
A brand new start!
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[Various Artists] 😈 Hot Arts and Sciences 😈

[Novaksus] :devilish: L. Chapter 3 - 13
The sun was soon on the highest point in the sky. Serena needed a moment to adapt to the bright surroundings.

'I'm out in public... Dressed like this...' She felt goosebumps adorn every inch of her skin as the thought brought exhilaration throbbing through her body.
Her sorrowful frown slowly turned to an open gape as she started running. Her destination wasn't too far.

Running out the courtyard, she ran down the street, headed right through a garden, then continued running through back alleys until she got to the old town square. It was more or less empty these days as the city's newer main street had diverted traffic through the newer areas, leaving the old ones to fade into a ghost town.

Running by the river, her boots made loud clicking sounds as she ran on the cobblestone.

Her gait was a little strange as she kept feeling the underwear roll down her large butt. She compensated with lifting her legs in unusual ways to slow down the descent of the white fabric.

Freezing up, she stopped in the middle of a small bridge. There was a man wearing a balaclava mask on the other side. He stared in her direction, watching her intently. He seemed to take his time, slowly tilting his head as he observed Serena.

He lifted an arm, then beckoned Serena to come closer. This was the man she was looking for. She was expecting to face so many challenges along the way. She had no hope of getting here without crashing into some random passerby.

Luck seemed to be with her, and she walked over to the stranger.

"Serena. You've done well. Come closer." The man spoke in a strange mixture of casualness and superiority.

He gently placed a hand on Serena's head and gave her a warm pat. The other held her hand. She could lower her arm, or lean her head back. She knew she could, but she didn't want to. He felt imposing and intimidating, but not scary. She took another step closer. He shielded her from the wind, and the dress calmed down, covering her more as it tenderly hugged around more of her thigh.

"Are you ready to begin, Serena? You will need to earn the right to wear the headset. You need to understand Sadie. But, you are different from your other half. She can do things that you can't, and the same goes the other way around as well. What I will do is to test you in areas you've never been tested before. If you break, you will lose. If you retain your own mind and come out of this with your spirit still burning, then you will have proven yourself, like your sister already has. Squeeze my hand if you're ready. If not, you can walk away. This is the last time I'll give you that option."

She stood there, staring at his chest, thinking...

"I..." She opened her mouth.

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[Novaksus] :devilish: L. Chapter 3 - 14
As she started her sentence, she squeezed his hand. She was in. And she opened her mouth to tell him so.

He didn't wait for the words as he disappeared behind her, grabbed her by the throat, then ripped her dress off of her body.

She had no time to even begin realizing what had happened before she felt his fingers plunge into her warm depths.

"Let it happen. Don't try to stop me. I'm fingering your worthless pussy in the middle of the street, in daylight. This is what you crave. Forget about breathing. I control everything you know and hold dear to your heart. Your life ends on my whim. Nothing more." He was slowly asphyxiating her while masturbating her naked body relentlessly. Serena grunted and gurgled, unable to breathe. Her arms weren't trying to stop the man from choking her. She started to see stars as the orgasm hit her like a speeding truck. Squirting uncontrollably, she convulsed violently on the stone ground. Shaking as the climax made her go temporarily cross eyed.

He slowly removed his hand from her face, and she could finally breathe again.

"Ahh... Ah...." Serena stroked her thigh while riding the afterglow of the incredible orgasm.

"Good. You're my little puppet. Just like your step-sister... Welcome to paradise, little one."

He kept kneading and groping her body. She let him do whatever he wanted. Her body was leaning back, resting in his capable hands.

She was much easier to handle than her sister. Serena had been conditioned to be extremely suggestible when feeling pleasure, and even after the doctor's work, she still retained a lot of her earlier grooming and mental programming.

"How much for a go with your slave, sir?" A passerby asked.

"Sorry, she's still early in training." The man holding her answered. The curious person walked off, leaving Serena with her new Master.

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[Novaksus] :devilish: L. Chapter 3 - 15
"Lying here on the street is not suited for something like you..." He lifted her up.

"There. Keep one hand down there, and push a couple of fingers inside. There you go, there you go. Good girl." He made sure she was actively masturbating, then started walking off with her.

Serena tried to look around, but everything was just a blur. She just saw the dark figure who carried her away.

"Good girl. Keep fingering yourself. That's a good girl." He made sure she was getting herself off while he moved her.

Moaning and grunting, Serena never stopped rubbing herself while she was carried into a large warehouse with glass walls and roof. A large and empty greenhouse that seemed abandoned and forgotten. Serena looked up at the masked man. Squinting hazily as she fingered herself over the edge once more. Was she being kidnapped? What was going to happen to her? This feeling of danger did strange things to her. Moaning out, she let her perversion be known.

"Is the poor baby tired from all the orgasming?" He asked condescendingly. She opened her mouth, but didn't say anything.

"Aaaaah..." She breathed out a warm and sweet fog as her fingers plunged in and out of her dripping pussy.

"Good girl." He complimented her. She noticed some metal lattice in her peripheral vision. Looking hazily around, she noticed that he was carrying her into a cage.

"You can stop masturbating now, girl." He commanded her as he sat her down on the cold metal floor. Serena gave him a confused and nervous look.

"I will make you into an amazing slave, Serena. Don't worry." He said as he slowly closed the metal gate to her cage.

