readers have noticed that this story is similar to “College Changes a Boy”. That’s also by design. I wanted to write a proper homage to one of my favourite pieces of forced feminization fiction.
[2020-11-06] A Favor For A Friend by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
A Favor For A Friend

A young man poses as his friend’s girlfriend, but the role soon takes on a life of its own. Featuring Cadey Mercury.
Original Post
Alright - so that’s a (not so) mini-series finished. It kind of went on longer than I expected, but I think it worked out really well. I liked writing it, at least, so there’s that.
[2021-01-16] Whatever It Takes by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
Whatever It Takes

Under the guise of helping him to come out of his shell, a young man is manipulated into womanhood by his best friend. Features Tia Cyrus.
Original Post
And so comes the end of another mini-series. Tomorrow, I’ll publish the latest caption story, and then the day after that, I’ll get back to posting single-frame captions for a while. Anyway, hope you enjoyed this one!
[2021-02-21] Summer Love by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
Summer Love

A young man is forced to spend the summer as a girl. Features Sophia Lux and Brooke Haze.
Original Post
Alright - so that’s it for this spontaneous mini-series. It wasn’t planned or anything, but I enjoyed writing it. I hope you all enjoyed reading it.
[2021-03-14] Ski Trip by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
Ski Trip

After his clothes are ruined during a ski vacation with his friends, a young man is forced to wear women’s clothing.
Original Post
No Text Posted.
[2021-04-30] Secretary by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG

An young man, eager to please his father, joins the secretarial pool only to find it populated entirely by feminized men. Wanting to be the best he can be, he submits to feminization. Features Abigail B.
Original Post
And that’s it, folks! The story actually went on longer than I anticipated, but I kind of ran out of usable pictures. There are plenty of the model in various costumes, but I thought that would get kind of redundant. In any case, I think the story ended quite satisfyingly.

#1 Logo – The Feminization Station – TG and Sissy Captions – Blogspot Site Logo.JPG

2 Uncollected​


[2016-06-04] The Farm by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
The Farm

No Text Posted.
Original Single Posts
[2014-06-09] Feminization Caption - The Farm
[2014-08-25] Feminization Caption - The Farm 2
[2015-06-04] Forced Feminization Caption - The Farm 3
[2016-06-04] Forced Feminization Caption - The Farm, Vol. 4
[2021-03-03] Sissy Island by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
Sissy Island

No Text Posted.
Original Single Posts
[2021-02-25] Sissy Caption - Sissy Island
[2021-03-03] Sissy Caption - Sissy Island No. 2
[2021-03-18] Welcome Home by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
Welcome Home

No Text Posted.
Original Double Post
[2021-03-18] TG Captions - Welcome Home - Pic 1
[2021-03-18] TG Captions - Welcome Home - Pic 2
[2021-05-22] A Reason For Being by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
A Reason For Being

I’m going to be out of town for a couple of days, so I won’t be posting anything until late Sunday evening or Monday. To compensate, I did a two-frame caption today!
Original Double Post
[2021-05-22] TG Captions - A Reason For Being - Pic 1
[2021-05-22] TG Captions - A Reason For Being - Pic 2

Numbered Files – CB7 [2011] Free Blog + 1 Mini-Series + 2 Uncollected – ODT + JPG [2011] Free Docs

Download EVERY Attachment with same Number, they are just one 7-Zip File Split due to 8muses 50MB upload limit.

To ensure you have all the attachments you can check this Spoilered list
Number – CB7 [2011] Free Blog + 1 Mini-Series + 2 Uncollected – ODT + JPG [2011] Free Docs.7Z.001
Number – CB7 [2011] Free Blog + 1 Mini-Series + 2 Uncollected – ODT + JPG [2011] Free Docs.7Z.002
Number – CB7 [2011] Free Blog + 1 Mini-Series + 2 Uncollected – ODT + JPG [2011] Free Docs.7Z.003
Number – CB7 [2011] Free Blog + 1 Mini-Series + 2 Uncollected – ODT + JPG [2011] Free Docs.7Z.004
Number – CB7 [2011] Free Blog + 1 Mini-Series + 2 Uncollected – ODT + JPG [2011] Free Docs.7Z.005
Number – CB7 [2011] Free Blog + 1 Mini-Series + 2 Uncollected – ODT + JPG [2011] Free Docs.7Z.006
Number – CB7 [2011] Free Blog + 1 Mini-Series + 2 Uncollected – ODT + JPG [2011] Free Docs.7Z.007
Number – CB7 [2011] Free Blog + 1 Mini-Series + 2 Uncollected – ODT + JPG [2011] Free Docs.7Z.008
Number – CB7 [2011] Free Blog + 1 Mini-Series + 2 Uncollected – ODT + JPG [2011] Free Docs.7Z.009
Number – CB7 [2011] Free Blog + 1 Mini-Series + 2 Uncollected – ODT + JPG [2011] Free Docs.7Z.010
Number – CB7 [2011] Free Blog + 1 Mini-Series + 2 Uncollected – ODT + JPG [2011] Free Docs.7Z.011
Number – CB7 [2011] Free Blog + 1 Mini-Series + 2 Uncollected – ODT + JPG [2011] Free Docs.7Z.012
Numbered CB7 [Files – [2011] Free Blog

"Extract here" using 7-Zip will give you this folder structure
TFS\[2011] Free Blog\
TFS\[2011] Free Docs\
TFS\[2011] Free Docs\JPG\
TFS\1 Mini-Series\
TFS\2 Uncollected\

Numbered CB7 Files – [2011] Free Blog

[2011-08-22] Revenge Is A Dish Best Served Feminine – 11×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2011-08-26] Subject One – My Roommate – 18×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2011-09-04] From Boss To Secretary – 13×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2011-09-11] 3 Strikes And You're Feminized – 11×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2011-09-27] Be All The Sissy You Can Be – 14×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2011-10-20] Turning The Tables – 10×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2011-11-01] Let The Past Stay In The Past – 5×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2011-11-11] Catching Up With An Old Friend – 6×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2011-11-13] Subject Two – The Personal Trainer – 15×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2012-02-11] Time – The Changing Face Of The Ideal Man – 6×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2012-03-03] The Womanizing CEO – 9×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2012-07-20] The Bachelorette Party – 13×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2012-09-08] Feminized Husbands – The Finalists – 20×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2012-10-05] The F-Virus – 5×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2012-10-09] Actions Have Consequences – 16×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2012-10-14] Can I Tell You A Secret – 17×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2012-10-20] Girl-A-Matic Guide – How To Feminize Your (Least) Favorite Frat Boy – 13×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2012-10-29] Feminized Husbands – The Winner – The Joey Kennedy Story – 25×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2012-11-01] Sons Of Anarchy Tribute – I Had It All – 9×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2012-11-08] Girl-A-Matic Guide – How To Feminize Your Friend For Fun And Profit – 15×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2012-11-15] Justice – 29 Pics – 28×JPG + 1×GIF by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2013-01-11] The Power Of Suggestion – 36×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2013-01-13] Step By Step – An Interracial Feminization Story – 25×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2013-01-24] Military Men – 22×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2013-01-31] A Reversal Of Fortune – 25×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2013-02-09] Making A Living – 23×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2013-02-11] First – 7×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2013-02-15] Sensitivity Training – 35×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2013-10-03] A Tale Of Two Sissies – 49×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2013-12-24] Fitting In – 18×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2014-01-15] Boikini Season – 17×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2014-03-04] Rehabilitation – 30×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2014-03-08] Gynarchy – 21×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2014-03-28] Black-Daddy.com – 12×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2014-04-02] Daddy – 9×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2014-11-06] Girl-A-Matic Guide – How To Feminize Your Philandering Fiancee – 19×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2015-05-06] A Perfect Couple – 40×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2015-06-06] Game Of Thrones Homage – A Khal No More – 13×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2016-01-19] Method Actor – 6×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7

Numbered ODT Files – [2011] Free Docs

Unlike other all the CB7 files, free docs, had additional text not included in the JPG files, currently these are my own custom made ODT Files with embedded JPGs, so these are the same whether you select Numbered, or Numberd versions

[2012-04-15] Entertainment Weekly – The Feminizers by Nikki S. Jenkins.ODT
[2012-09-16] Men’s Fashion by Nikki S. Jenkins.ODT
[2012-09-18] The Evolving Male Body by Nikki S. Jenkins.ODT
[2012-09-26] The Extinction Of The Japanese Man by Nikki S. Jenkins.ODT
[2012-10-02] Girl-A-Matic – How To Put Your Bratty Brother In Bras by Nikki S. Jenkins.ODT
[2013-01-13] Step By Step – An Interracial Feminization Story – Annotated – 25×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.ODT
[2013-02-25] College Changes A Boy by Taylor Jordon And Nikki S. Jenkins.ODT
[2013-03-02] The Program by Nikki S. Jenkins.ODT
[2014-05-01] Progress – A Gender Role-Reversed Future by Nikki S. Jenkins.ODT
[2014-08-18] The Justin Bieber Story by Nikki S. Jenkins.ODT
[2014-11-19] College Changes A Boy – Summer’s Over by Nikki S. Jenkins.ODT
[2016-01-24] Like Mother, Like Son by Nikki S. Jenkins.ODT

What is different though is the accompanied JPG files, though these are not required by the ODT, they do follow my established standards for Numbered/Numberd versions, but making a CB7 of such partial content is pointless, so they are loose images, within folders using each Free Doc Number.
Any potential future HTML conversion attempt will need these files, and that HTML could become the base content used for future ePub, and PDF conversions. The ODT doesn't follow Calibre's nonsensical formatting restrictions, and auto conversions are useless, but as ePub is based on the HTML format, those should work much better.
It's too much extra work for me to consider currently, when the docs content is always available on the Free Blog site.
So for now you just get my ODT versions, and the JPGs for any DIY option.

Numbered JPG Folders – [2011] Free Docs

[2012-04-15] Entertainment Weekly – The Feminizers
[2012-09-16] Men’s Fashion
[2012-09-18] The Evolving Male Body
[2012-09-26] The Extinction Of The Japanese Man
[2012-10-02] Girl-A-Matic Guide – How To Put Your Bratty Brother In Bras
[2013-01-13] Step By Step – An Interracial Feminization Story – 25×JPG
[2013-02-25] College Changes A Boy
[2013-03-02] The Program
[2014-05-01] Progress – A Gender Role-Reversed Future
[2014-08-18] The Justin Bieber Story
[2014-11-19] College Changes A Boy – Summer’s Over
[2016-01-24] Like Mother, Like Son

Numbered CB7 Files – 1 Mini-Series

[2020-05-15] The Vacation – 5×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2020-05-24] Adjusting To The Quarantine – 14×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2020-06-18] Infatuation – 16×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2020-06-21] Attention Whore – 25×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2020-08-24] Homecoming – 15×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2020-11-06] A Favor For A Friend – 37×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2021-01-16] Whatever It Takes – 26×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2021-02-21] Summer Love – 22×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2021-03-14] Ski Trip – 9×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2021-04-30] Secretary – 33×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7

Numbered CB7 Files – 2 Uncollected

[2016-06-04] The Farm – 5×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2021-03-03] Sissy Island – 3×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2021-03-18] Welcome Home – 3×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2021-05-22] A Reason For Being – 3×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7

Download EVERY Attachment with same Number, they are just one 7-Zip File Split due to 8muses 50MB upload limit.


