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Dec 9, 2023
Is it just me or has Zoboko changed something so that the latest additions don't come up first when you check their categories?
I usually check the Erotica and LGBTQIA+ Erotica categories, but now the order is messed up and books i already downloaded long ago is shown first.
I know Zoboko is pretty weird usually, especially their search function, but this just makes it almost impossible to check if there is anything new worth downloading.
Except go through the categories page after page after page, which i did once and certainly don't want to do every time i check for something new...

These are the categories i usually check:
Is it just me or has Zoboko changed something so that the latest additions don't come up first when you check their categories?
I usually check the Erotica and LGBTQIA+ Erotica categories, but now the order is messed up and books i already downloaded long ago is shown first.
I know Zoboko is pretty weird usually, especially their search function, but this just makes it almost impossible to check if there is anything new worth downloading.
Except go through the categories page after page after page, which i did once and certainly don't want to do every time i check for something new...

These are the categories i usually check:
Yeah I noticed this as well yesterday.

I'd like to see them put the date uploaded there so you can tell when it was posted.

As far as the search function is concerned, to get an author search to work, the author's name has to be in all lower case with a dash between the first and last name.

For example, here's one author's listing URL.


If the author has initials, it may take a few tries to see how they parse the name.

For example, C.K. Ralston is as follows.

Yeah I noticed this as well yesterday.

I'd like to see them put the date uploaded there so you can tell when it was posted.

That would have been really nice to see.
It's a very "clunky" site to use, but i guess it's no use complaining since it's free.

Hopefully the will fix the categories sorting order, or i will have to bookmark each author i wan't to follow and check all of them when i want to see if there is something new. A bit time consuming, to say the least... :ROFLMAO:
Something changed over there.

Different set of books when you go to the erotica section. Still not chronological, but maybe they're trying to put it back the way it was.
Something changed over there.

Different set of books when you go to the erotica section. Still not chronological, but maybe they're trying to put it back the way it was.
Something has definitely happened. I think it may be back in chronological order, as the order has never been chronological in book release order, but chronological in uploaded to Zoboko.
I found a few new books by Gregor Daniels at least, and theres probably a lot more, so i have something to look through this weekend. :)
That would have been really nice to see.
It's a very "clunky" site to use, but i guess it's no use complaining since it's free.

Hopefully the will fix the categories sorting order, or i will have to bookmark each author i wan't to follow and check all of them when i want to see if there is something new. A bit time consuming, to say the least... :ROFLMAO:
can you comment here all the author links you have saved?
can you comment here all the author links you have saved?
I have not gotten around to doing that yet after the "break", but i will post when that is done. :)
In the meantime you can find authors by writing the url below followed by the authors name in small letters. Spaces are replaced with -

Like this:

Just replace "jessica-clairmont" with the author you are looking for.
There seems to be an issue downloading books there now.

It's been going on for a few days.

When I click on the download epub or PDF buttons, I just get a black stripped box across most of the page, and it never goes to the next step where you can actually download a book.

anyone else seeing this?
There seems to be an issue downloading books there now.

It's been going on for a few days.

When I click on the download epub or PDF buttons, I just get a black stripped box across most of the page, and it never goes to the next step where you can actually download a book.

anyone else seeing this?
Just tried it with an Arnica Butler book and it worked for both epub and pdf formats.
Last edited:
I was able to download a book by Nadia Lavoe, but when i tried downloading any new book by Gregor Daniels i just got stuck on the converting to Epub page.
Strange, because it doesn't matter if i choose to download as Epub or PDF, it's still the same converting to epub page indefinitely...

Screenshot 2024-03-25 at 11-12-48 Download Mom Duty - 342.4 KB.png
I was able to download a book by Nadia Lavoe, but when i tried downloading any new book by Gregor Daniels i just got stuck on the converting to Epub page.
Strange, because it doesn't matter if i choose to download as Epub or PDF, it's still the same converting to epub page indefinitely...

View attachment 369404
Yeah, that's what I got on new books.
I found the spot one can send them a message (bottom of the page) and sent them a message describing this problem. Couldn't hurt if others do so as well.

If I get a response, I'll post it here.
What's weird is that the books that have the problem, they say they've been downloaded multiple times, by someone.

Just for the heck of it, I tried disabling my ad blocker to see if that made a difference. Nope.
There seems to be an issue downloading books there now.

It's been going on for a few days.

When I click on the download epub or PDF buttons, I just get a black stripped box across most of the page, and it never goes to the next step where you can actually download a book.

anyone else seeing this?
Had the same problem with black stripped box yesterday with 1 book, but could download others without problems.
Is this completely random?
Sometimes it is not possible to download/convert an epub correctly, you just get a 2kb file. PDF works in these cases.
Had the same problem with black stripped box yesterday with 1 book, but could download others without problems.
Is this completely random?
Sometimes it is not possible to download/convert an epub correctly, you just get a 2kb file. PDF works in these cases.
As far as I can tell the issue is only books added after a certain date. Not sure when is that date, simply that I've only note that for the past few weeks.

Normally when you first go to the site, you see new books listed, and as you scroll through the pages, you'll see books that were there on previous visits.

Yeah, I've seen the epub not working problem before as well.

I did try the "read online" option for a book that i couldn't download and it showed up. Didn't seem to be anyway to download it from that screen though.
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