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[Novaksus] :devilish: L. Chapter 3 - 16
"Oh, before I leave, give me your boots. They're covering a little too much of your body."

She hesitated for a moment, then slid the two boots off.

The man took them from her, then locked her cage again.

"When you're ready to proceed, open the box to my right, and follow the instructions." He pointed to one of the boxes.

Serena wanted to ask something, but she couldn't get it out. She just gave him a brave face... But it was one of a scared little girl.

"Make your sister proud." He said, then left her alone in the large building, trapped in her cell.

She wasted little time. Opening the box, she found two pages of instructions. A very informative step-by-step explanation of her tasks.

She followed the guide, and put on the collar with the bell attached. Whenever she moved her head, the bell rang out, sounding like a cow was nearby.

Next up was the cylinder injection gag. She picked it up and looked at it with curiosity and a rapidly beating heart. The gag was really heavy for some reason. The locking mechanism was still in the box, but the mouthpiece was way too heavy. Slowly, she tore herself away from it, and grabbed the strapping device that was going to lock the gag in place. It was a complex piece of metal, but the guide made it simple to put on. Sitting down, she adjusted the gag, ensuring it was fastened correctly. Opening her mouth, she found the right position for her jaw to be in. The clinging of the cowbell kept distracting her. It was something she'd never get used to. And, she was starting to wonder why she was made to wear it. Thinking back to what was written on it, she had a bad feeling about this.

When she was ready, she was to push the cylinder into the socket, locking itself in place. The gag would diffuse into a translucent material, becoming almost like glass. She was curious about what this even meant, so she pushed the cylinder all the way in with anticipation.

With a strange hiss, it was like something inside the cylinder started to leak out. As the white exterior of the gag faded, she felt an explosion of liquid pushing itself into her throat. Where she'd normally gag, the device numbed her gag reflex completely, and the high pressure of the canister's content partially emptied itself inside of Serena. It filled her esophagus with a slimy liquid, then started filling her stomach. Two large slimy torrents of gross liquid escaped her nose, pouring down on the transparent mouthpiece. Swallowing the remainder of the large quantity of liquids, she finally snorted the rest of the liquids back into her mouth, then swallowed one last time. She coughed as she could finally take a deep breath.

With shaking hands, she felt around the gag. She couldn't take it off, even if she wanted to.
[Novaksus] :devilish: L. Chapter 3 - 17
Last part of the instructions for the box. The big surface with wheels underneath. She was to plant her hands and feet inside the size-appropriate openings. When she'd completed this, she would be finished with the first part of the challenge.

She'd thought about quitting this a handful of times already, but it didn't really matter. She had already made up her mind, and for some strange reason, she didn't want to fail her sister, even if it had her do perverted stuff against her own will. Sadie was all that she had, and she'd much rather die than lose her.

It was a strange feeling, having the cylinder lodged inside her mouth. After it had emptied most of the liquids it carried, the cylinder softened. She couldn't close her mouth, but she found herself suckling at the strange object from time to time.

The hole felt soft and clingy. She was sure that once she'd placed her hands and feet inside, she would be trapped.

Trapped, and unable to escape. She would be bent forward, presenting her genitalia to anyone behind her. Any man who saw her would use her. It wouldn't even be considered rape because she did all of this to herself. Whatever happened once she placed herself in this situation would be her own fault.


One by one, her limbs went voluntarily into their own trap. Looking around, she tugged at her arms, trying to break free. It was absolutely impossible. The holes would never yield to any amount of strength she could summon forth. She was trapped.

The merry jingle of the cowbell sent shivers through her body. She must look absolutely ridiculous. Like a human cow. Her breasts hung heavy on her chest, slowly pulling themselves lower and lower. But, even then, they were still maintaining their unnaturally round shapes.

She was starting to panic as she frantically looked around. The 'play' was ebbing out, the seriousness of what she had done became increasingly apparent.

"Nnnnnnmnmmmm!!" She gurgled in a muted tone.

"Cling clang cling clang!" The bell made a much louder sound.

She closed her eyes, trying to pull herself away from this horrible situation.

"Cling clang, cling clang!" The bell dragged her back to reality. She was jerking her body, trying desperately to loosen any of the restraints.


With a heavy heart, she saw a new man open her cage. He was taller than the previous man.

He had a very defined scar running from above his left eyebrow, down, past the eye, to the middle of the cheek. His eyes were cold. The way he opened the cage, it was so cold and casual. Grabbing Serena by her armpits, he rolled her out from the cage. His hands were incredibly rough. His skin was almost like sandpaper.

"Ghh... bllllghgh..." Serena moaned incomprehensibly. The man only gave her a frigid chuckle as he smacked her butt. His hand stayed by her butt cheek. It was kneading her backside for a small minute before he suddenly cupped her pussy. Her warm sex shuddered against his palm. Her heart was beating so fast and loud, the man could hear it. The hairs on the back of Serena's neck were on end. She tried to turn around, to look at the man, to somehow try to communicate. Was she safe? Had the other man sold her? Would she ever see Sadie again? Questions were roaming around in her bewildered mind.

Her cow bell sang a happy tune as it filled the air with such a comedic jingle. Her fat udders were wobbling side to side.

