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Looking for Don Silver thread Toxic Attraction chapters

Don is overrated. Just milking scenarios hundreds have used. He lacks depth, kids with grandparents constantly to convenience the story. Middle aged wife just lets creep fuck her with no regard. Its weak
And I don't think the whole story is as hood as some of you believe. He is an extremely good scene writer, but that doesn't mean he is a good story teller. His public are the 700 paying subscribers at patreon and wherever other sites he keeps his works.
He doesn't seem to give a shit about any other readers.
There are other erotic writers doing the same: AvidReaderNoviceWriter, TVwave, etc
Agree with you totally - there's a lot of fan-boys on his discord who seem overly enthused by whatever he puts out. Having read Ch 15 I thought it was 90% filler, with a re-run of the "watched by the homeless guy" thrown in, basically a second outing for/variation on the dogging scene earlier. Lazy, really. Avid & tvwave have both done a disappearing act, which is annoying given that the both stories had great potential. Envoyeur has picked up the Neighbour Chronicles story just where the narrative started to wobble a bit and has written a promising 'redux' treatment showing that if he continues, it could develop in a more realistic fashion. Thanks for sharing what you did, it was appreciated.
Yes. We are supposed to share. Thank you I agree. Maybe he will try something new or block us all for calling him out.
Do you know why he blocked you?
Money. It's simple. Eveytime someone shares a chapter someone is loosing money. Just think about, 700 paying readers USD10. each/month...
I don't think he is wrong. This is his business and he has the right to sell whatever he wants to whoever he wants.
A true writer writes a novel and shows it to the world. A business man writes some lines and sells them to as many people as possible, no strings attached. AvidReaderNoviceWriter, TVwave and some other writers are a good example. If you want to read an incomplete story written about a year ago you have to pay. That's why so many erotic writers go to Patreon, to make easy money without the burden of finishing what they started.
They start with a good idea and charge others (insiders) for their help to keep it interesting enough to continue charging the others, drop by drop. lolo
Ohh, and just for the files... I bought "Toxic Attraction" chapters 1-7 at Amazon for about USD5.00. I think it's fair. I don't know if still available.
Agreed. He can charge; it's his business. I think $15/chapter is too much, but it's his choice. I do like his writing so I too bought the TA Ch 1-7 book to support it (even though 1-7 are available for free on Literotica).

In my question I meant: how did he know which Patreon subscriber shared the chapters?
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For those who are curious about how TA will develop there's a new [insider] chapter 16 available for those who are willing yo pay...
and, are not blocked/canceled by Patreon. Haha!
I give D.S. credit where some writers dont build characters well , he does make effort than most. Really would like to seethe story without the cuck losing his man card in every series. Anyway, I’ve enjoyed the reads but cant pay for them. Good luck folks.
Ultimately this ends , Dan loses man status, Sarah gets pregnant, and due to Lester she loses her job or gets blackmailed. Probably with a Jesse twist that Dan creates. But its gotten old and stale. I’m done with this one
Ultimately this ends , Dan loses man status, Sarah gets pregnant, and due to Lester she loses her job or gets blackmailed. Probably with a Jesse twist that Dan creates. But its gotten old and stale. I’m done with this one
Not sure how much longer I'm going to stick with it, to be honest - there's been a certain amount of 'filler' here and there, especially in Ch 16, and the way Sarah's character has changed is kind of annoying.
Not sure how much longer I'm going to stick with it, to be honest - there's been a certain amount of 'filler' here and there, especially in Ch 16, and the way Sarah's character has changed is kind of annoying.
I fully agree , but the sweet middle aged mother of two is now a cum whore for the Perv. Thats not the Sarah this story should go down. She should be fully struggling and instead is just taking all the cock she can get with more to come from this last chapter. I guess all writers find thier own line and just reuse it. DS has used this line to its max. His TC story is almost identical in the hubby turns cucky while wife becomes cock whore. OK got it.
I fully agree , but the sweet middle aged mother of two is now a cum whore for the Perv. Thats not the Sarah this story should go down. She should be fully struggling and instead is just taking all the cock she can get with more to come from this last chapter. I guess all writers find thier own line and just reuse it. DS has used this line to its max. His TC story is almost identical in the hubby turns cucky while wife becomes cock whore. OK got it.
totally agree. the other thing that is worth a mention of course, is the cost of shelling out for this stuff - at £10 a pop, who would seriously pay around £200 for a piece of fiction that hasn't even been proofed and edited properly? i know patreon takes a cut, but even so...
I just finished chapter 16 and wanted to compliment Don on how well he has built out these three characters. Knowing some aspects of their personal histories, social networks, careers, and family isn't typical for cuck stories and it's appreciated.
I think Don is a skilled writer who lost track on Toxic A. It’s expected when writers become focused on money to make and lose story focus. Anyone can write about a wife who thinks she is in control but becomes a cock whore. We all have read it before. Kudos to Don for going in a abstract direction. Whore her out Don, Time for Sarah to realize she has become a whore when in Chicago. Seriously turn on the hot water and get that bitch into multiple men in one date. Complete her whoredom beyond Lizzie. Do it fast. Stop the tease
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