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Blackadder Discussion Thread

I agree with you , more pussy fucking is good :)
Does anyone have a higher quality version of these pictures? They were in the characters/models tab from BA's website


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Sup! I've been a bit busy, but it's time I share the continuation of the storyline, right? After the events in Below the City, the revelation of Nicole having become DeSoul, the spread of monsters and corruptions... the girls need to find some answers, guided by Selena's false pleas for help.

5.- The Painting
The girls investigate the source of the monsters below the city and Nicole's transformation. Tia and Gisela meet with Stella to plan an expedition, tricked by Selena. They end up imprisoned in an ancient ruin, guarded by monsters and corrupted characters. Gisela discovers from Jake that Candy had a magical painting in her farm, where she gets kidnapped. Stella gets Miriam to join the search party. When she is also captured, the monsters let Gisela go, who is rescued by Stella.
  1. Gisela and Tia spend time together after the events below the city. In the gym, they run into Miriam, compare tits and get an idea to help Tia cope with the loss of her twin sister.
  2. The next day, Tia waits for Gisela (supposedly having a reunion with Stella, both leaders) and masturbates, remembering last night and dreaming about monsters. Gisela gets pranked by Stella with the Goshas from Below the City. One of them goes to Tia. The team is ready and goes to Egypt.
  3. In Egypt, Gisela goes back to the pyramids to find the supposed underground ruins. She is enchanted by Anubis, but has become a bit resistant. She finds Dina, now Pandora. Pandora takes Gisela to some Goshas, but she plays along and manages to escape.
  4. Tia finds another entrance to the ruins, protected by the Troll. She thinks she befriends him and that is taking her to the ruins. She's right, but he also brings her to DeSoul. DeSoul explain to her what’s happened to Gisela, as she faced the awakening monsters and Calaphon (a corrupted Zoe).
  5. Gisela and Tia are captured by Calaphon and DeSoul, and freed by Skyla. It's not a total failure, as now they know that the ruin's goblet was the key for Zoe's and Nicole's corruption, and that Candy's mansion and its lands are now Osira's residence and the monsters' den.
  6. Looking for more clues, Gisela meets Jake and gets to know that Candy's farm has a magical painting. The farm is controlled by monsters, and Gisela gets kidnapped through the painting. She is brought to Fatbastard and stays as his plaything, disappeared from the world without a trace.
  7. Stella convinces Miriam to look for Gisela. She “interrogates” some monsters that she keeps locked, and manages to find the painting, now on another location. Miriam is also kidnapped and substitutes Gisela as Fatbastard's companion; the monster gives her a potion that makes her his servant.
  8. Gisela is let go to wander the land alone, finding a cabin from where she can make contact with Stella. As an apology for constantly getting Gisela intro trouble, Stella “gifts” her Slimy for Halloween, also inviting her for a “monster rehabilitation” plan she has in mind.
5.- The Painting Diagram.jpg