Tears were trickling down her cheeks as she noticed what was in front of her. The man had a hand on her head, forcing her to look forward. What she saw sent chills down her spine.

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[Novaksus] :devilish: L. Chapter 3 - 18
The man pushed her a little further into the middle of the large room. With no pause to explain anything to Serena, he just latched a couple of large cylinders onto her nipples. The suction kept them attached to her. In the end of the cylinders, small pipes were connected.

Serena knew what was going on. She knew what her fate was. She had known ever since she locked herself onto the hellish platform.

"Such a good cow. Don't worry, don't be sad. I will milk your udders now. I'll make you feel real good." The man said in a comforting voice.

Serena shook her head in disgust. He walked over and kneeled down next to her.

"You shouldn't look for answers. Human speech is nothing you need to worry about. I will not address you anymore as a human. You're just a cow. A dumb cow." He grabbed her head and turned it towards him. Serena's bell jingled happily.

"A good cow produces better milk when they're pleasured or really horny. It adds a sweetness to the product that's hard to artificially achieve." He paused as the machine came to life. The humming and rhythmic noise became louder. Serena gasped as she felt a powerful suction on her nipples in rhythm to the device.

"That's it. Good little cow. You are allowed to moo if you're feeling particularly good." with a hand cupping her pussy, he gave her crotch a wet and light smack before pushing a finger inside.

Whimpering moans were heard as he worked her with ease. He grinned when he saw her wide eyes glaze over a little once the fingering worked her over.

"There are several cameras here. Make sure to be on your best behavior, cow. Your performance is graded, and you are expected to perform just as good as an expensive livestock." His voice gnawed at Serena's mind. The accompanied sounds of the cowbell and the rhythmic noise of the milking device kept assaulting her mind.

He walked behind Serena, then threw his pants to the side. She saw them fly by, then realized what was about to happen. She squealed and grunted. Trying to break free.

She gave up when she felt the heavy thud of the man's huge cock and large balls. It was too much. She whimpered like a scared child, and when she saw what was in front of her, she froze up.

She saw the white liquid slowly build up. She was being milked, and it was so much already, The large glass container in front of her slowly grew in volume.

He rubbed her ass with a sadistic grin. But the sight of the distraught girl that was being milked against her will. It was a sight that would brighten his dreams for years to come.
[Novaksus] :devilish: L. Chapter 3 - 19
Waiting for the pain to begin, Serena was steeling herself, preparing mentally for the man to rape her with that giant cock.

"You're such a brave cow, sis." She opened her eyes and saw Sadie sit in front of her. Naked and radiant as ever, brimming with energy and kindness.

She wanted to talk to her. She felt tears trickling down, but no way of conveying anything due to the cylinder lodged inside her mouth. The only thing she could do was look helplessly at her step sister while the bell kept ringing happy tunes.

"You made me wait, you stupid whore!" Serena's eyes widened as she saw the man's hand grab her sister by the hair, then lift her up off the ground.

"Forgive me, sir." Sadie responded as the man placed her back across his knee, choking her with one hand, and with the other, plunging three fingers inside of her pussy.

Sadie tried to apologize further, but she couldn't get any air. She just held the position while the man got his anger out. Her hips swaying against his invading fingers.

Pushing her over on the cold and hard concrete floor, the man spat on Sadie, then lifted her up again, and repeated the process several times until Sadie was reduced to a crying mess. He then dragged her over to Serena and threw her on top of her own sister.

Serena's heart was bleeding as she saw her own sister physically assaulted. Sadie had taken blow after blow, her naked body bruised and battered. Her eyes were full of tears.

Serena did not only feel useless and helpless, but also infuriated with herself for being unable to do anything about it.

"Aah!!" Sadie screamed out in pain as the man drove the entire length of his cock inside of her.

This was a living nightmare. Serena felt her sister's warm body move back and forth as her step sister was being raped by a violent man.

"Fuck, your pussy is the best!" The man celebrated, giving Sadie a loud and painful smack on the ass.

He kept going at it. He shouted insults and degraded Sadie while using her vagina as his own personal fleshlight.

With a final thrust, he pushed Sadie onto the floor. She landed painfully on the ground, whimpering and crying from the pain.

The man wasn't done with her. He lifted her lower body up, planted his cock deep inside, then started spanking her.

Serena was forced to watch her dear sister being raped and assaulted. She tried to break free, but all she could do was make the cowbell ring out in a funny sequence of clings and clangs.
[Novaksus] :devilish: L. Chapter 3 - 20
Strike after strike that left a large red imprint on her abused body, Sadie was slowly adapting to the wild situation. Every strike she felt, she climbed a little higher. Her whole body was aching with pain, but it wasn't enough to defeat her.

The man was actually tiring himself out. When she saw how tired he was becoming from the repeated abuse, Sadie used it to take control.

"Let me make you feel better, sir." she said in a kind and loving tone.

Dripping with sweat and tears, Sadie mounted the man. She rode the cock expertly, gyrating, squeezing, bouncing. He seemed to accept it as he lied back and let her do the work.

Serena was staring, her eyes were bulging. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. Sadie was smiling. She recognized the smile. It was the smile she hated so much. Whenever Sadie beat her in a tabletop game, she would always smile that way. Victory is what it meant.