  • Number – CB7 [2015-05-06] A Perfect Couple.7Z.001
    10.7 MB · Views: 36
  • {Number} TFS – [2011] Free Docs + 1 Mini-Series + 2 Uncollected – CB7.7z.007
    18.6 MB · Views: 38
  • {Number} TFS – [2011] Free Docs + 1 Mini-Series + 2 Uncollected – CB7.7z.001
    50 MB · Views: 30
  • {Number} TFS – [2011] Free Docs + 1 Mini-Series + 2 Uncollected – CB7.7z.002
    50 MB · Views: 31
  • {Number} TFS – [2011] Free Docs + 1 Mini-Series + 2 Uncollected – CB7.7z.003
    50 MB · Views: 25
  • {Number} TFS – [2011] Free Docs + 1 Mini-Series + 2 Uncollected – CB7.7z.004
    50 MB · Views: 36
  • {Number} TFS – [2011] Free Docs + 1 Mini-Series + 2 Uncollected – CB7.7z.005
    50 MB · Views: 40
  • {Number} TFS – [2011] Free Docs + 1 Mini-Series + 2 Uncollected – CB7.7z.006
    50 MB · Views: 45
Last edited:
#1 Logo – The Feminization Station – TG and Sissy Captions – Premium Content.JPG

[2017] Premium​

Patreon support started on 26th May 2017, and ended on 19th September 2018, after some unknown, and malicious person reported The Feminization Station, for breaching Patreon’s TOS, and while technically true, Patreon only seems to act when a “Porn” sites reported to them.
Some sites get around the issue by posting their infringing content to a file host, as an Archive (*.zip, *.7z, *.rar, etc.), and link to that instead, but Nikki S. Jenkins made the daunting, but correct decision to go it alone, and create her own website, hence on 29th September 2018, the premium site “The Feminization Station” was created, and all her content is now posted on this premium site, including any free content, and in higher quality than on the Blogspot site.
All premium content is divided by year to make navigation simpler and, it also alleviates some issues I was having displaying the covers in one huge premium table in this document.



[2017-05-09 Re-Release – 17-01-01] A Second Chance by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG

[2017-05-09 Re-Release: 17-01-01]
A Second Chance
Removed To Premium

Nico is convinced by a long time friend to pose as a high school cheerleader so her squad can compete in a national competition. Features Alex Grey.
Original Post
Okay - so this was another commissioned story that turned out pretty well, I think. It’s a touch different than my typical stories, but I think that’s a good thing. For those interested, the models used are:
Nico/Nikki: Alex Grey (with various others for “before” shots)
Tina: Aubrey Star
Sasha: Nina North (love this model, and I will use her again)
Leeanne: Brett Rossi
It’s not quite as long as my last caption story, but, at 52 frames, it’s not short. I hope you guys enjoy reading it as much as I liked writing it. And Happy New Year!

[2017-05-09 Re-Release – 17-01-29] Callie by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
[2017-05-09 Re-Release: 17-01-29]
Removed To Premium

After sleeping with the underage daughter of his university’s dean, Calum is blackmailed into feminization.
Original Post
This was another commissioned story that I’ve been working on. As you’ll soon find out, it’s also rather long (109 frames). But from a visual perspective, I think it’s one of the better jobs I’ve done. The models fit together (and the characters portrayed). The modifications are as good as I’ve done. And the photos set a good tone. I also think the story itself adds up pretty well, even if it’s not exactly what I intended when I started writing it.
Anyway, I hope you all enjoy it. I certainly had a great time writing it.
Callie Continued
The person who commissioned the last caption story made a request that I include a few more scenes. Rather than shoehorn them into the story proper, I figured I’d go ahead and make a “sequel” of sorts. I had quite a few photos left over, so I only had to write the scenes. It’s not quite as organic as if it would have been included in the original story, but I think it works overall. Hope you enjoy the bonus material.

[2017-05-09 Re-Release – 17-02-19] A Series Of Suggestions by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
[2017-05-09 Re-Release: 17-02-19]
A Series Of Suggestions
Removed To Premium

A man is slowly manipulated into switching roles with his secretary. Features Lana Rhoades.
Original Post
This caption story was another commission I’ve been working on for a little while now. The story itself came together pretty easily (with only a couple of hiccups), but because the visual transformation was so detailed and gradual, the photo modifications took a while. However, I think the time invested was worth it. Outside of one frame, I’m happy with the entire thing (which is more than I can say for the vast majority of these things). And given how ambitious the project was, I’m very pleased with that fact.
If you’re interested, the models are thus:
C.J./Hayley (in order): Chris Pine, Morena Baccarin (hair), Cherry (Petite) Potter (body), Ashlynn Rae (Body), Unknown Amateur (body), Charlotte Springer (body), and Lana Rhoades (main model)
Michelle: Stella Cox
Fiona: Leah Gotti
Sophie: Kendra Lust
Tyler: Alex Pettyfer
Liam: Steve Holmes
Paulo: Joel Thomas
Carey: Unnamed Stock Photo Model
Anyway, it was a fun and challenging project, and I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did creating it. It’s another long one, so buckle up!

[2017-05-26] Eden by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG

Uhuru Note: This was the first Premium Story, which were exclusively on Patreon until September 2018
After being forced to accept delayed entry into college, a football player accepts a job at an exclusive resort. There, he’s unwittingly transformed into a feminized companion for the resort’s patrons. Features Nina North.
Original Post
Today’s the day! A brand new caption story, entitled Eden, is available for my Patreon supporters (who’ve pledged $10 or more). It was a fun one to write, mostly because I absolutely adore the primary model. She’s insanely gorgeous. But the story itself is a fun concept as well. Here it is:
Brock is a star high school football player with a bright future. In fact, he’s already accepted a scholarship offer to play for his state’s premier college football program. However, he’s forced to take a year off when he makes a decision to accept a gift from a booster. Faced with a wasted year (and his father’s increasingly difficult financial situation), he decides to accept a one-year contract at an exclusive, high-end resort called Eden. Once there, he’s unwittingly feminized.
When his contract’s up, he’s forced to confront the reality of his feminization when he goes back home.

At 45 thousand words and 136 frames, this is one of my longest stories, and features the following models:
Brock/Brooke (before): Tyler Posey (body), Mark Indelicato (face and early transition body)
Brooke (transition): Emily Grey (body), Korra Del Rio (body), Nina north (face)
Brooke (feminized): Nina North
Lindsay: Serena Westwood
Dean/Deana: Kristen Scott
Paul: Miguel Angel Silvestre
Aiden: Johnny Castle
Camilla: Ariana Marie

[2017-06-05] Girl-A-Matic Guide – How To Transform Your Boss Into A Beautiful, Busty Bimbo by ...JPG
Girl-A-Matic Guide: How To Transform Your Boss Into A Beautiful, Busty Bimbo

A guide to turning your boss into a busty bimbo. Features Anissa Kate.
Original Post
As indicated yesterday, I recently completed a new Girl-A-Matic Guide, entitled “How to Transform Your Boss into a Beautiful, Busty Bimbo”.
[2017-06-14] The Lottery by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
The Lottery

In a dystopian future where capitalism has run amok, the gap between the rich and poor has widened considerably. To “help” the poor close the gap, a nationwide Lottery which promises live-changing wealth is implemented. However, winning said Lottery comes with a price.
Original Post
There’s a new caption story available! It’s a shorter one, but it was a really fun concept because it taps into one of my favourite pastimes: world building. I’ll leave the plot summary to the in-story introduction.
[2017-06-22 Remaster – 13-08-01] Political Pressure by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
[2017-06-22 Remaster: 13-08-01]
Political Pressure
Removed To Premium

I’ve been working on this caption story for a while; the pictures didn’t seem to want to cooperate (especially the “before” pictures), so I had to make multiple attempts at getting them right. It took a lot of work, but I think I’m reasonably happy with the end result (visually). As to the story, it’s not anything groundbreaking, but I do like the idea behind it. Ultimately, it’s an exploration of priorities. The antagonist forces a choice, and we get to explore the repercussions of that decision. And that’s always fun to see.
In an attempt to curtail a politician’s influence, an opposing group feminizes his son. Features Chastity Lynn.
[2017-06-22 Remaster – 14-01-20] RPG – Role Playing Game by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG

[2017-06-22 Remaster: 14-01-20]
RPG: Role Playing Game
Removed To Premium

After testing a virtual reality video game, a young man begins to change. Features Christie Stevens.
[2017-06-22 Remaster – 14-06-02] A Happy Marriage by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
[2017-06-22 Remaster: 14-06-02]
A Happy Marriage
Removed To Premium

When Jake loses his job, his wife develops a fetish for “pegging”, which sends him down a path to feminization. This one features Taylor Vixen.
[2017-06-22 Remaster – 14-08-09] Happiness Manufactured by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG

[2017-06-22 Remaster: 14-08-09]
Happiness Manufactured
Removed To Premium

This is a fairly straight forward tale of a man who is slowly feminized by his wife. It features Abelinda.
[2017-06-22 Remaster – 14-10-27] Long Distance Love by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
[2017-06-22 Remaster: 14-10-27]
Long Distance Love
Removed To Premium

A naive young man is tricked into feminizing himself to appease his absentee girlfriend’s tastes. It features Lexi Diamond.
Original Post
This caption story is a lot longer (in terms of text) than I usually write. I always get the pictures ready first, then write the story to suit them, but with this one, I found myself going back to find more and more pictures so that I could tell the story I wanted to tell. In the end, it turned out to be a little over twenty-five pages long (when most of my caption stories are about half that).
[2017-06-22 Remaster – 14-12-04] Me, Manipulated by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
[2017-06-22 Remaster: 14-12-04]
Me, Manipulated
Removed To Premium

In an effort to draw his long time friend’s romantic attention, Jordan becomes increasingly more feminine, eventually transforming himself entirely. Featuring Riley Reid.
[2017-06-22 Remaster – 15-02-14] The Harken Affair by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
[2017-06-22 Remaster: 15-02-14]
The Harken Affair
Removed To Premium

An assassin is tasked with infiltrating a dangerous arms dealer’s inner circle. To do so, he must forfeit his masculinity. Features Amia Miley.
[2017-06-22 Remaster – 15-09-23] Finding The Real Harper Graham by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
[2017-06-22 Remaster: 15-09-23]
Finding The Real Harper Graham
51 Pics - 49xJPG + 2xGIF
Removed To Premium

Featuring Victoria White, this story follows the apathetic title character as he tries to cope with the increasing demands for femininity at his job.
Original Post
Enjoy a new caption story! At its inception, this was supposed to be a tribute to Sissy Trainer’s “Pink Slipped”, but as I wrote it, I sort of got carried away. It’s a pretty long story, but I think it’s a really solid piece of work. I’m particularly proud of the steady pace of the transition.
[2017-06-22 Remaster – 15-12-06] Gemini – Volume One by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
[2017-06-22 Remaster: 15-12-06]
Gemini: Volume One
Removed To Premium

Mia and Jake are a couple who agree to participate in reality television program where they’re expected to become twins. It features Melanie Rios.
Original Post
This idea has been knocking around in my head for a while, but I wasn’t able to find the right set of pictures to make it work. And if I’m honest, I was a little intimidated by the amount of work it would take to get it right. But a couple of weeks ago, I decided to give it a shot, and after a lot of trial and error, I had an acceptable set of pictures. Of course, I had to find more as the story took shape, but I had a good foundation.
The story itself is a little different than my normal fare. Fair warning: it doesn’t have a particularly happy ending because I don’t think it’s reasonable to expect someone in the antagonist’s situation to come out of it without quite a few problems. Still, the “bad” stuff is confined to the last frame, so if you’re averse to that sort of thing, read up until the second-to-last frame, and pretend it ends there.
[2017-06-22 Remaster – 16-01-18] A Model Of Success by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
[2017-06-22 Remaster: 16-01-18]
A Model Of Success

This particular story has been a long time coming, having been in development for a couple of months now. Not only is it quite a long story, but it required extensive photo modification. Combined that with the fact that I discarded quite a few photos (that just didn’t work), and you’ve got a recipe for a hard-to-develop caption story. Still, I kept at it, and I think it’s a wonderfully nuanced (visually speaking) story that I hope will be quite satisfying to read/enjoy.
Anyway, here it is. I hope you like it.
Oh - I know some of the text is small. It’s unavoidable (the ratios are what they are, no matter how big I make the pictures/font). However, to work around it, right-click the image, click “open image in new tab”, and it will allow you to zoom into the photo.
[2017-06-22 Remaster – 16-03-29] The Wellington Academy by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
[2017-06-22 Remaster: 16-03-29]
The Wellington Academy
Removed To Premium