Some extra notes:
  • This is a way more straight-forward arc, but serves to introduce the more magical and supernatural aspects of the story, with magical relics like the goblet in the ruins, and the paintings.
  • When Tia meets DeSoul, The Rise of The Guardians has already happened and Gisela is prisoner. DeSoul tells Tia about the gangbang. as well as the fate of Tia2 trying to break Tia's resolve.
  • The Guardians are part of DeSoul's plan to create new monstergirls. She discovered the powers of the goblet and the Golden Skull as Nico‍le. That's why she disappeared, and was the first to become a monstergirl while visiting Egypt and meeting The Sorceresses.
    • An alliance was formed, and Zoe was the first test subject, as she was already a dickgirl and heavily corrupted by her stay at Egypt. Zoe becomes Calaphon.
    • After below the city, draining the strength from some Mullins and Zagan, DeSoul will be able to turn Candy into Metis back in the city. She would've wanted to do more, since she had Gisela and Tia captured in the ruins, but they are freed by Skyla once she's gone.
  • Miriam has the two Mullins captured after Below the City, and keeps them to torment them, after being constantly fucked by them in the sewers. I've divided Monster Sex 03 in two separate encounters, as the Mullins tell her the location of the painting in the barn first (it's no longer there after Gisela is kidnapped), and then the other location in case it was found.
  • A demon already appeared in the previous arc with Stacy. Now, in House Sitting, there are more talks about their presence and a possible "ritual" being planned.
  • Fat Bastard is sort of the boss of the monsters in this second half of the arc. He was the one who found the Golden Snake, and has a lot of influence. He's been researching and experimenting, and not only wants Gisela to fuck her again after below the city, but to use to develop his drug.
    • But he actually prefers Miriam, as he didn't have the chance in Below the City and likes her better. He tries the drug with Miriam to great effect, and this starts the long period of time when Miriam will be his personal slave.
  • I've named Fat Bastard's drug "The Goblin's Kiss", and will be a key part of several points further down the story. This drug is a very potent aphrodisiac, but also has a secret effect, only known to Fat Bastard and Robbus:
    • If someone fucks the woman under the effects of the drug in a certain order, she becomes eager, ecstatic and submissive for a certain duration. This is to first do anal, then vaginal, then suck her tits.
    • The secret trigger of the drug is long-lasting. A girl could've consumed the drug once in the past, and still be triggered time after if fucked in the correct order. This will be the demise of some of them, as some monsters may trigger the effect by chance (like in Megan 01 or Gisela 15).
    • The whole idea behind this drug was to justify why, in some image sets, there was seemingly a sharp turn of character in the girls mid-scene. Of course, it could be argued that they just get horny, but it seemed a bit weird to me to become so lost in the moment with the same monsters that keep making your life miserable. And when I saw that repeated pattern of ass - pussy - tit sucking, I got this idea.
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One of my favorite shots (from Alien Nightmare). Wish there were more like it.


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Love to see another shout out to Slimy.

If we are talking about underrated throwbacks, Monster Sex 6 was top notch:

Gisela in one set: was in the sexy attire, was disarmed, stripped, facefucked in a super unique position, was bent over, stepped on, pushed against thr ground, cam on, came in and captured... amazing set. So much goodness in one set

Monster Sex 06 - Featuring Gisela_Page_05.jpg Monster Sex 06 - Featuring Gisela_Page_15.jpg Monster Sex 06 - Featuring Gisela_Page_16.jpg Monster Sex 06 - Featuring Gisela_Page_23.jpg Monster Sex 06 - Featuring Gisela_Page_25.jpg Monster Sex 06 - Featuring Gisela_Page_29.jpg Monster Sex 06 - Featuring Gisela_Page_30.jpg Monster Sex 06 - Featuring Gisela_Page_39.jpg Monster Sex 06 - Featuring Gisela_Page_46.jpg Monster Sex 06 - Featuring Gisela_Page_54.jpg Monster Sex 06 - Featuring Gisela_Page_55.jpg Monster Sex 06 - Featuring Gisela_Page_57.jpg Monster Sex 06 - Featuring Gisela_Page_58.jpg Monster Sex 06 - Featuring Gisela_Page_59.jpg
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My favorite part of this set is when Gisela starts to enjoy it and gives Vlad a little extra extra. Love how she decided to give him a lick 😍
Monster Sex (48).jpg Monster Sex (51).jpg Monster Sex (53).jpg
Is there a way to contact the artist and try commission something for a fee?
Hi! I kinda forgot that I was sharing the storyline with you, sorry. Anyway, here's the next arc! With Miriam disappeared (thinking that maybe she just got tired of getting involved?), and other members of the team gone, our adventuresses need to find new muscle to help, and maybe try another approach on the monsters....