But, she didn't hate what she saw. Apparently, this was a challenge that Sadie had overcome. It wasn't just Serena being tested, but Sadie as well. Sadie was acing her test. Pure awe and adoration, she stared at her sister and couldn't close her mouth, even if she didn't have a large object inside her mouth.

Seeing Sadie work, the constant tugs on her nipples felt more pleasant. She was moaning involuntarily as she was completely enthralled by her sister's ability to make love with this man.

Pressing her delicate chest against the man, Sadie's entire being radiated with femininity and sexuality. When they broke their kiss, Sadie would breathe warm air against the man's face, just enough to entice him into another deep and passionate kiss. She would lure out his tongue, then massage it dutifully inside her own warm mouth. He grabbed her butt, but not to hurt it. He squeezed and groped her body as she had turned into the perfect lover.

He shivered, moaning in a strained tone. Sadie took control, hypnotically shifting her hips, moving them in a fluid pattern while milking his cock of everything he was pent up with.

"Mmmh. Thank you sir. Thank you so much. I love you." She cooed in warm breaths.

"Ah.. This... Good!" He said through pleasure-drunk words. Sadie slowly sat back up, but he seemed a little tuckered out. She turned him around, and held his head in her small hands. He was such a large man, that it took more strength than she would admit to hold the weight of his head. She gave him a warm and comfortable place to rest, massaging his tongue while he rested. She was sitting on a spot that was particularly painful, it was where he'd hit her earlier. Not a spank, but a closed fist hit. She ignored the pain as she only focused on his pleasure. That was all that mattered in the world right now.

She could hear her sister groan and gurgle, and for a moment, it sounded like a muted moo. Serena shook violently as she orgasmed. Her eyes rolling up, she was slowly changing into being a dairy cow.

After tending to the man for another five minutes, she helped him up. He seemed annoyed at how weak he appeared next to Sadie, and grabbed her by the throat to attempt to reassert his dominance. But, it was too late. Sadie looked at the man with adoration, love, and endless warmth. When he squeezed her throat harder, her face only reflected the purest of kindness. He let go of her, and she thanked him for sparing her.

"If someone mistreats you... Come to me and I'll make sure they won't do it again. You deserve better. My name is Mr. Sarkh." He said in a low tone. His eyes darted back and forth to make sure no one else heard him. He straightened up and took a deep breath.
[Novaksus] :devilish: L. Chapter 3 - 21
Sadie and Mr. Sarkh returned to Serena.

He transferred the milk to a portable container. It was quite the sight. Serena had produced enormous amounts of milk in a rather small amount of time. Sadie couldn't help but admire Serena. She looked absolutely stunning. It was very apparent that Serena had just orgasmed her mind into oblivion, and was still trying to recover from it. Sadie started rubbing herself as she saw the dopey expression on her step-sister.

"The stupid cow has performed well. This is more than I expected. She will need to be regularly milked in the future. I recommend branding her, and adding a fat nose ring." He said, examining what remained of Serena.

Mr. Sarkh left the two girls there to unwind a little after the intense session.

Sadie crawled underneath Serena's bindings, then undid her sister's gag. As she expected, more of the strange fluid that would enlarge the breasts and make you start lactating came flooding out. Wanting bigger breasts herself, Sadie opened her mouth and caught a small stream of the thick liquids.

Having lapped down what she got, she then undid her step-sister's restraints, releasing her fully. Serena wasted no time. She pounced onto Sadie, shoving her massive udders against the petite chest. The two rolled around on the floor, kissing and moaning as they finally could embrace.

The two pushed their groins against each other, humping eagerly as they were wrapped up in a lust-drunk craze.

After a long session of rolling around, Sadie was lying on the ground, drinking greedily from Serena's leaking nipples. Serena just sat there, rubbing herself vigorously, panting. The sounds of the cow bell rang out as she shuddered from another orgasm. Sadie followed right behind. She tensed up, sucking harder from the teat, as she came again.

No filters, no taboos left, no hesitation, no shame, no inhibition in sight. They were bonding in a completely new way. It was like they revealed their true selves to each other. They never spoke. They only conveyed their emotions through depraved actions.
[Novaksus] :devilish: L. Chapter 3 - 22
Serena cooed happily as Sadie gave her nipple one last tug. She opened her eyes hazily as she had noticed that her step-sister was on the ground, groveling in a strange display of complete submission. She noticed the person walking towards them. Unsure, she covered her breasts as she saw the man from before walking over. He got down next to Sadie and examined her body closely. He was obviously worried about her.

"Ribs feel good. Any pain when you inhale? Can you breathe in deeply for me girl?" Sadie inhaled a deep breath. She didn't feel any pain. He stroked her hair lovingly.

"You performed admirably. Unbreakable, unyielding. More solid than the concrete you're kneeling on."

Sadie was glad that she was in this position. She was smiling from ear to ear, and couldn't hide her happiness just yet.

"Such a good girl..." He pet her gently, tracing his fingers down her body, admiring her robust exterior.

"Cow..." He said. Serena perked up, then proceeded to blush as she just realized that she'd just answered to being called 'cow'.

"I'm going to take the two of you home. I wrote that this was the first part of the assignment, but I changed my mind. You did so well, I will reward you. I will bring you two back to Sadie's apartment, and then. I will give you the rest of the day to recover. Tomorrow, I will take you to get you branded as cattle. There's no hiding the fact that you were born to be human livestock."

