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[District13/Niniのスタジオ] Her Work

Truth or dare is on tnaflix i just saw it and the eye of truth is also in tnaflix these two short video are approx 1 to 2 mints i think thanks
The tragedy of Truth Or Dare is Nini's refusal to include her "older teen" models in this series; it would have completely made the story more "erotic" if two
high school guys were lusting over Ms. Penny, instead of two "dwarfs". Let's face it, teen guys spend a lot of time fapping, and lusting after almost breathing
female they see! On top of that. Nini wouldn't be facing the backlash from Patreon and even "X" (her "Dwarfs Paradise" page has been taken down) as a result
of her stubbornness!
It's a shame, because her halfway decent story can't be shared here, or pretty much anywhere these days ... plus, Penny looks tanned and sweaty, a personal
favorite of mine ... absolutely gorgeous this time out!
Here's a few images that can be shared:
I agree with O'jisan, the story would be just as interesting and erotic with two teenagers instead of two dwarves, The inexplicable thing about this is that Nini already has her teenage models made and ready to act. Why doesn't she put them to work? Are they from another union? :unsure:
The tragedy of Truth Or Dare is Nini's refusal to include her "older teen" models in this series; it would have completely made the story more "erotic" if two
high school guys were lusting over Ms. Penny, instead of two "dwarfs". Let's face it, teen guys spend a lot of time fapping, and lusting after almost breathing
female they see! On top of that. Nini wouldn't be facing the backlash from Patreon and even "X" (her "Dwarfs Paradise" page has been taken down) as a result
of her stubbornness!
It's a shame, because her halfway decent story can't be shared here, or pretty much anywhere these days ... plus, Penny looks tanned and sweaty, a personal
favorite of mine ... absolutely gorgeous this time out!
Here's a few images that can be shared:
I totally agree with your opinion with older teens it would be more erotic and enjoyable you lose nothing in making new stories with this type of characters already demonstrated in other works and that work well but she is leaving it aside.
[D13] Billiards_OG Concept [Edit} (05.15.22) New
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  • Supposedly, only 2 days until Nini posts (finally!) the first installment of the second chapter of Billiards, tentatively titled "Losing". In her defense, she had a
    few other things on her mind as of late ... unfortunately, all of them, self-inflicted. Billiards, being a TierB title, means the next TierA will hopefully be Episode
    4 of the 5 Colored Rangers, probably followed by her Star Wars parody. No word so far about TierZ ... but I'm sure there will be something released that will
    offend almost anyone, on some level ... it IS her way ... but always entertaining.
    Here's a little something to share in the meantime ... Nini's original concept video preview for Billiards from 2022!:
    MediaFire: [D13] Billiards_OG Concept [Edit] (05.15.22)
    Billiars 01a.jpg
    Billiars 03a.jpg
    Billiars 02a.jpeg
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    Supposedly, only 2 days until Nini posts (finally!) the first installment of the second chapter of Billiards, tentatively titled "Losing". In her defense, she had a
    few other things on her mind as of late ... unfortunately, all of them, self-inflicted. Billiards, being a TierB title, means the next TierA will hopefully be Episode
    4 of the 5 Colored Rangers, probably followed by her Star Wars parody. No word so far about TierZ ... but I'm sure there will be something released that will
    offend almost anyone, on some level ... it IS her way ... but always entertaining.
    Here's a little something to share in the meantime ... Nini's original concept video preview for Billiards from 2022!:
    Danny looks very different hahaha!! Lol 😜
    Is there any video cast by kokomi apart from confused diary???? I can’t seem to find any videos of her
    She was also in Urban Strange Tales__Kokomi and Grandfather's Secret, and also College Photography Club, the latter of which, we can't share due to the abundance of dwarf-like college students who populate the story ... (sigh). She's also in the clip, "Kokomi Struts". Use our library via the 3D Bar, up top right.