6.- Hazards and Perils

Miriam remains captive for a long time, even becoming resistant to the drugs, until Vladimir makes a deal with her and makes a Gosha free her (just to be captured again). Stella recruits Megan, Kira comes back to the team and helps Gisela test Megan. Gisela works with Stella to “rehabilitate” Loco and Bobo, but fails. Gisela goes on a mission with Jenny, the helicopter crashes and fights until captured. Skyla finds her thanks to Sara.
  1. Stella meets Pam at Jake's photo shoot, and Pam agrees to help get Kira out of the convent to help the team. Stella bought a lot of Vanessa's things and throws a party as a tribute to her dominatrix days. Pam meets Kira there, and convinces her to help (also gets to know how to sneak in the convent for later fun).
  2. With Miriam disappeared (believed retired) and other girls lost, the team needs more new members. Stella recruits Megan and asks Gisela and Kira to test and train her, but get attacked by the Dwellers. Megan escapes, finds Kira and infiltrate the sewers. While Megan distracts the Ghast, Kira recovers Gisela and they escape.
  3. Gisela also works at Stella's academy in an effort to “rehabilitate” some monsters as allies. Loco has a bit of Fatbastards' drug, and he uses it on Gisela. Stacy finds the threesome, expels the monsters and sends Gisela to Stella, who fires her in a public act. Gisela remains very horny for a while, by herself and a lingering monster in the city, so she decides to go back to her mansion.
  4. Gisela goes on a mission with Jenny, but the helicopter crashes on their way back. Jenny dies, and Gisela wanders the region around Candy's Mansion (now Osira’s) and ends up captured, learning that Miriam has been with the monsters the whole time.
  5. Miriam has gained a resistance to Fatbastard's drug. Vladimir visits her in her dreams and makes a deal with her, sending a Gosha to free her. It's a trick, though, as she is chased by more Goshas through the valley. She is dragged to the mansion again.
  6. Searching for Gisela, Skyla meets again with Sara and asks for hints on Gisela’s whereabouts. Sara isn’t in touch with the monsters any more, but knows a bit. She tricks Skyla once, but the second time ends up giving her actual advice to find Gisela in the subterranean tunnels and ruins beneath the mansion.
  7. Robbus and Galur are the results of Fat Bastard’s experiments thanks to Gisela and Miriam. Galur is the underling and captures Renata to test Robbus’ abilities, proving that Robbus has the same effect as the drug by nature.
  8. Kira attends a photo shoot for old times’ sake, she is convinced to help one more time in a mission on the mansion. Selena has come back and is rewarded for a job well done, hinting at a demonic ritual to summon Lucifer with the women that will surely come to fight the monsters.
6.- Hazards and Perils Diagram.jpg

Some extra notes:
  • I've included Gisela + Slimy here again on purpose. The idea is that, in the previous arc, I would only use the first few images where Gisela opens Stella's letter, as kind of a flash forward. The letter would be expanded to talk about Pam and the plans with Kira and the "monster rehabilitation program".
  • By the end of this arc, Miriam has spent months captive by FatBastard. Presumably, the last arc ends before Halloween (Halloween being Gisela + Slimy as shown in Stella's letter and Megan 05), and this arc ends during Christmas season.
  • Because of the nature of the image sets, the first part with Megan's recruitment is a bit flimsy, with actors offscreen (like Megan finding Kira at the end of Kira 03), or things happening offscreen (Kira saving Gisela in the sewers and taking Megan back).
  • Why does Miriam have an eyepatch? We know it's because she's Veronica Red in Feeding Time, but a simple reasoning I came up with is because FatBastard is sort of a nerd, and has enjoyed making Miriam cosplay or some bullshit like that. The monster in Feeding Time would comment on that, poking fun at FatBastard now that he has left.
  • Remember my explanation of The Goblin's Kiss effects and system? Gisela 15 is the first time a monster other than FatBastard triggers the secret effect, by chance. Gisela will keep that secret trigger in her moving forward.
  • The scene of Miriam + Vladimir includes some very old renders of Skyla, plus a mix of standalone images from unreleased commissions (group sex with other girls and guys, or the ones with Vladimir and Miriam making the "ahegao" face). All that scene is a dream, basically.
  • I don't know what to do with the text in The Hole. The comic suits this part of the story, but its plot breaks some of the lore I'm establishing. One option would be to remove and rewrite the text, and another option could be just finding a way to two and two together. In any case, the helicopter crash happens offscreen after the end.
  • Dickgirls 7 is two separate occasions where Skyla and Sara meet. Skyla 07 could happen here, as she's mislead by Sara the first time. The alternate scene of Dickgirls 7 is the first to happen.
  • I don't know what to do with Renata herself, who she is, or where does she come from. I put Renata 01 here as an introduction to Robbus, who will be a major character of the two remaining arcs. Here, it would be revealed that he and Galur have been the result of FatBastard's experiment, Robbus being the most successful one. His dick and cum have the effects of The Goblin's Kiss, and he knows as much as FatBastard does.
I think Tia should be gangbanged by 7 Goshas like Miriam did. Three of there cocks in her ass and two in her pussy and two in here mouth and also the take turns on all her holes. It's been to long without a gangbang set.🙌
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