Serena stood up when Sadie got up to her feet after their Master beckoned them up. Sadie gave her a proud smile as she turned around and let the man attach a large metallic restraint to her.

"Stay." The man said to Sadie as he then walked over to Serena. He examined her quickly before bringing over a huge metallic device. It had a hook with a large chrome sphere in the end. He pushed her upper body forward as he positioned himself behind her.

"Stay like that, cow." He didn't show Serena the same affection as he did Sadie, but it didn't bother the little cow. As the bell clanged out happily, Serena shuddered as goosebumps covered her pale skin. The man pressed the oily metallic bump against her butthole and slowly guided it inside of her. Sadie winked at the hunched girl, admiring the expression of Serena.

Her face went limp as her tongue left her mouth. As the lower end of the metallic device had fully lodged itself inside of her, she felt the tingling torrent through her body. She wished Sadie would look away. The embarrassing state she found herself in was unbearable. But having been numbed down from the relentless day of degradation, she managed to adapt and overcome the challenge.
[Novaksus] :devilish: L. Chapter 3 - 23
Serena huffed and puffed as she felt the cold metal inside of her wriggle about while the man was aligning the metal rod with her back.

"Lift your arms, cow." His voice was gentle and patient. She was struggling with taking it all in. A strange man was placing her in some perverted bondage, and her heart was doing backflips of joy inside of her chest. She was certain that the man could see her chest throb with anticipation and excitement.

Lifting her arms, she was forced to straighten her back as her elbows reached to the sky. Her wrists were locked inside the other side of the long metal frame that was anchored in her butt. When the wrists were locked in place, the man took a step back.

She opened her mouth, but couldn't get a single word out. She realized that this device forced her to present her chest to everyone looking her way. She was locked in a straight pose with her chest thrust forward. Helpless to cover herself, or defend herself, she was imprisoned by one simple metal shape.

He then, in an unceremonious manner, pushed a new metal bulb into her pussy, lodging it inside of her other, most private, spot, before lifting a smaller and smoother metal hook up. This one, he lodged inside of Sadie's ass. Her step-sister shuddered. She could only see Sadie's back, but she knew she was loving it.

Sadie was equipped with a metal yoke. Neither of the girls were allowed any sort of control, as the man stripped them of everything. He placed one last metal bulb inside of Sadie's pussy, then grabbed the handle of the hooked metal, using it to lead the two girls. He pulled them by their crotch, leaving the abandoned greenhouse and storage building that they had come to know in a rather intimate way.

The girls moaned softly as they walked out. The movement kept shifting the objects lodged inside their pussies and asses around, giving them pleasurable rewards for obediently following their Master.

The walk outside felt so refreshing, but also extremely nerve-wrecking. If it wasn't for her sister, Serena would pass out from the anxiety and excitement. Her heart was beating dangerously fast, and her vision was blurry and distorted. The heavy beats of her heart shook the world around her.

To her dread, they weren't taking the route through the empty streets back home. This road they were walking would take them by the beach. A much more crowded part of the city, even at the evening hours.

One of the pedestrians heard the happy tones of Serena's cowbell, and walked over to the two naked girls with obvious interest in their naked and exposed bodies.
[Novaksus] :devilish: L. Chapter 3 - 24
"Ah, Karl. A pleasure seeing you around here. Heard you were in town. Are you overseeing the latest shipment of wares?" Their Master spoke to the approaching stranger, obviously familiar with him.

"Well. It is a business trip, but we're actually looking at some new developments by some state sponsored guy. I heard Mr. S was helping you out. How fortuitous that I found you out here. This is your latest stock?" He looked over at Serena and Sadie. Serena whimpered, trying to hide from the stranger. Sadie stood tall and proud, showing off her bruised, but enduring, body.

"It's a work in progress, Karl. I'm currently processing these sisters. I'm taking my time as this is a hobby project. I want to see how far I can push them naturally before they break. The one in the back is actually on her first day as my slave in training. Showing some natural talent, but is extremely weak spirited compared to the one in front."

The stranger stepped closer to Serena, slowly examining her shivering body.

"Mind if I borrow the timid one?" He licked his lips.

"Sadie. Do you mind if this man uses your step-sister?" Their Master asked.

Serena's eyes widened. She wasn't to be consulted about this?

Sadie smiled. "Go ahead. Just, no sex unless she consents."

The stranger grinned. Realizing he was dealing with girls that did this voluntarily made it so much better. Their Master nodded. "Fair enough. How about we take a break?" Serena couldn't believe her ears. She wanted to protest, but she didn't dare. If her sister thought this was a good idea, then she had to come to terms with it. This was all because she trusted in her step-sister, so she couldn't mistrust her decision.

Serena had no more time to mull over her thoughts and insecurities. Two strong arms reached down around her body. The rough surface of the stranger's two palms groped around her abdomen.

"Be a good girl, spread your legs." The stranger known as Karl instructed Serena. She flinched, trying to get away from the man, but it didn't even register to him. She was so helpless to resist, her attempts to avoid him were imperceptible to the human eye.

