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[ST-9pol] Original, & Fan Graphic Novels

New admins, looks like a whole new team running it.

Ok...great. But, maybe I am getting a bit spun-up about this, since they really screwed all of us. What is upsetting me is that they are copying a lot of our ideas for their site. It is one thing to restart, even with the fact that we lost a wealth of stuff that let's be honest was never back up, and is now gone forever.

It is another when they are ripping our new community off, and using everything that we all put and suggested and Exo and others were so kind to use.

Like I said, I know I am reading too much into this but, it's really too soon to restart and just say "my bad for f^*Xing everyone over and killing the site."

Thanks again Chuck2000 for the info.
"my bad for f^*Xing everyone over and killing the site.
The thing is, it's NOT the same person/team/whatever... so he/she/whomever don't need to say that...

Plus, 8muses (the user) actually posts original images

And I know it's so far only for Au Naturel and Timmy Strikes Back, but I don't see Exo doing this.
So accusing them of blatantly ripping from this site is a bit much.... especially since both forums run the same software and similarities in functionality is bound to show.
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If there are issues with getting files non corrupted as I have also had feedback on text issues within the pages unreadable here, the same posts are also done uploaded at https://8musesforum.com/threads/st-9pol-original-fan-graphic-novels.45/ Not sure if there are issues with the previews etc but the source files I have are fine.. Thanks for letting me know.

Thanks for the link, ST-9pol.

If you see the attachments, you will see what I am talking about. For some reason, our version is coming out all screwed up, yet the other version is fine. I hope someone can fix this.



  • 8M Version - Ch1-The Fashion Show reduxcompress-69.jpg
    8M Version - Ch1-The Fashion Show reduxcompress-69.jpg
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  • All Porn Version - Ch1-The Fashion Show reduxcompress-69.JPG
    All Porn Version - Ch1-The Fashion Show reduxcompress-69.JPG
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Thanks for the link, ST-9pol.

If you see the attachments, you will see what I am talking about. For some reason, our version is coming out all screwed up, yet the other version is fine. I hope someone can fix this.

I just noticed that little detail. But looking here it didn't happen to me, in case it's useful for the future.
WTF....I thought 8M was DOA, when did it come back? And is run by that same SOB that deleted it last time?
Hello, no it has been relaunched, but the old owner and the old content is not associated... It's a ground up launch that is independent from the 8m Comic site.
Thanks for the link, ST-9pol.

If you see the attachments, you will see what I am talking about. For some reason, our version is coming out all screwed up, yet the other version is fine. I hope someone can fix this.

That is interesting, and concerning... I can't see any reason this would be happening... Is it on that page only or are your experiencing this for all?, thanks.
Ok...great. But, maybe I am getting a bit spun-up about this, since they really screwed all of us. What is upsetting me is that they are copying a lot of our ideas for their site. It is one thing to restart, even with the fact that we lost a wealth of stuff that let's be honest was never back up, and is now gone forever.

It is another when they are ripping our new community off, and using everything that we all put and suggested and Exo and others were so kind to use.

Like I said, I know I am reading too much into this but, it's really too soon to restart and just say "my bad for f^*Xing everyone over and killing the site."

Thanks again Chuck2000 for the info.
If I may weigh in, and I don't intend for this to become a huge debate, but after the 8m nuking the push for an alternate site for redundancy of content was wanted and I remember a lot of discussions in groups that you and I were both in around this when 21candles was to be launched...

Not sure what your meaning of "It is another when they are ripping our new community off"? APCF is a pirate forum... 8M is a pirate forum... both means I have to pay to have my work digitally watermarked to keep content off these sites till I share them myself after the appropriate amount of time from my subscribestar account.. I think the context of who is being ripped off needs to be remembered in context... Artist's struggle to get support if everyone just gets all their content for free...
If I may weigh in, and I don't intend for this to become a huge debate, but after the 8m nuking the push for an alternate site for redundancy of content was wanted and I remember a lot of discussions in groups that you and I were both in around this when 21candles was to be launched...

Not sure what your meaning of "It is another when they are ripping our new community off"? APCF is a pirate forum... 8M is a pirate forum... both means I have to pay to have my work digitally watermarked to keep content off these sites till I share them myself after the appropriate amount of time from my subscribestar account.. I think the context of who is being ripped off needs to be remembered in context... Artist's struggle to get support if everyone just gets all their content for free...

I too do not want to make this a huge debate.

Like I said, maybe I got too spun up about this, and what you said brought me back down to earth.

As I said, what unset me was the fact that I was under the impression that the original owner was the one behind this, which is why I got so upset.

As I said before, I thought it was them, and it felt a bit disrespectful that they nuked the site, didn't give anyone a sec to save their stuff, and 3 months later comes back and says "my bad".

In terms of ripping off, what I meant was some of the features on this site, like being able to download all the images from a specific thread in one zip file, blocking all conversations and viewing only content, or some of the AI features, and other site infrastructures is something I have never seen at other sites. So again, think it was the same person, I was upset that they are now trying to copy us and think it was ok from them to delete the old site without anyone saying anything.

Once again, I am soo soo sorry if I got upset, it's just this place is a great place for all us weridos and I was upset when it was taken way from us. Especially with people like you, Exo, timbob, Stormbringer, etc.

And I do not want anyone to disrespect this place. So again...sorry for getting all worked up. That is the last I will say about it. :cool:
The Fashion Show Redux page 69-70


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    Ch1-The Fashion Show reduxcompress-71.jpg
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Thanks for the link, ST-9pol.

If you see the attachments, you will see what I am talking about. For some reason, our version is coming out all screwed up, yet the other version is fine. I hope someone can fix this.


I can't seem to replicate the issue. If anyone else faces the issue and can provide any details you can post here

The Fashion Show Redux page 69-70
Not Sofia! You are strong, don't be weak and fall into the clutches of delicious sin and bright darkness (Not for now, later anyway yes or yes) Gain strength and hide your perverted desires by wearing and trying on more bikinis. The night is young!

That's what I would tell Sophia. But that's me, not the author who entertains us with each installment. Thank you.
Not Sofia! You are strong, don't be weak and fall into the clutches of delicious sin and bright darkness (Not for now, later anyway yes or yes) Gain strength and hide your perverted desires by wearing and trying on more bikinis. The night is young!

That's what I would tell Sophia. But that's me, not the author who entertains us with each installment. Thank you.
The night is indeed young... watch this space.... :devilish:
I can't seem to replicate the issue. If anyone else faces the issue and can provide any details you can post here

Thanks, Exo, for looking into this... I didn't have any further examples I could send admin to start a ticket for further investigations. If I have any further users reporting the same or similar issues, I will let you know. It looks like it may be limited to one user? Many thanks.
Thanks, Exo, for looking into this... I didn't have any further examples I could send admin to start a ticket for further investigations. If I have any further users reporting the same or similar issues, I will let you know. It looks like it may be limited to one user? Many thanks.
Thank you. Any help is appreciated. I've been testing from various devices and locations but can't seem to replicate it. All images display correctly for me.
The Fashion Show Redux page 71


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  • The Fashion Show Redux pg1-71.txt
    The Fashion Show Redux pg1-71.txt
    143 KB · Views: 6
Hello All, Exo has fixed this issue:

I had enabled webp for online previewer. That might likely be causing the issue. Webp does come with much faster loading and lower file size for faster online reading. You can use the download zip to download the original uncompressed files. I've disabled it now. Let me know if the issue persists.

The issue has now been resolved.
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