    CPC 01.JPG
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    cvx do we have any news on your new uploads ? do you perchance have your own forum ? if i can ask this
    cvx do we have any news on your new uploads ? do you perchance have your own forum ? if i can ask this
    I can't upload anything new until Nini posts something new on Patreon ... that's just the way it is. As for other forums, I was doing that on 8Muses and it ended up being a wee bit too much for me. Fortunately, CVXtreme agreed to lead our sister forum, [Various-Artists] Mixed 3D Animated Topic and Discussion, which deals with artists similar to District13. So this is it for me ... you all have my undivided attention ... which is frustrating when Nini doesn't release new videos in a timely fashion. Trust me, you folks will be the first to know when she posts something new. ;)
    cvx do we have any news on your new uploads ? do you perchance have your own forum ? if i can ask this
    Yep, all the information, questions, doubts and more not only about my releases but about other artists with similar works to District13 on our sister page ;)

    PS: Remember that in this thread we only discuss District13 material, an apology O'jisan :oops:
    Yep, all the information, questions, doubts and more not only about my releases but about other artists with similar works to District13 on our sister page ;)

    PS: Remember that in this thread we only discuss District13 material, an apology O'jisan :oops:
    No apologies necessary! (y)
    [D13] The Ex-Boyfriend_Clip [Edit] (11.26.23) New
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  • It is yet another short clip. Most of Nini's posts on "X" (God ... I hate Musk!} are usually short clips. As I've mentioned more than a few times, these short clips
    are "bookmarks" that Nini renders, when she gets ideas that she can refer to at a later date, just to jog her memory, so she doesn't forget. Many of these
    have never been made into videos, languishing away, while we, the viewing audience, can only hope that someday she might complete these ... even if they're
    just five minute shorts.
    The clip in question is tentatively titled, The Ex-Boyfriend ... a casual meeting with the woman's "Ex" at an Onsen, soon to go horribly wrong (or "right", depending on your views of cheating MILFs ... 🥱
    MediaFire: [D13] The Ex-Boyfriend_Clip [Edit] (11,26.23)

    The Ex_01.JPG
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    too bad its so short.
    For every video that gets completed, there are 5 to 6 "clips" that are completely overlooked by Nini! I suppose there is always a slim chance she may return to
    those clips and create another masterpiece ... still, I can't help but wonder if she mostly works on a cross between inspiration and impulse? It may explain why she
    just abandons projects midway (take her very early Exhange Student 1-2 ... members still ask her to complete an Episode 3 ... but considering the anti-shota sentiment these days, I'd say a continuation is non-existent. She ends projects that seems "unfinished" at times; Kokomi's Confused Diary is an example. Am I
    the only one here who feels the conclusion seemed "tacked on", given the fact that we saw all previous episodes through Kokom's eyes, only to discover she was
    a scheming bitch at the end ... when the story switched narration; it almost defied logic!? We came to know Kokomi as a flawed, over-burdened woman who was drowning in debt, not to mention guilt. Kokomi became one of Nini's most sympathetic characters to date! Truthfully, I think Nini lost interest in the project and decided to move on.
    All things considered though, there are very few animators out there who can spin a story like Nini does, which is why we look forward to each new tale. Even her "imperfect" stories are many times superior to most animators out there ... which is also why it's frustrating to see her flashes of inspiration that rarely come to fruition as we'd like them to. :cautious:

    Oh well ... we sit and we wait ... :whistle:
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    [D13] A Deeper Massage_Clip [Edit] New
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  • In the meantime ... I got tired of waiting, so I cobbled together a rather lame video, combining Sachiko's last appearance, plus the Physics of Collision short.
    I mean, this is Sachiko we're talking about, and all of her encounters seem to go badly. So to kill the next 12 hours while we wait for Nini to rise from the
    ashes, here's a little something, titled A Deeper Massage:
    MediaFire: [D13] A Deeper Massage_Clip [Edit}

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