A young man’s stepmother sends him to a reconditioning facility, which results in his feminization. Features Kasey Warner.
[2017-06-22 Remaster – 16-07-20] A Family Affair by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
[2017-06-22 Remaster: 16-07-20]
A Family Affair
Removed To Premium

In a world characterized by feminized, white males, a young man must learn his proper place. It is a racially-themed piece, so be warned. Features Callie Cobra and Cassandra Nix.
Original Post
A couple of weeks ago, Elena Starz ( who runs Starz Interracial Captions) sent me an email asking if I’d like to participate in collaborative effort with multiple captioners in which we would create a sequel to The Pageant (a series of interracial captions depicting a very naughty pageant for white sissies). While putting together the ideas behind that series, I decided to create a prequel series which would provide some backstory about the world, characters, etc. I already had a likely set of photos (that were already modified), so a good portion of the work was already done. As I threw myself into the writing process, though, it sort of got away from me, and I ended up writing a lot more than I originally intended. What was supposed to be a quick 10-frame caption story quickly ballooned into 40+ frames (and that’s after I pared it down a bit!).
[2017-06-22 Remaster – 16-11-12] A Fetish Gone Awry by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
[2017-06-22 Remaster: 16-11-12]
A Fetish Gone Awry
Removed To Premium

In this story, featuring Aubrey Belle, a young man’s turned upside down by a fetish for crossdressing.
Original Post
This caption story was commissioned by one of this blog’s readers. It contains what I think is one of my best body transformations, so I hope you all enjoy reading it. Here it is!
[2017-06-26] Dream by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG

A transgender exotic dancer has her life turned upside down when she meets a troubled young woman with a missing sister. Features Mia Malkova, Georgia Jones, and Franziska Facella.
Original Post
The new caption story is now available. As promised, this is the latest caption story, entitled “Dream”. It centres on a transgender stripper as she tries to keep her life under control after meeting a mysterious young woman with a missing sister.
I think this is some of my best work yet. The narrative structure was pretty ambitious, but I think it worked out really well. The photo modifications are practically seamless, and I love the collection of characters.
This is the first of a trilogy of loosely connected stories, and features the following models:
Ashley: Mia Malkova
Zoe: Natasha Malkova
Kelly: Franziska Facella
Brenda: Georgia Jones
Joe: Danny Mountain
Rick Mason: Scott Bakula
Lesley Mason: Marcia Cross
[2017-06-30] Political Exposure by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
Political Exposure

A young man is feminized to punish his politician father for his bigoted ways. Features Kylie Page.
Original Post
As promised, the new story (called “Political Exposure”) is up on Patreon. It’s not a long one, but I think it hits all the right buttons. I look at it as a spiritual successor to one of my first stories, called “Revenge is a Dish Best Served Feminine” (even down to the color scheme!), so if you liked that one, you’ll definitely enjoy this one. It hits a lot of the same notes. It features the gorgeous Kylie Page, and is a pretty succinct forced feminization tale.
[2017-07-07] Subject 3 – The Athlete by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
Subject 3: The Athlete

Featuring Emily Grey, “The Athlete” follows a college baseball player as he enrolls in a directed study, becoming the subject of a covert experiment which results in his feminization.
Original Post
The Athlete was published today. Only available to my Patreon supporters, it’s the story of a college baseball player who signs up for a directed study, and becomes the subject of a feminization experiment. It features Emily Grey, and is the third in a series of caption stories going back to my beginnings as a storyteller.
[2017-07-15] A Brave New World by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
A Brave New World

Set in the Omar Bell Universe, “A Brave New World” follows a man as he tries to cope with his changing body in a world of feminized, white males. Featuring Kimberly Brix.
Original Post
What wasn’t on the schedule, however, is a new Omar Bell Universe caption story. This one, named “A Brave New World”, is a fun story focusing on a man named Taylor as he deals with his changing body in a changing world. It’s very much a successor to the original Omar Bell stories, so if you liked those, this is like that (but with pictures). Many of you are already familiar with my Omar Bell Universe series of books. Some of you who’ve been following my work since the beginning know that it was my first foray into TG fiction. In fact, the first stories (originally posted on Fictionmania) spawned my first blog and my first attempts at caption-ing.
For those of you who’re unfamiliar with the premise, it focuses on a world in which an evil scientists named Omar Bell hatches a plan to feminize the world’s population of white males. Of course, this being what it is, he succeeds, and most of these white men are gradually transformed into small, effeminate creatures stuck firmly between masculinity and femininity (with a heavy leaning toward the latter).
Of course, as the premise of the world suggests, it deals with a racially-motivated series of transformations, so if you’re not into the idea of interracial sex, it’s probably not the sort of story you’ll be interested in. I will stress, however, that while the antagonist is an undeniable racist, keep in mind that he is the bad guy. He (and his views) are supposed to be, well, bad.
Anyway, now that the disclaimer is out of the way, I should point out that while this world has been the subject of quite a few books, I’ve never done a full-fledged caption story showing the transformation before. I’ve done a couple that show the aftermath, but they weren’t the sorts of stories I usually do now. I guess what I’m trying to say is that while this is familiar territory (in terms of the setting), it’s also something new. And that’s a very good thing.
This one wasn’t on the release schedule; I just found the model the other day, and I was inspired to write the story. So, think of this as a bit of a bonus story. I hope you all enjoy it!
[2017-07-19 Re-Release – 16-08-04] The Witness by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
[2017-07-19 Re-Release: 16-08-04]
The Witness
Removed To Premium

After witnessing his father’s murder, a young man adopts a feminine persona in order to evade the perpetrators of the crime. It features Amarna Miller.
Original Post
A few days ago, I alluded to this caption story, and I have to say, I think it turned out pretty well. I love Amarna Miller (the primary model) - if you don’t know who she is, look her up. She’s not just a porn star (though she’s really good at that too - absolutely gorgeous). The modifications I made (quite a few, if you can believe it) came out well, and the face swaps were as flawless as I’ve ever done.
As to the story - well, it wasn’t originally supposed to be so long. But it kept growing until it became (easily) the longest caption story I’ve created. And I hope it’s one of the best. However, I’ll have to bow to your judgment on that. I hope you enjoy it.
Re-Release Post
As scheduled, today marks the re-release of The Witness. It follows a young man as he adopts a feminine persona in order to evade his father’s murderers. It features Amarna Miller, and is one of the my first caption stories that aspired to be a little more than, well, erotica. It’s that, certainly, but it’s got a bit more going on than your average piece of pornography.
[2017-07-23] Spiral by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG


This story features Amanda Tate, and tells the story of a man who, after backing down from an alpha male at a bar, is feminized by his girlfriend.
Original Post
A brand new caption story was released today. Entitled “Spiral”, it follows a young man who, after a fateful encounter with an alpha male, is feminized by his girlfriend.
[2017-07-31] Untouchable by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG

A criminal financier is let off the hook for his misdeeds, so one of his victims takes matters into their own hands. Featuring Jewell Marceau.
Original Post
Today, I released the bonus (as in, unscheduled) caption story I’ve been talking about for the past couple of days. I look at these unscheduled releases as an opportunity to do something a bit different from my usual fare, and this one definitely fits that bill. It’s not particularly long (at only 17 frames), and it deals with some themes (or fetishes, if you prefer) that I don’t usually cover, chief among them pet play. In it, a criminal financier is let off the hook by the criminal justice system, so one of the victims of his misdeeds takes matters into his own hands. Featuring Jewell Marceau (one of the more popular fetish models of all time), it’s a short, brutal story of that financier’s transformation.
Anyway - it was fun to write. I hope you all enjoy it.
[2017-08-06] Feminized Felons by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
Feminized Felons

A group of (once) male criminals competes in a bikini contest for a chance at early release.
Original Post
Today, a new caption story, called “Feminized Felons”, has been published. Only available to my Patreon Supporters, it’s a story about a collection of criminals who opt to compete in a bikini contest for a chance at an early release. It’s very much in the vein of “Boikini Season” (which was published a while back), so if you liked that one, you’ll definitely like this one.
[2017-08-17] Fame by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG

In the pursuit of a successful singing career, a young man is feminized. Featuring Nicole Bexley.
Original Post
I released a new caption story today! It’s called “Fame”, and it tells the story of a young, male singer who is feminized in the pursuit of fame. Featuring the beautiful Nicole Bexley, it’s my first caption story starring a black girl. So if that’s something you’ve been waiting for (and I know a few people have requested one), check it out.
[2017-08-29] Obsession by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG

In order to appeal to his bisexual, polyamorous girlfriend, a young man feminizes himself.
Original Post
There’s a new caption story available! It’s called “Obsession”, and centres on a young man who turns to an increasingly more feminine persona in order to make himself more appealing to his bisexual, polyamorous girlfriend. It features the gorgeous Adria Rae, and at 130 frames, is a pretty long story.
[2017-09-06 Re-Release – 16-10-20] The Tale Of Asha by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
[2017-09-06 Re-Release: 16-10-20]
The Tale Of Asha
81 Pics - 80xJPG + 1xGIF
Removed To Premium

After discovering a terror plot, a Jordanian man and his wife go on the run, ending up in Florida. Once there, their gender roles become muddled, and eventually they’re reversed. Featuring Mia Khalifa.
Original Post
So, I’ve been working on this caption story for about a month, so when I finally finished it tonight, I couldn’t wait to post it. Fair warning: it’s really, really long (as in, eighty frames), and I consider it more of a “visual novel” than a caption story. So if you want a quick fix, skip this one. It’s going to take a little while to read, but I think it’s worth it (I’m a little biased, though, so take it with a grain of salt).
Anyway, the main model used is Mia Khalifa, but I used about eight different models for the protagonist’s transition. Because of that, from a visual standpoint, this is one of my better efforts. It’s not perfect by any stretch, but I think it’s a believable (and gradual) transformation.
I hope you enjoy it (still not happy with the cover image, though).
Re-Release Post
Available only to my Patreon supporters, the new caption story is called “A Tale of Asha”. Featuring Mia Khalifa, it recounts the story of a man who, after discovering a terrorist plot, flees to America. There, he and his wife gradually swap gender roles.
[2017-09-13] The American Dream by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
The American Dream

A young man and his mother flee Greece, looking for a new life in the U.S. However, what they find instead is a black supremacist who refuses to have a white male in “his” house. Featuring Candace Dare.
Original Post
Today marks the release of a new story! Called “The American Dream”, it features Candice Dare. The premise is as follows:
A young man and his mother flee Greece, looking for a new life in the U.S. However, what they find is a black supremacist who can’t abide a white male in “his” house.
So, if you’ve been waiting for another interracial-themed story, this one’s for you!
[2017-09-27] My Secret by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
My Secret

Featuring Asa Akira, this follows a young executive as he discovers his path to womanhood.
Original Post
Today marks the release of my latest caption story, called “My Secret”. Featuring Asa Akira, it recounts a young professional’s path to womanhood.
[2017-10-07 Re-Release – 16-12-18] The Winding Path by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
[2017-10-07 Re-Release: 16-12-18]
The Winding Path
Removed To Premium

Featuring Jessi Rogers, “The Winding Path” tells the story of a young man trying to cope with his feminization after years in an abusive relationship with his roommate.
Original Post
This is a commissioned story for one of my readers, but I think it turned out to be one of my more sophisticated stories. I used it to experiment with a different narrative device, and I think it turned out really, really well. The only thing is that it turned out extremely long (125 frames!) - and I edited some stuff out. So I think I’ll probably end up converting it into an e-book at some point, so I can explore those other threads.
The models used are:
Ian/Isabella: Jessie Rogers, Freddy Keith, Alexander Syden, and Various Others (for hairstyles/outfits)
Emily: Zoe Kush
Chase: Alex Gonz
Malcom: Heath (last name unavailable)
Mrs. Sims: Alia Janine
The sheer volume of photos made it pretty time-consuming to create this story, but I think most of the photo mods turned out really, really well. I hope you all enjoy it!
Re-Release Post
Today, I’m re-releasing “A Winding Path”. For newer fans, it’s a longer caption story (120+ frames!) which follows a young man as he transitions after ending an abusive relationship with his roommate. It features the gorgeous Jessi Rogers, and when it was first released, was one of my most well-received stories.
[2017-10-16] Over the Edge by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
Over The Edge