She felt a strong urge to obey. She was a simple slave, and she was told to do something. As she slowly widened her stance, her sister was being bent forward by their Master. The plug inside of Sadie's ass started moving inside of her. Their Master grinned and flipped a switch on the handle. Suddenly, electric shocks started working the girls' vaginas, taking advantage of their masochistically ladened perverted bodies.

Sadie buckled forward, moaning in a blissful orgasm. Serena was lifted into the air as she came at the same time as her step-sister. A little squirt of juice escaped her slobbering lower lips. The man holding her was chuckling.

A couple of people were starting to gather around the two girls, watching them with perverted enjoyment. A soft chuckle could be heard while Serena was slowly laid down on her back.

[Novaksus] :devilish: L. Chapter 3 - 25
While Serena's Master was busy with Sadie, she was served up to this stranger. On the ground, Serena was unable to move. She was such a pathetic mess, she practically screamed for someone to take advantage of her.

The Louis girls were entertaining strangers in the middle of a crowded street, with their naked bodies flaunted shamelessly for all to enjoy.

The man got down on his knees, on top of Serena. Mounting her, he looked down at the tender soul. She looked to the ocean, to the endless horizon. The beautiful pink sunset gave everything a nice and soft look.

A weak moan escaped her lips as he slowly pressed an open hand against her sensitive breast. Her breath was getting more and more erratic, fast and shallow breaths made her chest heave at a fast pace. The man grinned as he noticed the flushing cheeks and chest.

"You like this, don't you cow?" She didn't answer, but her face was reddening even more. She didn't have the courage to look at him, or to answer. All she could do was to lie there and let whatever was going to happen, happen.

"You have such a comfortable and docile aura. Your features are so soft and pleasing. A true gem." He traced his thumb against her lips. Serena slowly opened her mouth, greeting the man's thumb. She gave it a careful lick. He slowly pushed it in, and it was obediently blanketed by her tongue.

It was a little uncomfortable lying on the back, but she slowly got more used to it. The man was far gentler than any other. He was careful with her, and didn't rush anything. He seemed to enjoy her natural reaction and caution. Serena's transformation was more physical than mental. She still retained a lot of herself, even if she was much meeker and subservient. She had been enhanced, and was cared for. Karl hated to admit it, but this was what he was looking for. Something that retained that innocence, that feminine weakness. Those scared eyes, but warm and tender heart.

"Hey. Is it okay if I release the cow from her bindings? She seems a little uncomfortable wearing it while on the ground."

To Serena's surprise, the man asked for something she really wanted.

Her Master looked over at the two, breaking away from Sadie for a moment.

"Go ahead. She won't run away. Just remember the condition." Her Master responded, then resumed toying with Sadie.
[Novaksus] :devilish: L. Chapter 3 - 26
Karl leaned down and undid Serena's wrist cuffs. Leaning back, he shot Serena a little smile.

"Better now, cow?" His tone was compassionate. Serena didn't know what to feel, being called a cow, yet being addressed in such a gentle and kind way.

"Y...Y...Yes..." She tried to bravely answer, but she stuttered and blushed in embarrassment.

She wriggled a little, still feeling uncomfortable as the metal behind her still bumped into her.

The man on top of her smiled, then reached around, grabbing the metal frame, and slowly pulled it out of her butt. Goosebumps ran across her skin as the sensation of the bulbous head of the metal device slid out.

"So, milk cow. You still have a name? If so, what is it? I am Karl. A pleasure to use you."

He said in a bright tone.

"Eh... I... Serena Louis. Thank you." She muttered nervously. She realized how long it had been since she'd actually spoken. Having been mute for most of the day, it felt strange to speak once again.

"The ground looks comfortable enough..." He lied down next to Serena.

"How about you give me a nice serving of milk, hm? Get on your hands and knees, and let me have some of your warm breast milk."

Taking the better part of a minute to come to terms with his request, Serena finally rolled over. Shaking, she got up on her hands and knees, and then slowly crawled closer. The man beckoned her to crawl over him, and stopped her when her breasts hung low above his head.

"Good girl." He patted her, then slowly pulled her lower down. She shuddered and yelped out as she felt the wet and warm lips of the man wrap themselves around her erect nipple. She moaned out as merely the mental image of the situation caused her a pleasurable outburst, sending a little spray of sex juices out of her damp hole.

"Mmmmh..." The man enjoyed himself. He was gently tugging at her breast, sucking in a hypnotizing rhythm. She felt the overpowering pleasure as her lactating breast was slowly being emptied into the man's greedy mouth.

"Good girl. Moo for me, Serena. Moo like the cow you are." He resumed sucking at her teat, but this time, he also rewarded her with some gentle fondling of her crotch.

"Ah.. Mmmm... Moo..?" Like she tasted the sound, she moved her mouth subconsciously, almost like she was eating invisible food. She let out another meek 'moo'.

The way she degraded herself by dehumanizing her own image of herself was a horrifyingly rewarding fruit that proved too tempting.

It didn't take long before she stood there, on her hands and knees, mooing softly as the man kept drinking her warm milk. Every now and then, the cow bell rang out in a chipper and lively set of metallic symphony.
[Novaksus] :devilish: L. Chapter 3 - 27
"Excuse me. May I be bold enough to ask to use this slave?" Another man had approached Serena. He looked a little younger, but sported a very knowing smile.

