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[Daval3D] Immoral Desires

Daval3d becomes lazy
Not only became lazy also I observe lack of effort as well. These are the darkest era of 3D comics world. All of the good or at least promising artists' stories are became prosaic/boring/dead end nowadays. All Davals stories, Mandos stories, Pegasus' stories, Lose Korntrol Stories, RawlyRawl's stories, Himeros's Bucket Lists even Sindy Anna Jones or aka Tira Yugen.. Such a shame. The only story I keep waiting willingy nowadays is Mother's Shame. But on that one also the story accelerates too fast and artist publish tooo slow which kills the vibes.
Not only became lazy also I observe lack of effort as well. These are the darkest era of 3D comics world. All of the good or at least promising artists' stories are became prosaic/boring/dead end nowadays. All Davals stories, Mandos stories, Pegasus' stories, Lose Korntrol Stories, RawlyRawl's stories, Himeros's Bucket Lists even Sindy Anna Jones or aka Tira Yugen.. Such a shame. The only story I keep waiting willingy nowadays is Mother's Shame. But on that one also the story accelerates too fast and artist publish tooo slow which kills the vibes.
kizaru3d is your friend
Not only became lazy also I observe lack of effort as well. These are the darkest era of 3D comics world. All of the good or at least promising artists' stories are became prosaic/boring/dead end nowadays. All Davals stories, Mandos stories, Pegasus' stories, Lose Korntrol Stories, RawlyRawl's stories, Himeros's Bucket Lists even Sindy Anna Jones or aka Tira Yugen.. Such a shame. The only story I keep waiting willingy nowadays is Mother's Shame. But on that one also the story accelerates too fast and artist publish tooo slow which kills the vibes.

I have been observing this for maaany years in many types of artists, and now as there is a proliferation of them in 3D, it is perhaps even more noticeable. And it is usually of the type:
- A good artist appears
- He begins to be successful
- Increases demand and commissions/publications/etc.
- This would be the great point, the "golden age" where everyone is happy
- As the author, whatever he does, he is going to be successful, he relaxes
- He relaxes so much that his quality or publication rate drops (or sometimes because he has achieved what he wanted, he suddenly changes his art theme or simply goes to something else, abandoning and betraying the fans who are precisely the ones who have helped him reach his goal)
- Fans become disenchanted and stop waiting for it
- Death and destruction of the universe

Immoral Desires
  • 3D
  • kizaru3d is your friend
    Ahahaha, you are right. I forgot to add him/her too. He only got one decent story which I know you looking forward very closely :) Friends. It was a good story at the beginning but it's also fucked up as well. No one ever in the world can do blowjob in the common area of toilet instead of getting into one of them.
    I mean please guys look at the story above. Lana getting topless and make touched her pussy and boy getting out his dick around everyone. Fuck sake. OKAY, WE KNOW THAT'S A COMIC, but since when we gave up any sense??
    Immoral Desires


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    The fact that Daval skipped the first sex pages may be a sign that he learned, I really don't need to see how Daniel trick Lana again, seeing Daniel fuck Lana while she's talking with her husband or her friends is hotter.
    I'm neither a friend of Daval nor a subscriber, but I would like to respond to some of his critics. I agree with you that I feel he's getting lazy, but a person can't sit in front of a computer all day without taking care of the family, so I had to by creating a blog and sending out comic books. It's hard work, and of course I didn't have an income like Daval. I see some people criticizing him for managing his stories, which are also contradictory. For example, they blame Daval for how he went from a story between David and Sarah to a story where everyone has sex with Sarah, and they ask him to do the same with Daniel to have sex with all of Lana's friends. It's a blatant contradiction. If I don't like the story, I leave it as I have done witn SN since the aunt was on the line. What I like to do is as the saying goes in my country, whoever says the porridge is cold, let him stick his hand in it. In conclusion, the most difficult thing for writers is the white paper. It's a monster for them. I apologize for any misunderstanding, the text is a translation from my native language.
    I love the content of image 56
    also I love this daval's touch in 59......


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