Featuring Naveen (A.K.A. Aspen) Ora, “Over The Edge” focuses on a high school basketball player who is manipulated into femininity. It is the sequel to “Dream“.
Original Post
Today, I’m publishing the sequel to “Dream”, called “Over the Edge”. It stars Aspen (A.K.A. Naveen) Ora, and centres on a high school basketball player who is manipulated into femininity.
[2017-10-24] Girl-A-Matic Guide – How To Sissify Your Spouse by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
Girl-A-Matic Guide: How To Sissify Your Spouse

A guide to sissifying your husband. Features April Cheryse.
Original Post
I’ve decided to release a new Girl-A-Matic today! Featuring April Cheryse, this one, entitled “How to Sissify Your Spouse” is formatted a bit differently than these guides typically are, and at forty-five frames, is quite a bit longer as well.
I spent a lot of time trying to perfect the transition photos, so I’m really proud of how they turned out. I’m also excited about how the new format is received, because it does differ a little from the previous guides.
[2017-10-31] Selfish by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG

After flunking out of college, a young man seeks shelter with his childhood best friend. When Halloween rolls around, she convinces him to attend a party dressed as a girl, which sends him down the road to feminization.
Original Post
Happy Halloween! For those of us who gravitate toward this genre of fiction (and those who live it as reality), Halloween is something of a special holiday. For many, it’s the one night of the year when it’s socially acceptable to venture out of the closet, and show the world a piece of who they really are. It can be a beautiful, cathartic thing.
Usually, I just do a single caption for the holiday. It’s fun, but this year, I wanted to do something a bit different. So, I wrote a story for the occasion. “Selfish” was the result.
Starring Ivy Aura, it tells the story of a young man who, after flunking out of college, finds shelter with his childhood best friend. When Halloween rolls around, she convinces him to attend a party dressed in a woman’s costume, which opens the doors to a whole new, very feminine world. Eventually, he ends up adopting an entirely new (female) identity.
[2017-11-07] Sharmuta by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG

Featuring Nadia Ali, this story focuses on a man who is kidnapped while vacationing in Morocco. After his abduction, he’s tortured, feminized, and sold to a Middle Eastern man. Once there, he’s forced to function as one of the man’s wives.
Original Post
I just released a new caption story called “Sharmuta”, which tells the tale of a how a young American man is feminized after being kidnapped while vacationing in Northern Africa. It stars Nadia Ali.
[2017-11-21] Gemini – Volume Two by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
Gemini: Volume Two

A sequel to Gemini, this story focuses on a middle-aged man who’s diagnosed with terminal cancer. When he tells his daughter, she suggests a radical solution: participation in the Gemini contest, the premise of which is for couples or family members to become identical to one another. In this case, he must assume his daughter’s appearance. It features Leah Gotti.
Original Post
Today, I’m releasing a new caption story called “Gemini: Volume Two”. Its premise is thus:
After being diagnosed with terminal cancer, a middle-aged man is given a chance to live via a popular online competition. However, that chance comes with a price: he must become his daughter. Featuring Leah Gotti.
[2017-11-30] Time – The Future Of White Masculinity by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
Time: The Future Of White Masculinity

Structured as a fake magazine article, this one chronicles a growing trend for white men to give up their masculinity.
Original Post
I’d like to announce that I’ve published a brand new story. It’s called “The Future of White Masculinity”, and is structured like a magazine article. For those of you who’ve been following my work for while, you’ll see that it’s similar (in format) to a piece I did a while back. The big difference, of course is that this one focuses on the feminization of white males (rather than a television show about women feminizing their husbands).
[2017-12-15] An Opportunity by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG
An Opportunity

A young man, down on his luck, is given the chance to participate in an experimental procedure which will make him the world’s first pregnant man. However, making history comes with its own set of consequences.
Original Post
Today, I’m releasing a new story called “An Opportunity”, which focuses on a young man, down on his luck, who’s offered the chance to become the world’s first pregnant man. However, making history comes with its own set of consequences, and his situation is certainly no exception. Stars Mary Jane Johnson.
I think male pregnancy is one of (if not the) most popular off-shoot of this genre, or at the very least, the most vocal subset of fans. I’ve gotten quite a few requests for stories focused on pregnant men, and I thought it was high time I did a caption story on the subject. “An Opportunity” is the result, and I hope you all enjoy it!
[2017-12-22] Memories by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG

A man’s girlfriend explains what happened when he awakens to find himself completely feminized.
Original Post
There’s a new caption story, called “Memories” available! It stars Alena Croft, and centres on a man who wakes up to find himself completely feminized.
[2017-12-30] Slut by Nikki S. Jenkins – Cover.JPG

A depressed young man slowly gives into feminization. Features Zoe Kush.
Original Post
In an effort to avoid conflict with New Year’s Eve, I’ve decided to release the latest caption story a day early. This one, called “Slut”, centres on a young man who, after his parents’ death, begins to discover his feminine nature. It features Zoey Kush as the lead character.
Numbered Files – [2017] Premium

Download EVERY Attachment with same name.
They are single 7-Zip File Split into parts due to 8muses 50MB upload limit.

To ensure you have all the attachments you can check this Spoilered list
Number – CB7 [2017-05-09 Re-Release – 2017-01-01] A Second Chance.7Z.001
Number – CB7 [2017-05-09 Re-Release – 2017-01-01] A Second Chance.7Z.002
Number – CB7 [2017-05-09 Re-Release – 2017-01-29] Callie.7Z.001
Number – CB7 [2017-05-09 Re-Release – 2017-01-29] Callie.7Z.002
Number – CB7 [2017-05-09 Re-Release – 2017-01-29] Callie.7Z.003
Number – CB7 [2017-05-09 Re-Release – 2017-02-19] A Series Of Suggestions.7Z.001
Number – CB7 [2017-05-09 Re-Release – 2017-02-19] A Series Of Suggestions.7Z.002
Number – CB7 [2017-05-09 Re-Release – 2017-02-19] A Series Of Suggestions.7Z.003
Number – CB7 [2017-05-26] Eden.7Z.001
Number – CB7 [2017-05-26] Eden.7Z.002
Number – CB7 [2017-05-26] Eden.7Z.003
Number – CB7 [2017-06-05] Girl-A-Matic Guide – How To Transform Your Boss Into A Beautiful, Busty Bimbo.7Z.001
Number – CB7 [2017-06-14] The Lottery.7Z.001
Number – CB7 [2017-06-22 Remaster – 2013-08-01] Political Pressure.7Z.001
Number – CB7 [2017-06-22 Remaster – 2014-01-20] RPG – Role Playing Game.7Z.001
Number – CB7 [2017-06-22 Remaster – 2014-06-02] A Happy Marriage.7Z.001
Number – CB7 [2017-06-22 Remaster – 2014-08-09] Happiness Manufactured.7Z.001
Number – CB7 [2017-06-22 Remaster – 2014-10-27] Long Distance Love.7Z.001
Number – CB7 [2017-06-22 Remaster – 2014-12-04] Me, Manipulated.7Z.001
Number – CB7 [2017-06-22 Remaster – 2015-02-14] The Harken Affair.7Z.001
Number – CB7 [2017-06-22 Remaster – 2015-09-23] Finding The Real Harper Graham.7Z.001
Number – CB7 [2017-06-22 Remaster – 2015-09-23] Finding The Real Harper Graham.7Z.002
Number – CB7 [2017-06-22 Remaster – 2015-12-06] Gemini – Volume One.7Z.001
Number – CB7 [2017-06-22 Remaster – 2016-01-18] A Model Of Success.7Z.001
Number – CB7 [2017-06-22 Remaster – 2016-03-29] The Wellington Academy.7Z.001
Number – CB7 [2017-06-22 Remaster – 2016-07-20] A Family Affair.7Z.001
Number – CB7 [2017-06-22 Remaster – 2016-11-12] A Fetish Gone Awry.7Z.001
Number – CB7 [2017-06-26] Dream.7Z.001
Number – CB7 [2017-06-26] Dream.7Z.002
Number – CB7 [2017-06-30] Political Exposure.7Z.001
Number – CB7 [2017-07-07] Subject 3 – The Athlete.7Z.001
Number – CB7 [2017-07-15] A Brave New World.7Z.001
Number – CB7 [2017-07-19 Re-Release – 2016-08-04] The Witness.7Z.001
Number – CB7 [2017-07-19 Re-Release – 2016-08-04] The Witness.7Z.002
Number – CB7 [2017-07-23] Spiral.7Z.001
Number – CB7 [2017-07-31] Untouchable.7Z.001
Number – CB7 [2017-08-06] Feminized Felons.7Z.001
Number – CB7 [2017-08-17] Fame.7Z.001
Number – CB7 [2017-08-29] Obsession.7Z.001
Number – CB7 [2017-08-29] Obsession.7Z.002
Number – CB7 [2017-08-29] Obsession.7Z.003
Number – CB7 [2017-09-06 Re-Release – 2016-10-20] The Tale Of Asha.7Z.001
Number – CB7 [2017-09-06 Re-Release – 2016-10-20] The Tale Of Asha.7Z.002
Number – CB7 [2017-09-06 Re-Release – 2016-10-20] The Tale Of Asha.7Z.003
Number – CB7 [2017-09-13] The American Dream.7Z.001
Number – CB7 [2017-09-27] My Secret.7Z.001
Number – CB7 [2017-10-07 Re-Release – 2016-12-18] The Winding Path.7Z.001
Number – CB7 [2017-10-07 Re-Release – 2016-12-18] The Winding Path.7Z.002
Number – CB7 [2017-10-07 Re-Release – 2016-12-18] The Winding Path.7Z.003
Number – CB7 [2017-10-07 Re-Release – 2016-12-18] The Winding Path.7Z.004
Number – CB7 [2017-10-16] Over The Edge.7Z.001
Number – CB7 [2017-10-16] Over The Edge.7Z.002
Number – CB7 [2017-10-24] Girl-A-Matic Guide – How To Sissify Your Spouse.7Z.001
Number – CB7 [2017-10-24] Girl-A-Matic Guide – How To Sissify Your Spouse.7Z.002
Number – CB7 [2017-10-31] Selfish.7Z.001
Number – CB7 [2017-11-07] Sharmuta.7Z.001
Number – CB7 [2017-11-07] Sharmuta.7Z.002
Number – CB7 [2017-11-07] Sharmuta.7Z.003
Number – CB7 [2017-11-07] Sharmuta.7Z.004
Number – CB7 [2017-11-21] Gemini – Volume Two.7Z.001
Number – CB7 [2017-11-21] Gemini – Volume Two.7Z.002
Number – CB7 [2017-11-30] Time – The Future Of White Masculinity.7Z.001
Number – CB7 [2017-12-15] An Opportunity.7Z.001
Number – CB7 [2017-12-22] Memories.7Z.001
Number – CB7 [2017-12-30] Slut.7Z.001
Number – CB7 [2017-12-30] Slut.7Z.002

"Extracti here" using 7-Zip will give you one folder structure
TFS\[2017] Premium\