Karl let go of her crotch , and was about to let go of Serena's nipple and respond, but Serena's Master spoke up.

"Cow. This is up to you. Answer the man respectfully." He then resumed playing with Sadie. He was a little too preoccupied with Sadie to answer every man that approached them.

Serena slowly lifted her gaze. The man in the long shorts crouched down in front of her.

"Well, cow. Mind if I enjoy your body for a few moments?"

Her eyes wide, she froze with her mouth agape. Slowly, she recovered enough to respond.

"Eh... Oooh... Moo..." Her face turned redder, but she continued bravely.

Knowing she should say no, she answered.

"Yes, go ahead."

"Heh. You look so scared. It's a good look, doll." The young man moved around Serena, then leaned in and kissed her neck tenderly. She gasped and shuddered when she felt his large hand cup her warm crotch. He didn't waste time as he plunged two fingers deep into her. Moaning and squirming, Serena was struggling with the overwhelming feelings that rampaged through her.

"That's an even better look. Young girls like yourself should cry more often. It attracts men like me. Such a sweet sound." He wasn't like Karl at all. This man brought her pleasure, but he twisted it. She moaned out in helpless ecstasy as he worked her with ease. Tears were trickling down her cheeks as she felt so ashamed and humiliated.

He wasn't gentle with her, not at all... He made a mess of her, sending droplets of her juices all over the street. The loud and sloppy sound of him fucking her violently with his fingers could be heard from far away.

"That's it, you fucking bitch! You're just a dumb plaything for men like me to take advantage of and use until we throw you in the trash. Now moo for us. Moo out like the fucked up piece of livestock that you are." He dominated her completely, coming at her with such ruthlessness, Serena was afraid of him. She obeyed without hesitating. Mooing out, her long animalistic calls ended in mortified cries. She kept at it, mooing out, mooing her sadness, her pleasure, her humiliation, her every feeling. The cow bell jingled merrily, accompanying her pathetic cow noises with happy music.
[Novaksus] :devilish: L. Chapter 3 - 28
"Hey, you've done enough now. I'm using the cow." Karl hissed in an annoyed tone at the other man. With an unamused glare, the young man spat on the ground and stood up. "Stupid fucking cow. Not good enough to even give me a decent time." He pushed Serena over, then walked away in a hurry. Karl stood up with a dangerous look in his eyes, the younger man started running when he noticed Karl taking a step in his direction.

Turning to see Serena on the ground weeping in silence, Karl bent down and leaned in.

"You okay, cow?" He looked her up and down. It didn't look like the guy in the white shirt had caused any physical damage.

"I'll take my leave now. Forgive me for the rough session. " He was about to stand up when he felt a tiny and shivering hand grab around his wrist.

"Don't go... Please..." Serena said as she gritted her teeth, trying desperately not to cry, her face was twisted in sadness.

Her Master and sister both watched from the sideline. They were both interested in seeing where this was going. Observing from a little distance, they wanted to see what Serena would do in this situation.

"Please..." Serena whimpered. She slowly spread her legs. She wanted to repay him for the kindness he'd shown her. The world was crazy, up was down, light was dark, and this fucked up situation was turning into a little slice of romance.

He slowly slid his left hand up along her inner thigh. She spread her legs wider, practically begging him for more intimacy.

"Feel free to stop me whenever you feel like, cow." He looked over to her Master and received a nod of approval.

As the crying girl was staring at him with tears rolling down her red cheeks, the man slowly undid his pants.

Serena couldn't stop crying, even when the man's thick and veiny cock flopped down on top of her sensitive pink curtains, she was bawling her eyes out.

Pushing his cock into the crying girl's pussy, Karl gave Serena a gentle start.

They locked eyes as he started thrusting in and out. Slowly and gently in the beginning, he didn't want to hurt her. But, as his cock made itself as home inside of the girl, he was impressed with the fact that she could take his full length. Obvious modifications had ensured that she could handle his cock.

He was fucking her faster and harder, moaning and grunting, he leaned forward and pressed his torso against her huge udders. The milk containers were wobbling and bouncing, comically jiggling to the rhythm of the fucking she was getting.

Serena was naked, on her back, and crying while a stranger was fucking her raw. She wanted this.
[Novaksus] :devilish: L. Chapter 3 - 29
The sweet pleasure slowly pushed her crying fits to the side. The more he fucked her, the more she could handle the dread she'd felt just moments before. Be it humiliation from how the man had treated her earlier, or if it was realization that she'd basically become a slut, she found solace in the carnal act of fucking.
He noticed that she'd finally stopped her weeping, and lifted her up, sitting with her on his lap while slowly bouncing her up and down.

"You... feeling better, cow?" He asked. Again, only genuine concern and warmth in his face. He gave her a small and uplifting smile before his face contorted into one of pleasure.

Serena didn't answer. Her lips were quivering, but she wanted to give the man more. She clenched down on his cock. It was a bizarre realization, but she had much more mastery of the small groups of muscles in her sex than she'd ever had before. She could massage his member with a strange and innate accuracy.

Seeing his change in expression showed her how much her small effort had given him.

Before she could really process this bit of information, he had lifted her up, then dropped her down onto his lap again. The wet sounds of her vagina drooling as the large fleshy intruder rammed back into her filled the air. Her face froze, her eyes bulged, and a few drops of tears trailed down her cheeks. The pleasure was unreal, and it incapacitated her for a brief moment.