And all the 2017 Files are

[2017-05-09 Re-Release – 2017-01-01] A Second Chance – 53×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2017-05-09 Re-Release – 2017-01-29] Callie – 127×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2017-05-09 Re-Release – 2017-02-19] A Series Of Suggestions – 131×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2017-05-26] Eden – 137×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2017-06-05] Girl-A-Matic Guide – How To Transform Your Boss Into A Beautiful, Busty Bimbo – 28×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2017-06-14] The Lottery – 12×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2017-06-22 Remaster – 2013-08-01] Political Pressure – 34×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2017-06-22 Remaster – 2014-01-20] RPG – Role Playing Game – 17×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2017-06-22 Remaster – 2014-06-02] A Happy Marriage – 16×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2017-06-22 Remaster – 2014-08-09] Happiness Manufactured – 26×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2017-06-22 Remaster – 2014-10-27] Long Distance Love – 26×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2017-06-22 Remaster – 2014-12-04] Me, Manipulated – 24×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2017-06-22 Remaster – 2015-02-14] The Harken Affair – 28×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2017-06-22 Remaster – 2015-09-23] Finding The Real Harper Graham – 51 Pics – 49×JPG + 2×GIF by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2017-06-22 Remaster – 2015-12-06] Gemini – Volume One – 33×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2017-06-22 Remaster – 2016-01-18] A Model Of Success – 40×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2017-06-22 Remaster – 2016-03-29] The Wellington Academy – 26×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2017-06-22 Remaster – 2016-07-20] A Family Affair – 42×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2017-06-22 Remaster – 2016-11-12] A Fetish Gone Awry – 36×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2017-06-26] Dream – 113×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2017-06-30] Political Exposure – 12×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2017-07-07] Subject 3 – The Athlete – 16×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2017-07-15] A Brave New World – 35×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2017-07-19 Re-Release – 2016-08-04] The Witness – 74×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2017-07-23] Spiral – 40×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2017-07-31] Untouchable – 17×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2017-08-06] Feminized Felons – 30×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2017-08-17] Fame – 36×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2017-08-29] Obsession – 131×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2017-09-06 Re-Release – 2016-10-20] The Tale Of Asha – 81 Pics – 80×JPG + 1×GIF by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2017-09-13] The American Dream – 56×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2017-09-27] My Secret – 69×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2017-10-07 Re-Release – 2016-12-18] The Winding Path – 126×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2017-10-16] Over The Edge – 113×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2017-10-24] Girl-A-Matic Guide – How To Sissify Your Spouse – 45×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2017-10-31] Selfish – 79×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2017-11-07] Sharmuta – 97×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2017-11-21] Gemini – Volume Two – 58×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2017-11-30] Time – The Future Of White Masculinity – 4×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2017-12-15] An Opportunity – 51×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2017-12-22] Memories – 16×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7
[2017-12-30] Slut – 132×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.CB7

Download EVERY Attachment with same name.
They are single 7-Zip File Split into parts due to 8muses 50MB upload limit.


  • Number – CB7 [2017-08-29] Obsession.7Z.003
    19.7 MB · Views: 36
  • Number – CB7 [2017-09-06 Re-Release – 2016-10-20] The Tale Of Asha.7Z.001
    50 MB · Views: 39
  • Number – CB7 [2017-09-06 Re-Release – 2016-10-20] The Tale Of Asha.7Z.002
    50 MB · Views: 50
  • Number – CB7 [2017-09-06 Re-Release – 2016-10-20] The Tale Of Asha.7Z.003
    23.3 MB · Views: 52
  • Number – CB7 [2017-09-13] The American Dream.7Z.001
    42.2 MB · Views: 41
  • Number – CB7 [2017-09-27] My Secret.7Z.001
    47.9 MB · Views: 41
  • Number – CB7 [2017-08-29] Obsession.7Z.002
    50 MB · Views: 30
  • Number – CB7 [2017-08-29] Obsession.7Z.001
    50 MB · Views: 24
  • Number – CB7 [2017-08-17] Fame.7Z.001
    28 MB · Views: 44
  • Number – CB7 [2017-08-06] Feminized Felons.7Z.001
    37.4 MB · Views: 37
  • Number – CB7 [2017-07-31] Untouchable.7Z.001
    13.6 MB · Views: 29
  • Number – CB7 [2017-07-23] Spiral.7Z.001
    22.2 MB · Views: 26
  • Number – CB7 [2017-07-19 Re-Release – 2016-08-04] The Witness.7Z.001
    50 MB · Views: 34
  • Number – CB7 [2017-07-15] A Brave New World.7Z.001
    32.9 MB · Views: 46
  • Number – CB7 [2017-10-07 Re-Release – 2016-12-18] The Winding Path.7Z.001
    50 MB · Views: 26
  • Number – CB7 [2017-10-07 Re-Release – 2016-12-18] The Winding Path.7Z.002
    50 MB · Views: 40
  • Number – CB7 [2017-12-22] Memories.7Z.001
    24.6 MB · Views: 44
  • Number – CB7 [2017-12-15] An Opportunity.7Z.001
    41.4 MB · Views: 73
  • Number – CB7 [2017-11-30] Time – The Future Of White Masculinity.7Z.001
    5.6 MB · Views: 33
  • Number – CB7 [2017-11-21] Gemini – Volume Two.7Z.001
    50 MB · Views: 35
  • Number – CB7 [2017-11-07] Sharmuta.7Z.004
    29.8 MB · Views: 48
  • Number – CB7 [2017-11-07] Sharmuta.7Z.003
    50 MB · Views: 52
  • Number – CB7 [2017-11-07] Sharmuta.7Z.002
    50 MB · Views: 38
  • Number – CB7 [2017-11-07] Sharmuta.7Z.001
    50 MB · Views: 51
  • Number – CB7 [2017-10-31] Selfish.7Z.001
    39.7 MB · Views: 42
  • Number – CB7 [2017-10-24] Girl-A-Matic Guide – How To Sissify Your Spouse.7Z.001
    50 MB · Views: 72
  • Number – CB7 [2017-10-16] Over The Edge.7Z.001
    50 MB · Views: 51
  • Number – CB7 [2017-10-07 Re-Release – 2016-12-18] The Winding Path.7Z.004
    10.8 MB · Views: 41
  • Number – CB7 [2017-10-07 Re-Release – 2016-12-18] The Winding Path.7Z.003
    50 MB · Views: 48
  • Number – CB7 [2017-12-30] Slut.7Z.001
    50 MB · Views: 38
  • Number – CB7 [2017-05-09 Re-Release – 2017-01-01] A Second Chance.7Z.001
    50 MB · Views: 50
  • Number – CB7 [2017-06-22 Remaster – 2014-01-20] RPG – Role Playing Game.7Z.001
    18.4 MB · Views: 64
  • Number – CB7 [2017-06-22 Remaster – 2013-08-01] Political Pressure.7Z.001
    32.6 MB · Views: 46
  • Number – CB7 [2017-06-14] The Lottery.7Z.001
    11.3 MB · Views: 53
  • Number – CB7 [2017-05-26] Eden.7Z.003
    37.9 MB · Views: 52
  • Number – CB7 [2017-05-26] Eden.7Z.002
    50 MB · Views: 44
  • Number – CB7 [2017-05-26] Eden.7Z.001
    50 MB · Views: 57
  • Number – CB7 [2017-05-09 Re-Release – 2017-02-19] A Series Of Suggestions.7Z.003
    14.7 MB · Views: 54
  • Number – CB7 [2017-05-09 Re-Release – 2017-02-19] A Series Of Suggestions.7Z.002
    50 MB · Views: 32
  • Number – CB7 [2017-05-09 Re-Release – 2017-02-19] A Series Of Suggestions.7Z.001
    50 MB · Views: 64
  • Number – CB7 [2017-05-09 Re-Release – 2017-01-29] Callie.7Z.003
    531 KB · Views: 64
  • Number – CB7 [2017-05-09 Re-Release – 2017-01-29] Callie.7Z.002
    50 MB · Views: 45
  • Number – CB7 [2017-05-09 Re-Release – 2017-01-29] Callie.7Z.001
    50 MB · Views: 31
  • Number – CB7 [2017-05-09 Re-Release – 2017-01-01] A Second Chance.7Z.002
    8.7 MB · Views: 43
  • Number – CB7 [2017-06-22 Remaster – 2014-06-02] A Happy Marriage.7Z.001
    11.6 MB · Views: 58
  • Number – CB7 [2017-06-22 Remaster – 2014-08-09] Happiness Manufactured.7Z.001
    34.5 MB · Views: 36
  • Number – CB7 [2017-07-07] Subject 3 – The Athlete.7Z.001
    7.5 MB · Views: 33
  • Number – CB7 [2017-06-30] Political Exposure.7Z.001
    12.6 MB · Views: 29
  • Number – CB7 [2017-06-26] Dream.7Z.002
    48.1 MB · Views: 32
  • Number – CB7 [2017-06-26] Dream.7Z.001
    50 MB · Views: 42
  • Number – CB7 [2017-06-22 Remaster – 2016-11-12] A Fetish Gone Awry.7Z.001
    17.5 MB · Views: 44
  • Number – CB7 [2017-06-22 Remaster – 2016-07-20] A Family Affair.7Z.001
    35.3 MB · Views: 57
  • Number – CB7 [2017-06-22 Remaster – 2016-03-29] The Wellington Academy.7Z.001
    16.8 MB · Views: 40
  • Number – CB7 [2017-06-22 Remaster – 2016-01-18] A Model Of Success.7Z.001
    37.2 MB · Views: 41
  • Number – CB7 [2017-06-22 Remaster – 2014-10-27] Long Distance Love.7Z.001
    15.8 MB · Views: 56
  • Number – CB7 [2017-06-22 Remaster – 2014-12-04] Me, Manipulated.7Z.001
    20.5 MB · Views: 36
  • Number – CB7 [2017-06-22 Remaster – 2015-02-14] The Harken Affair.7Z.001
    27.5 MB · Views: 39
  • Number – CB7 [2017-06-22 Remaster – 2015-09-23] Finding The Real Harper Graham.7Z.001
    50 MB · Views: 43
  • Number – CB7 [2017-06-22 Remaster – 2015-09-23] Finding The Real Harper Graham.7Z.002
    4.3 MB · Views: 33
  • Number – CB7 [2017-06-22 Remaster – 2015-12-06] Gemini – Volume One.7Z.001
    16.2 MB · Views: 39
More to come tomorrow
2018-2023, with each year taking at least two posts (On 8muses), seems this has a 50,000 character limit.
I'll assume a similar limitation of 60 attachments per posts (until I know), and my posts hit that limit multiple times.

03:30 time for bed.
Thanks for uploading all of these stories. In post #5, I couldn't find the following files

  • Number – CB7 [2017-07-19 Re-Release – 2016-08-04] The Witness.7Z.002
  • Number – CB7 [2017-10-16] Over The Edge.7Z.002
  • Number – CB7 [2017-10-24] Girl-A-Matic Guide – How To Sissify Your Spouse.7Z.002
  • Number – CB7 [2017-11-21] Gemini – Volume Two.7Z.002
  • Number – CB7 [2017-12-30] Slut.7Z.002

Is anyone else experiencing the same issue?
is this thread dead?
Not been here since January, Gender Dysphoria crap & long waiting times to see a consultant to begin my feminization. in Nov 2023 when I was referred to Sheffield GIC (Gender Identity Clinic) by my GP (doctor), they were seeing those referred Sept 2018 . Now 6 months later that is unchanged, I believe Sept 2018 was when the original single UK clinic in London was expanded to 4.

I found a hidden alternative, I could Transfer to IGS (Indigo Gender Services), after registering though the web site was outdated talking about a trial starting in Jan 2022, which coincidently was also the currently seeing date. Still a two year wait was better than 5 years & at that time I didn't realise Sheffield was still dealing with the initial backlog.

On checking the IGS site today, it's now become the official NHS service for Greater Manchester & new referals now go straighrt to them, seems all that was in the process of changing when I sent my speculative eMail & I got in before it was fully implemented, but the most important part is this.
We’re currently contacting people who were referred to us in June 2022.
So in six months IGS has moved down their referral list by 6 months & it looks like I made the right choice to transfer.
If anybody reading this lives in Greater Manchester & is registered with Sheffield GIC, you may want to transfer. Your referral date is set when your GP refereed you to the gender clinic.
Transferring doesn't change that date, though obviously you should fact check that hasn't changed since I transferred 6 months ago.

Anyway, I see the sites expanded the maximum archive size, so I've repacked the story folders in zip archives, shouldn't need to split any archives which always confuses many people.

The Name.ODT (Open Document Text) files were made & are best read using LibreOffice, both MS Office & Google Docs can open them & most other document readerts should be able to display this open source format. these were originally some of the very first NJS stories that were not single captions & were posted directly on the free blog page.
I created the ODT files from those blog posts.

No fasncy formatting thisd time, the full catalogues are in the OP if you want that summary
This post

[2011] Free Blog

[2011] Free Docs

1 Mini-Series

2 Uncollected



  • [2012-09-26] The Extinction Of The Japanese Man by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2012-09-26] The Extinction Of The Japanese Man by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    1.1 MB · Views: 15
  • [2012-10-02] Girl-A-Matic Guide – How To Put Your Bratty Brother In Bras by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2012-10-02] Girl-A-Matic Guide – How To Put Your Bratty Brother In Bras by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    5.7 MB · Views: 11
  • [2013-01-13] Step By Step – An Interracial Feminization Story – Annotated – 25×JPG by Nikki S....zip
    [2013-01-13] Step By Step – An Interracial Feminization Story – Annotated – 25×JPG by Nikki S....zip
    8.5 MB · Views: 15
  • [2013-02-25] College Changes A Boy by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2013-02-25] College Changes A Boy by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    3.6 MB · Views: 18
  • [2013-03-02] The Program by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2013-03-02] The Program by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    7.6 MB · Views: 15
  • [2014-05-01] Progress – A Gender Role-Reversed Future by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2014-05-01] Progress – A Gender Role-Reversed Future by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    2.4 MB · Views: 15
  • [2012-09-18] The Evolving Male Body by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2012-09-18] The Evolving Male Body by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    1.1 MB · Views: 17
  • [2012-09-16] Men’s Fashion by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2012-09-16] Men’s Fashion by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    1.5 MB · Views: 14
  • [2012-04-15] Entertainment Weekly – The Feminizers by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2012-04-15] Entertainment Weekly – The Feminizers by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    2.4 MB · Views: 18
  • [2016-01-19] Method Actor – 6×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2016-01-19] Method Actor – 6×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    1.7 MB · Views: 22
  • [2015-06-06] Game Of Thrones Homage – A Khal No More – 13×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2015-06-06] Game Of Thrones Homage – A Khal No More – 13×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    4.6 MB · Views: 15
  • [2015-05-06] A Perfect Couple – 40×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2015-05-06] A Perfect Couple – 40×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    10.9 MB · Views: 15
  • [2014-11-06] Girl-A-Matic Guide – How To Feminize Your Philandering Fiancee – 19×JPG by Nikki ...zip
    [2014-11-06] Girl-A-Matic Guide – How To Feminize Your Philandering Fiancee – 19×JPG by Nikki ...zip
    6 MB · Views: 9
  • [2014-04-02] Daddy – 9×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2014-04-02] Daddy – 9×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    3.1 MB · Views: 18
  • [2014-03-28] Black-Daddy.com – 12×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2014-03-28] Black-Daddy.com – 12×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    2.6 MB · Views: 14
  • [2014-08-18] The Justin Bieber Story by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2014-08-18] The Justin Bieber Story by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    3.6 MB · Views: 16
  • [2014-11-19] College Changes A Boy – Summer’s Over by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2014-11-19] College Changes A Boy – Summer’s Over by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    4.7 MB · Views: 24
  • [2021-03-18] Welcome Home – 3×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2021-03-18] Welcome Home – 3×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    5.1 MB · Views: 22
  • [2021-03-03] Sissy Island – 3×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2021-03-03] Sissy Island – 3×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    5 MB · Views: 16
  • [2016-06-04] The Farm – 5×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2016-06-04] The Farm – 5×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    2.6 MB · Views: 14
  • [2021-04-30] Secretary – 33×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2021-04-30] Secretary – 33×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    59 MB · Views: 17
  • [2021-03-14] Ski Trip – 9×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2021-03-14] Ski Trip – 9×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    8.7 MB · Views: 15
  • [2021-02-21] Summer Love – 22×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2021-02-21] Summer Love – 22×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    40.8 MB · Views: 14
  • [2021-01-16] Whatever It Takes – 26×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2021-01-16] Whatever It Takes – 26×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    29.9 MB · Views: 16
  • [2020-11-06] A Favor For A Friend – 37×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2020-11-06] A Favor For A Friend – 37×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    25.3 MB · Views: 16
  • [2020-08-24] Homecoming – 15×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2020-08-24] Homecoming – 15×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    20.7 MB · Views: 15
  • [2020-06-21] Attention Whore – 25×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2020-06-21] Attention Whore – 25×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    39 MB · Views: 17
  • [2020-06-18] Infatuation – 16×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2020-06-18] Infatuation – 16×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    25.5 MB · Views: 17
  • [2020-05-24] Adjusting To The Quarantine – 14×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2020-05-24] Adjusting To The Quarantine – 14×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    20.2 MB · Views: 13
  • [2020-05-15] The Vacation – 5×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2020-05-15] The Vacation – 5×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    4.3 MB · Views: 17
  • [2016-01-24] Like Mother, Like Son by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2016-01-24] Like Mother, Like Son by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    2.1 MB · Views: 17
  • [2021-05-22] A Reason For Being – 3×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2021-05-22] A Reason For Being – 3×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    4 MB · Views: 12
  • [2014-03-08] Gynarchy – 21×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2014-03-08] Gynarchy – 21×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    5.9 MB · Views: 19
  • [2011-08-22] Revenge Is A Dish Best Served Feminine – 11×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2011-08-22] Revenge Is A Dish Best Served Feminine – 11×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    3.1 MB · Views: 11
  • [2012-10-09] Actions Have Consequences – 16×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2012-10-09] Actions Have Consequences – 16×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    4.4 MB · Views: 15
  • [2012-10-05] The F-Virus – 5×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2012-10-05] The F-Virus – 5×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    1.2 MB · Views: 16
  • [2012-09-08] Feminized Husbands – The Finalists – 20×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2012-09-08] Feminized Husbands – The Finalists – 20×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    5.2 MB · Views: 15
  • [2012-07-20] The Bachelorette Party – 13×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2012-07-20] The Bachelorette Party – 13×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    2.2 MB · Views: 8
  • [2012-03-03] The Womanizing CEO – 9×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2012-03-03] The Womanizing CEO – 9×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    2.6 MB · Views: 20
  • [2012-02-11] Time – The Changing Face Of The Ideal Man – 6×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2012-02-11] Time – The Changing Face Of The Ideal Man – 6×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    1.9 MB · Views: 16
  • [2011-11-13] Subject Two – The Personal Trainer – 15×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2011-11-13] Subject Two – The Personal Trainer – 15×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    3.6 MB · Views: 11
  • [2011-11-11] Catching Up With An Old Friend – 6×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2011-11-11] Catching Up With An Old Friend – 6×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    1.5 MB · Views: 17
  • [2011-11-01] Let The Past Stay In The Past – 5×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2011-11-01] Let The Past Stay In The Past – 5×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    1 MB · Views: 15
  • [2011-10-20] Turning The Tables – 10×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2011-10-20] Turning The Tables – 10×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    2.5 MB · Views: 17
  • [2011-09-27] Be All The Sissy You Can Be – 14×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2011-09-27] Be All The Sissy You Can Be – 14×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    3.5 MB · Views: 17
  • [2011-09-11] 3 Strikes And You're Feminized – 11×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2011-09-11] 3 Strikes And You're Feminized – 11×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    2.2 MB · Views: 14
  • [2011-09-04] From Boss To Secretary – 13×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2011-09-04] From Boss To Secretary – 13×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    2.7 MB · Views: 16
  • [2011-08-26] Subject One – My Roommate – 18×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2011-08-26] Subject One – My Roommate – 18×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    3.8 MB · Views: 14
  • [2012-10-14] Can I Tell You A Secret – 17×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2012-10-14] Can I Tell You A Secret – 17×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    7.5 MB · Views: 15
  • [2012-10-20] Girl-A-Matic Guide – How To Feminize Your (Least) Favorite Frat Boy – 13×JPG by N...zip
    [2012-10-20] Girl-A-Matic Guide – How To Feminize Your (Least) Favorite Frat Boy – 13×JPG by N...zip
    4.3 MB · Views: 13
  • [2014-03-04] Rehabilitation – 30×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2014-03-04] Rehabilitation – 30×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    9.9 MB · Views: 20
  • [2014-01-15] Boikini Season – 17×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2014-01-15] Boikini Season – 17×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    5.2 MB · Views: 17
  • [2013-12-24] Fitting In – 18×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2013-12-24] Fitting In – 18×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    5.9 MB · Views: 17
  • [2013-10-03] A Tale Of Two Sissies – 49×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2013-10-03] A Tale Of Two Sissies – 49×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    15.2 MB · Views: 18
  • [2013-02-15] Sensitivity Training – 35×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2013-02-15] Sensitivity Training – 35×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    11.4 MB · Views: 17
  • [2013-02-11] First – 7×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2013-02-11] First – 7×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    1.7 MB · Views: 20
  • [2013-02-09] Making A Living – 23×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2013-02-09] Making A Living – 23×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    7.4 MB · Views: 24
  • [2013-01-31] A Reversal Of Fortune – 25×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2013-01-31] A Reversal Of Fortune – 25×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    9.2 MB · Views: 16
  • [2013-01-24] Military Men – 22×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2013-01-24] Military Men – 22×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    6.8 MB · Views: 21
  • [2012-10-29] Feminized Husbands – The Winner – The Joey Kennedy Story – 25×JPG by Nikki S. Jen...zip
    [2012-10-29] Feminized Husbands – The Winner – The Joey Kennedy Story – 25×JPG by Nikki S. Jen...zip
    6.5 MB · Views: 20
  • [2012-11-01] Sons Of Anarchy Tribute – I Had It All – 9×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2012-11-01] Sons Of Anarchy Tribute – I Had It All – 9×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    2.7 MB · Views: 16
  • [2012-11-08] Girl-A-Matic Guide – How To Feminize Your Friend For Fun And Profit – 15×JPG by N...zip
    [2012-11-08] Girl-A-Matic Guide – How To Feminize Your Friend For Fun And Profit – 15×JPG by N...zip
    4.6 MB · Views: 19
  • [2012-11-15] Justice – 29 Pics – 28×JPG + 1×GIF by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2012-11-15] Justice – 29 Pics – 28×JPG + 1×GIF by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    9.8 MB · Views: 14
  • [2013-01-11] The Power Of Suggestion – 36×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2013-01-11] The Power Of Suggestion – 36×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    13 MB · Views: 12
  • [2013-01-13] Step By Step – An Interracial Feminization Story – 25×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2013-01-13] Step By Step – An Interracial Feminization Story – 25×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    8.4 MB · Views: 15
Last edited:

[2017] Premium

Note: This one is a two parter with larger than usual file sizes, NOT a split archive, extract here will put both parts inside the same "[2017-11-07] Sharmuta – 97×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins" folder.
[2017-11-07] Sharmuta – 97×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins – 0 to 49.zip
[2017-11-07] Sharmuta – 97×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins – 50 to 97.zip