A few moments later, she tried taking the lead. She'd recovered from another bout of exquisite pleasure, and now she was trying to ride him, lifting herself up and down. Their prolonged session of intense sex ended with him squeezing her ass down, while pushing his cock as far inside of her as he could. She felt his member throb as it started filling her up with load after load of thick cum.

The two moaned in unison as they ended in a staggering climax. She had a fit of shaking, nearly falling off, as she felt a last couple of cum strands coat her butt and legs. The man had emptied himself fully inside of her. Serena felt a warm and relaxing feeling, a sense of fulfillment. Her mission was complete. The warm cum inside of her was proof of that.
[Novaksus] :devilish: L. Chapter 3 - 30
"All tuckered out, hm?" Karl stood up, carrying the cum-covered girl. She was snoring ever so lightly. He nuzzled her cheek, kissed her forehead, and just stood there, admiring the exhausted girl.

"Did the cow perform well? Want me to clean your cock, sir?" Sadie stood before the man. She was tired and aching from her Master's rough playtime, but she had a duty to fulfill.

"Ah. Yeah, please do, slave." He answered, still watching Serena.

Sadie was so proud of her step-sister. She had to really restrain herself to not flash him a huge grin.

She got to work. It was a little difficult with her arms in the yoke restraint, but she awkwardly managed to get down on her knees. His cock was very warm, and a lot of cum was still slowly trickling out.

'He must've had an amazing time with Serena...' Sadie thought as she started sucking the tip of the man's cock, vacuuming out the remaining cum.

Lapping it down, she started licking the shaft, working it all over.

A few moments later, she finished up and her Master offered to take a photo.

The man holding Serena put a foot on Sadie's shoulder, then forced her to kneel down, prostrating herself, while he placed the sole of his boot comfortably on the slave's back. Holding one thoroughly fucked slave, and using the other as a footrest, he stood there and posed for a photo.

Their Master and the man had a happy and brief chat afterwards, and when the stranger left the group, he was absolutely satisfied. Pocketing his cellphone, he couldn't wait to look at the photo in more detail when he and his friend finished up with their business in the city, and got home.

[Novaksus] :devilish: L. Chapter 3 - 31
As the girls got home, Serena was placed in the bed carefully. Their Master had carried her the last stretch. She was snoring blissfully.
"You've done well today, slave. Good job." He gave her an enthusiastic petting on her crotch, teasing her with such ease. Sadie squirmed a little where she stood. Her arms were still locked inside the metal yoke, and she felt the familiar hot haze ooze into her mind, slowing her senses and clouding her judgment.

"Your sister did well today, I want you to reward her. For the next 4 hours, you will pleasure her nonstop. Don't wake her up. Tomorrow, I will reward the two of you for your great work. You are both natural sex slaves. It's what you were made for. Find pride in knowing your places in this world." He kissed her.

Sadie felt anxiety mix in with the pleasure. She was getting nervous about being swept away. She didn't want to do anything too rash, but the lines were all blurring out.

He undid her bindings, then left the room. Sadie took a moment to collect herself, and then scratch that one spot on her back that was killing her. After a brief visit to the bathroom, she returned to Serena.

Serena was gasping and moaning. Sadie couldn't hide how much she loved this. Her step-sister's body was so soft and squishy, it was the most satisfying thing in the world. She kissed and licked her all over, pushing her fingers into the wet slit, rubbing and thrusting.

Sadie fell asleep on her step-sister's warm body, with several fingers inside the wet pussy of Serena.

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[Novaksus] :devilish: L. Chapter 3 - 32
"Let's go out and DANCE! I need to move to the beat. It's been so long since we went out partying." Sadie did a few energetic dance moves on the bed, she flashed her sister an excited grin. Serena knew far too well what that expression meant. It meant there was no saying no. But, she didn't really mind the idea. A night of drinking sounded like just the thing she needed.

The two girls giddily discussed their plans. Sadie got a message from her Master.

"Master has matching outfits for us. We just need to go and get some customization done before we go to the club."

Returning from the foyer, Sadie handed Serena her outfit, having already donned her own.

"Time to take off the cowbell," Sadie said with a smirk. Lifting the bell, she wiggled it merrily as she chuckled. Grabbing her step-sister's right breast, she massaged it softly. With a little hum, she removed the top and collar. Serena slowly regained her composure as she looked at the outfit Sadie was wearing, and the one she'd been handed.

"Are these... slave outfits?" Serena asked as she slowly started putting it on.

"This is see through...." She looked down at her own boobs, visible through the thin fabric.

"Nah, it'll be fine. The club will be dark, and people already dress slutty, so this won't really be that weird. And hey, MATCHING outfits! We used to do this." Sadie giggled as she helped her sister put on the pink collar.

"You were even allowed to take off your old collar." Sadie gave Serena a kiss on the cheek as she held her close.

Breaking the brief moment of silence, their Master told Sadie to finally give Serena her own headset. This way, he could talk to either of them whenever he wanted to.

Excitement had taken hold of Serena, the goosebumps covering her skin were quite visible, and as Sadie poked her lips with a thumb, she parted them and sucked instinctually. The way the two behaved around one another was completely uninhibited.
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