  • [2017-09-06 Re-Release – 2016-10-20] The Tale Of Asha – 81 Pics – 80×JPG + 1×GIF by Nikki S. J...zip
    [2017-09-06 Re-Release – 2016-10-20] The Tale Of Asha – 81 Pics – 80×JPG + 1×GIF by Nikki S. J...zip
    126.1 MB · Views: 18
  • [2017-08-29] Obsession – 131×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2017-08-29] Obsession – 131×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    126 MB · Views: 11
  • [2017-08-17] Fame – 36×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2017-08-17] Fame – 36×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    30.6 MB · Views: 16
  • [2017-08-06] Feminized Felons – 30×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2017-08-06] Feminized Felons – 30×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    47.4 MB · Views: 12
  • [2017-07-31] Untouchable – 17×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2017-07-31] Untouchable – 17×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    14.8 MB · Views: 15
  • [2017-07-23] Spiral – 40×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2017-07-23] Spiral – 40×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    23.5 MB · Views: 16
  • [2017-07-19 Re-Release – 2016-08-04] The Witness – 74×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2017-07-19 Re-Release – 2016-08-04] The Witness – 74×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    86.3 MB · Views: 12
  • [2017-07-15] A Brave New World – 35×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2017-07-15] A Brave New World – 35×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    36.9 MB · Views: 15
  • [2017-09-13] The American Dream – 56×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2017-09-13] The American Dream – 56×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    46.4 MB · Views: 12
  • [2017-09-27] My Secret – 69×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2017-09-27] My Secret – 69×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    53.3 MB · Views: 16
  • [2017-10-07 Re-Release – 2016-12-18] The Winding Path – 126×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2017-10-07 Re-Release – 2016-12-18] The Winding Path – 126×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    217.2 MB · Views: 17
  • [2017-12-30] Slut – 132×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2017-12-30] Slut – 132×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    89.8 MB · Views: 18
  • [2017-12-22] Memories – 16×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2017-12-22] Memories – 16×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    25.8 MB · Views: 15
  • [2017-12-15] An Opportunity – 51×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2017-12-15] An Opportunity – 51×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    46.2 MB · Views: 20
  • [2017-11-30] Time – The Future Of White Masculinity – 4×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2017-11-30] Time – The Future Of White Masculinity – 4×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    7.4 MB · Views: 21
  • [2017-11-21] Gemini – Volume Two – 58×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2017-11-21] Gemini – Volume Two – 58×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    96 MB · Views: 12
  • [2017-10-31] Selfish – 79×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2017-10-31] Selfish – 79×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    42.3 MB · Views: 14
  • [2017-10-24] Girl-A-Matic Guide – How To Sissify Your Spouse – 45×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2017-10-24] Girl-A-Matic Guide – How To Sissify Your Spouse – 45×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    69.4 MB · Views: 29
  • [2017-10-16] Over The Edge – 113×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2017-10-16] Over The Edge – 113×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    89.9 MB · Views: 21
  • [2017-07-07] Subject 3 – The Athlete – 16×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2017-07-07] Subject 3 – The Athlete – 16×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    9.7 MB · Views: 14
  • [2017-06-30] Political Exposure – 12×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2017-06-30] Political Exposure – 12×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    13 MB · Views: 15
  • [2017-06-26] Dream – 113×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2017-06-26] Dream – 113×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    107.4 MB · Views: 24
  • [2017-06-22 Remaster – 2014-01-20] RPG – Role Playing Game – 17×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2017-06-22 Remaster – 2014-01-20] RPG – Role Playing Game – 17×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    18.7 MB · Views: 18
  • [2017-06-22 Remaster – 2013-08-01] Political Pressure – 34×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2017-06-22 Remaster – 2013-08-01] Political Pressure – 34×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    34.3 MB · Views: 21
  • [2017-06-14] The Lottery – 12×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2017-06-14] The Lottery – 12×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    12.4 MB · Views: 14
  • [2017-06-05] Girl-A-Matic Guide – How To Transform Your Boss Into A Beautiful, Busty Bimbo – 2...zip
    [2017-06-05] Girl-A-Matic Guide – How To Transform Your Boss Into A Beautiful, Busty Bimbo – 2...zip
    20.7 MB · Views: 17
  • [2017-05-26] Eden – 137×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2017-05-26] Eden – 137×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    148.6 MB · Views: 17
  • [2017-05-09 Re-Release – 2017-02-19] A Series Of Suggestions – 131×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2017-05-09 Re-Release – 2017-02-19] A Series Of Suggestions – 131×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    127.3 MB · Views: 10
  • [2017-05-09 Re-Release – 2017-01-29] Callie – 127×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2017-05-09 Re-Release – 2017-01-29] Callie – 127×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    122.2 MB · Views: 19
  • [2017-05-09 Re-Release – 2017-01-01] A Second Chance – 53×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2017-05-09 Re-Release – 2017-01-01] A Second Chance – 53×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    70.9 MB · Views: 13
  • [2017-06-22 Remaster – 2014-06-02] A Happy Marriage – 16×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2017-06-22 Remaster – 2014-06-02] A Happy Marriage – 16×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    11.7 MB · Views: 17
  • [2017-06-22 Remaster – 2014-08-09] Happiness Manufactured – 26×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2017-06-22 Remaster – 2014-08-09] Happiness Manufactured – 26×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    36 MB · Views: 14
  • [2017-06-22 Remaster – 2014-10-27] Long Distance Love – 26×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2017-06-22 Remaster – 2014-10-27] Long Distance Love – 26×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    16.4 MB · Views: 18
  • [2017-06-22 Remaster – 2016-11-12] A Fetish Gone Awry – 36×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2017-06-22 Remaster – 2016-11-12] A Fetish Gone Awry – 36×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    22.5 MB · Views: 25
  • [2017-06-22 Remaster – 2016-07-20] A Family Affair – 42×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2017-06-22 Remaster – 2016-07-20] A Family Affair – 42×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    37.3 MB · Views: 9
  • [2017-06-22 Remaster – 2016-03-29] The Wellington Academy – 26×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2017-06-22 Remaster – 2016-03-29] The Wellington Academy – 26×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    17.6 MB · Views: 13
  • [2017-06-22 Remaster – 2016-01-18] A Model Of Success – 40×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2017-06-22 Remaster – 2016-01-18] A Model Of Success – 40×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    41.5 MB · Views: 15
  • [2017-06-22 Remaster – 2015-12-06] Gemini – Volume One – 33×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2017-06-22 Remaster – 2015-12-06] Gemini – Volume One – 33×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    16.6 MB · Views: 20
  • [2017-06-22 Remaster – 2015-09-23] Finding The Real Harper Graham – 51 Pics – 49×JPG + 2×GIF b...zip
    [2017-06-22 Remaster – 2015-09-23] Finding The Real Harper Graham – 51 Pics – 49×JPG + 2×GIF b...zip
    55.6 MB · Views: 8
  • [2017-06-22 Remaster – 2015-02-14] The Harken Affair – 28×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2017-06-22 Remaster – 2015-02-14] The Harken Affair – 28×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    29.1 MB · Views: 10
  • [2017-06-22 Remaster – 2014-12-04] Me, Manipulated – 24×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2017-06-22 Remaster – 2014-12-04] Me, Manipulated – 24×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    21.1 MB · Views: 10
  • [2017-11-07] Sharmuta – 97×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins – 0 to 49.zip
    [2017-11-07] Sharmuta – 97×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins – 0 to 49.zip
    136.2 MB · Views: 12
  • [2017-11-07] Sharmuta – 97×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins – 50 to 96.zip
    [2017-11-07] Sharmuta – 97×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins – 50 to 96.zip
    169.3 MB · Views: 9

[2018] Premium​

[2019] Premium​



  • [2018-01-10] Strings – 128×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2018-01-10] Strings – 128×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    171.5 MB · Views: 11
  • [2018-01-17] Coping – 33×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2018-01-17] Coping – 33×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    27.5 MB · Views: 12
  • [2018-01-30] Envy – 115×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2018-01-30] Envy – 115×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    95.8 MB · Views: 15
  • [2018-02-07] Sensitivity Training – 67×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2018-02-07] Sensitivity Training – 67×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    42.2 MB · Views: 13
  • [2018-02-17] Method – 136×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2018-02-17] Method – 136×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    122.1 MB · Views: 13
  • [2018-02-28 Re-Release – 2015-12-17] Girl-A-Matic Guide – How To Feminize A Football Player – ...zip
    [2018-02-28 Re-Release – 2015-12-17] Girl-A-Matic Guide – How To Feminize A Football Player – ...zip
    13.3 MB · Views: 11
  • [2018-03-02] Turnabout – 24×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2018-03-02] Turnabout – 24×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    20.5 MB · Views: 15
  • [2018-03-18] Toy – 79×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2018-03-18] Toy – 79×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    54.9 MB · Views: 22
  • [2018-04-01] Collision – 60×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2018-04-01] Collision – 60×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    36.3 MB · Views: 19
  • [2018-04-12] Bliss – 88×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2018-04-12] Bliss – 88×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    65.9 MB · Views: 17
  • [2018-04-24] Almost – 86×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2018-04-24] Almost – 86×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    66 MB · Views: 19
  • [2018-05-03] The Shape Of Me – 104×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2018-05-03] The Shape Of Me – 104×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    71.1 MB · Views: 14
  • [2018-05-14] Mother – 76×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2018-05-14] Mother – 76×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    95.5 MB · Views: 18
  • [2018-05-27] Chrysalis – 37×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2018-05-27] Chrysalis – 37×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    45.6 MB · Views: 17
  • [2018-06-03] Balance – 88×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2018-06-03] Balance – 88×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    82.7 MB · Views: 18
  • [2018-06-19] Climbing The Ladder – 78×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2018-06-19] Climbing The Ladder – 78×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    104.4 MB · Views: 19
  • [2018-06-30] Cascade – 155×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2018-06-30] Cascade – 155×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    157.7 MB · Views: 16
  • [2018-07-09] Womanhood – 114×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2018-07-09] Womanhood – 114×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    102.1 MB · Views: 18
  • [2018-07-19] Rose – 101×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2018-07-19] Rose – 101×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    106.1 MB · Views: 16
  • [2018-07-29] A Mother's Love – 95×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2018-07-29] A Mother's Love – 95×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    180.5 MB · Views: 15
  • [2018-08-09] Student Engagement – 73×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2018-08-09] Student Engagement – 73×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    102.2 MB · Views: 11
  • [2018-08-19] Monsters – 75×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2018-08-19] Monsters – 75×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    95.2 MB · Views: 17
  • [2018-08-29] Girl-A-Matic Guide – From Pimp To Prostitute – 31×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2018-08-29] Girl-A-Matic Guide – From Pimp To Prostitute – 31×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    28.6 MB · Views: 20
  • [2018-09-09] Pieces Of Aubrey – 59×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2018-09-09] Pieces Of Aubrey – 59×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    76.7 MB · Views: 19
  • [2018-09-19] Political Animals – 113×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2018-09-19] Political Animals – 113×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    109.6 MB · Views: 14
  • [2018-09-29] Execution – 80×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2018-09-29] Execution – 80×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    70.3 MB · Views: 14
  • [2018-10-09] A Different Me – 96×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2018-10-09] A Different Me – 96×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    74.9 MB · Views: 13
  • [2018-10-19] Scarlet – 84×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2018-10-19] Scarlet – 84×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    92.2 MB · Views: 20
  • [2018-11-09] Survivor – 106×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2018-11-09] Survivor – 106×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    147.4 MB · Views: 17
  • [2018-11-19] The Assignment – 115×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2018-11-19] The Assignment – 115×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    106.9 MB · Views: 19
  • [2018-12-09] A Different Perspective – 120×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2018-12-09] A Different Perspective – 120×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    106.4 MB · Views: 15
  • [2018-12-19] A Mother's Judgment – 114×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2018-12-19] A Mother's Judgment – 114×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    173.4 MB · Views: 19
  • [2019-01-09] Role Model – 154×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2019-01-09] Role Model – 154×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    152.5 MB · Views: 17
  • [2019-01-19] Anarchy – 112×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2019-01-19] Anarchy – 112×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    128.4 MB · Views: 19
  • [2019-02-09] Too Good To Be True – 102×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2019-02-09] Too Good To Be True – 102×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    125.5 MB · Views: 22
  • [2019-02-19] Gemini – Volume Three – 116×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2019-02-19] Gemini – Volume Three – 116×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    125.4 MB · Views: 21
  • [2019-03-09] Irresistible Impulses – 127×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2019-03-09] Irresistible Impulses – 127×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    185.9 MB · Views: 10
  • [2019-03-19] Down The Rabbit Hole – 87×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2019-03-19] Down The Rabbit Hole – 87×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    87.9 MB · Views: 17
  • [2019-04-09] Angel – 94×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2019-04-09] Angel – 94×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    77.6 MB · Views: 19
  • [2019-04-19] Up In Arms – 101×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2019-04-19] Up In Arms – 101×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    123.6 MB · Views: 18
  • [2019-05-09] Trophy – 93×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2019-05-09] Trophy – 93×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    67.3 MB · Views: 14
  • [2019-05-19] The Honey Trap – 83×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2019-05-19] The Honey Trap – 83×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    108.3 MB · Views: 15
  • [2019-06-10] The Primrose Academy – 102×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2019-06-10] The Primrose Academy – 102×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    102 MB · Views: 23
  • [2019-06-20] Representation – 87×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2019-06-20] Representation – 87×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    84.6 MB · Views: 16
  • [2019-07-09] Spouse Swap – 94×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2019-07-09] Spouse Swap – 94×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    83.6 MB · Views: 20
  • [2019-07-20] Manipulation – 91×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2019-07-20] Manipulation – 91×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    78.2 MB · Views: 25
  • [2019-08-10] Pet – 82×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2019-08-10] Pet – 82×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    132.1 MB · Views: 19
  • [2019-08-21] Once Bitten – 98×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2019-08-21] Once Bitten – 98×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    147.1 MB · Views: 15
  • [2019-09-13] Daddy's Boy – 88×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2019-09-13] Daddy's Boy – 88×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    111.2 MB · Views: 15
  • [2019-09-21] Gemini – Volume Four – 98×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2019-09-21] Gemini – Volume Four – 98×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    107 MB · Views: 23
  • [2019-10-09] Sociopath – 84×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2019-10-09] Sociopath – 84×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    89.9 MB · Views: 14
  • [2019-10-19] Love, Infatuation, And Obsession – 94×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2019-10-19] Love, Infatuation, And Obsession – 94×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    71.9 MB · Views: 21
  • [2019-11-10] Reparations Day – 98×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2019-11-10] Reparations Day – 98×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    114.1 MB · Views: 12
  • [2019-11-21] Emily – 81×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2019-11-21] Emily – 81×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    79.2 MB · Views: 11
  • [2019-12-10] Repression – 82×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2019-12-10] Repression – 82×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    88.5 MB · Views: 29
  • [2019-12-25] Spy – 68×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2019-12-25] Spy – 68×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    63 MB · Views: 15

[2020] Premium​

[2021] Premium​

[2022] Premium​

[2023] Premium​



  • [2020-01-15] A Mother’s Gift – 91×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2020-01-15] A Mother’s Gift – 91×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    123.1 MB · Views: 25
  • [2020-01-23] Porn Star – 91×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2020-01-23] Porn Star – 91×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    102 MB · Views: 18
  • [2020-01-26] Girl-A-Matic Guide – How To Sissify Your Stepfather – 34×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2020-01-26] Girl-A-Matic Guide – How To Sissify Your Stepfather – 34×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    37.6 MB · Views: 10
  • [2020-02-09] Silver Linings – 87×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2020-02-09] Silver Linings – 87×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    82.8 MB · Views: 30
  • [2020-02-20] Tempest – 90×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2020-02-20] Tempest – 90×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    97.6 MB · Views: 19
  • [2020-03-11] The Pandrogyny Project – 89×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2020-03-11] The Pandrogyny Project – 89×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    78.6 MB · Views: 21
  • [2020-03-22] Playing God – 80×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2020-03-22] Playing God – 80×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    42.5 MB · Views: 20
  • [2020-04-11] Masquerade – 88×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2020-04-11] Masquerade – 88×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    108.6 MB · Views: 14
  • [2020-04-20] Circles – 83×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2020-04-20] Circles – 83×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    76.3 MB · Views: 17
  • [2020-05-11] Fate – 96×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2020-05-11] Fate – 96×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    117.6 MB · Views: 22
  • [2020-05-20] Power – 96×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2020-05-20] Power – 96×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    137.1 MB · Views: 14
  • [2020-06-10] Utopia – 106×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2020-06-10] Utopia – 106×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    99.9 MB · Views: 11
  • [2020-06-21] Sisters – 90×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2020-06-21] Sisters – 90×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    153.1 MB · Views: 11
  • [2020-07-11] Dancing With Delusion – 111×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2020-07-11] Dancing With Delusion – 111×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    115 MB · Views: 16
  • [2020-07-22] An Eye For An Eye – 92×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2020-07-22] An Eye For An Eye – 92×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    83.5 MB · Views: 15
  • [2020-08-15] Transition – 80×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2020-08-15] Transition – 80×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    99.1 MB · Views: 23
  • [2020-08-27] The Price Of A Perfect World – 79×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2020-08-27] The Price Of A Perfect World – 79×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    120.5 MB · Views: 14
  • [2020-09-20] Imposter – 92×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2020-09-20] Imposter – 92×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    113.4 MB · Views: 12
  • [2020-10-11] Actions And Reactions – 83×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2020-10-11] Actions And Reactions – 83×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    86.8 MB · Views: 15
  • [2020-11-01] Gemini – Volume Five – 83×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2020-11-01] Gemini – Volume Five – 83×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    95 MB · Views: 15
  • [2020-11-18] The Pursuit Of Happiness – 86×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2020-11-18] The Pursuit Of Happiness – 86×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    74.2 MB · Views: 20
  • [2020-12-08] An Open Mind – 85×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2020-12-08] An Open Mind – 85×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    100.8 MB · Views: 12
  • [2021-01-18] Love Story – 85×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2021-01-18] Love Story – 85×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    82.8 MB · Views: 21
  • [2021-01-30] Puzzle Pieces – 97×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2021-01-30] Puzzle Pieces – 97×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    94.4 MB · Views: 7
  • [2021-02-15] Cam Girl – 88×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2021-02-15] Cam Girl – 88×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    120.4 MB · Views: 11
  • [2021-03-01] Like Father, Like Son – 91×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2021-03-01] Like Father, Like Son – 91×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    114.9 MB · Views: 16
  • [2021-03-22] Puppet – 87×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2021-03-22] Puppet – 87×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    80.7 MB · Views: 12
  • [2021-03-28] Redhanded – 31×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2021-03-28] Redhanded – 31×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    23.2 MB · Views: 14
  • [2021-04-04] Adelaide – 85×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2021-04-04] Adelaide – 85×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    102.1 MB · Views: 15
  • [2021-04-18] Femboy Panic! – 33×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2021-04-18] Femboy Panic! – 33×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    51.8 MB · Views: 10
  • [2021-04-26] Doll – 88×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2021-04-26] Doll – 88×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    131.3 MB · Views: 7
  • [2021-05-10] Shifting Perspectives – 97×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2021-05-10] Shifting Perspectives – 97×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    110.4 MB · Views: 20
  • [2021-05-30] Trapped – 97×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2021-05-30] Trapped – 97×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    113.1 MB · Views: 9
  • [2021-06-13] Dreams – 103×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2021-06-13] Dreams – 103×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    87.1 MB · Views: 18
  • [2021-07-01] Ladyboy – 99×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2021-07-01] Ladyboy – 99×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    90.6 MB · Views: 9
  • [2021-07-20] Mirror – 83×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2021-07-20] Mirror – 83×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    66.7 MB · Views: 12
  • [2021-08-05] The Cautionary Tale Of Cynthia – 93×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2021-08-05] The Cautionary Tale Of Cynthia – 93×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    77.8 MB · Views: 10
  • [2021-08-16] Project – Snowbunny – 50×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2021-08-16] Project – Snowbunny – 50×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    41.8 MB · Views: 9
  • [2021-08-23] A Harsh Punishment – 41×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2021-08-23] A Harsh Punishment – 41×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    43.5 MB · Views: 9
  • [2021-08-31] Girl-A-Matic Guide – How To Sissify Your Stepbrother – 31×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2021-08-31] Girl-A-Matic Guide – How To Sissify Your Stepbrother – 31×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    40.7 MB · Views: 16
  • [2021-09-22] The Fame Game – 83×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2021-09-22] The Fame Game – 83×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    58.2 MB · Views: 10
  • [2021-10-02] Indentured – 83×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2021-10-02] Indentured – 83×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    81.3 MB · Views: 10
  • [2021-10-26] Insecure – 69×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2021-10-26] Insecure – 69×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    105.5 MB · Views: 17
  • [2021-11-07] Lonely And Confused – 78×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2021-11-07] Lonely And Confused – 78×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    84.2 MB · Views: 25
  • [2021-11-24] Witchy Woman – 33×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2021-11-24] Witchy Woman – 33×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    28.9 MB · Views: 18
  • [2021-12-01] Bimbo – 45×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2021-12-01] Bimbo – 45×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    52.4 MB · Views: 9
  • [2021-12-10] Polyamory – 44×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2021-12-10] Polyamory – 44×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    55.2 MB · Views: 11
  • [2022-01-10] Demon’s Plaything – 79×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2022-01-10] Demon’s Plaything – 79×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    113.3 MB · Views: 8
  • [2022-01-28] Gemini – Volume Six – 59×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2022-01-28] Gemini – Volume Six – 59×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    84.3 MB · Views: 10
  • [2022-03-01] The Family Business – 63×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2022-03-01] The Family Business – 63×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    62.8 MB · Views: 21
  • [2022-03-15] A Different Path – 63×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2022-03-15] A Different Path – 63×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    45.9 MB · Views: 14
  • [2022-04-13] Family – 72×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2022-04-13] Family – 72×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    93 MB · Views: 15
  • [2022-05-02] The Climb – 73×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2022-05-02] The Climb – 73×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    66.6 MB · Views: 23
  • [2022-06-09] Torn Apart – 49×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2022-06-09] Torn Apart – 49×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    59.6 MB · Views: 10
  • [2022-07-02] Better This Way – 72×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2022-07-02] Better This Way – 72×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    72.9 MB · Views: 35
  • [2022-08-03] Reversal – 35×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2022-08-03] Reversal – 35×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    32.8 MB · Views: 17
  • [2022-08-21] Beta Test – 70×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2022-08-21] Beta Test – 70×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    80.3 MB · Views: 8
  • [2022-09-14] Femboy Fame – 48×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2022-09-14] Femboy Fame – 48×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    41.5 MB · Views: 7
  • [2022-10-22] Seeking Approval – 65×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2022-10-22] Seeking Approval – 65×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    58.3 MB · Views: 11
  • [2022-11-15] Necessary Changes – 41×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2022-11-15] Necessary Changes – 41×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    57.3 MB · Views: 12
  • [2022-12-20] The Job – 46×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2022-12-20] The Job – 46×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    45.8 MB · Views: 7
  • [2023-01-16] Invisible – 57×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2023-01-16] Invisible – 57×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    70.2 MB · Views: 8
  • [2023-02-08] Cold – 66×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    [2023-02-08] Cold – 66×JPG by Nikki S. Jenkins.zip
    71.6 MB · Views: 6

3 eBooks​

Short Stories​

eBooks are all in three formats
AZW3, ePub, PDF
Plus some text only blog posts I made into ODT files.

The single captions are a 3 GB collection, that I've hardlinked (or it would be 6 GB) into two groups Month & Category posted under.
That meant using a TAR archive to preserve the hardlinks, and putting that in a & 7Z Archive to compress the file size..

4 Captions​

1 Monthly
2 Categories

5 Omar Bell​

6 Reparations Universe​

7 Other Interracial​

These were all free content, so I've uploaded them to Mega.NZ

Mega.NZ link for4 Captions [TAR].7Z and 5 Omar Bell + 6 Reparations Universe + 7 Other Interracial [TAR].7Z

Only the eBooks are still available to buy, the Premium site no longer exists, the free Blog sites no longer exists.
As far as I know I'm the only person that has all the original source files, even paying customers got Wordpress scaled versions.
I could access the source uploads, because WordPress paywall doesn't protect the source content, just the scaled content witch is identically named except for adding a "-scaled" suffix & NJS used a numeric naming system, making finding that source far too easy for this tech savvy TG nerd to bypass the paywall legally.
no cracking or even a site login was needed.

The age old problem, pirates provided better service for free, than those paying for the content get.
In NJSs defence, she's NOT tech savvy at all, outside of using Photoshop, even packing the JPGs into an archive was beyond her ability.
Indeed it was the tech issues that were the final straw, that led to her giving up writing.


  • 3 eBooks.zip
    3 eBooks.zip
    193.5 MB · Views: 11
Could you post the details for the rest of the stories? The above cover-detail table was really helpful in finding out the names of the models.
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