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[Pigking/CrazyDad] Comics

I think the artist has to have the freedom to change the plot and give the character a direction that they think is most convenient. This change of profession I think will result in excellentstories, especially if it is accompanied by excellent rendering. I'll love continuing to follow Dr. Brandie's stories with other scenarios and other narratives. Sometimes some changes are necessary to improve the plot.I look forward to seeing Dr. Brandie working as a veterinarian, either way she will continue to be a doctor. If someone is moved by the content of the story and disagrees, just don't download the stories that they don'tlike. If the person cannot separate fantasy from reality, I think it is best to go and see a specialist doctor who treats certain psychological disorders.
Certainly! When we discuss the freedom of artists to shape plots and direct characters, it is impossible not to recognize the richness that this flexibility brings to a narrative. Allowingcharacters to evolve and adapt to new situations not only keeps the story interesting, but also allows the reader to continue following the stories with the protagonist's journey.
This variety is not limited to just the characters, but also extends to the settings and narratives. Exploring different environments and situations offers readers a wide range of experiences,allowing them to delve into imaginary worlds or reflect on real-world issues.
However, it is essential to find a balance between fantasy and reality. While fantasy provides escapism and creativity, grounding in reality allows readers to identify with characters and becomeemotionally involved in their journeys.
Furthermore, it is important to respect readers’ individual preferences. Offering a variety of options allows everyone to choose the stories that most resonate with their own preferencesand interests, fostering a more engaged and satisfied community of readers.
Finally, it is crucial to remember that while fiction can be a powerful form of entertainment, it is also important to recognize when it is necessary to seek expert help for mental health issuesif the reader cannot differentiate a fictional story from reality. fantasy of reality is key, but can sometimes be challenging. At these times, seeking professional support is an important step towards emotional and psychologicalwell-being.
Therefore, when exploring the possibilities of creating and consuming stories, we must remember these aspects, ensuring that our experiences in 3D stories are full of good renderings and fun.I personally really like stories in the bestiality genre, after all the characters are 3D creations whose sole purpose is entertainment and are a lot of fun. I feel very envious of doggy who are true sex machines. :LOL::LOL::LOL:


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In this forum, the main goal is to interact among members, share ideas, and discuss art openly and passionately. We are not here with commercial intentions; what unites us is the love for artin all its forms. We acknowledge that some companies participate to promote their products, which is understandable. However, we ask them to limit themselves to that purpose and respect our space dedicated to the exchangeof knowledge and experiences. Everyone is free to post what they desire, but it is important to maintain our focus on our mission of celebrating art.
Here, the rule is freedom of interaction among forum members. I believe everyone has the right to express their opinions, share their passions, and learn from each other. This is an inclusivespace where people from different backgrounds and perspectives can come together around their love for art.
We encourage healthy and respectful debates, where ideas are valued, and viewpoints are considered. The diversity of thought enriches our community, allowing us to explore new horizons anddiscover new ways to appreciate art.
By promoting an environment of mutual respect and openness, we are building a vibrant and dynamic community where everyone feels welcome and valued. Here, every voice matters, and every membercontributes to the enrichment of our collective.
In summary, freedom of interaction is the foundation of our forum, empowering us to grow together and deepen our understanding and appreciation of art in all its forms.


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Be original! Do something new! Do something that's yours!
Thank you to everyone who likes and supports pigking.com.br and appreciates our art as it is! We work hard to try and serve our audience in the best way possible!
From the moment a image manipulation program is used, the work is no longer original. Therefore, this narrative of originality lacks support. The work is mine, I am the one who produced it, and it is based on a character I appreciate. Furthermore, it is an old publication that has already been posted here before.The PIGKING employs the same criterion, as it uses third-party programs to develop its work. As mentioned, the work developed is no longer original; it is a reinterpretation. Therefore, your opinion on what has been posted is irrelevant. Now, trying to impose regulations on a free forum is somewhat exhausting!Instead of seeking to learn from those on the other side of the line, you prefer to make insinuations as if your work were magnificent. I'm sorry to say, but it's not! You still have a lot to evolve. Artistically speaking, you are only halfway there. In fact, the narrative of the stories is superficial, without any logic, divorced from reality. A good idea needs to evolve; you PIGKING people think that the forum is responsible for the loss of subscribers. If that were the case, all the talented artists who render much better than PIGKING would be here complaining, which is not the case.If the topic was opened by PIGKING, you can close it and we will open another one. We agree on what is reasonable about recent publications. I do think that a time should be given before members make free publications. No one wants to be stuck on free sites with low-quality renderings. We prefer originals with high-quality rendering and we want to continue supporting your work.Look for solutions to your problems by improving your work, without blaming others, okay? You should be grateful for the publicity we provide. My interest here is purely artistic; support comes with time. This business of belittling those who appreciate your work is not a healthy financial policy.I think that, in terms of advertising, marketing, and commerce, you are too amateurish."Additionally, it is important to consider that art is a process of constant evolution. Criticizing constructively and seeking ways to improve is a fundamental part of this process. Instead of settling for the status quo, it is essential to constantly strive for improvement, both technically and creatively. Therefore, instead of feeling attacked, perhaps it is time to embrace these criticisms as opportunities for growth and artistic development.
Do you think we'll see Dr. Brandie have a threesome with her son and daughter soon?
It's a shame that you're thinking about this change of plan. In my opinion, the Dr. Brandie series was incredible when it didn't have that ''bestiality'' appeal.
Good luck with your new plans to Dr. Brandie.

(É uma pena que você esteja pensado nesta mudanças de plano. Na minha opinião a série Dr. Brandie era incrível quando não tinha esse apelo ''bestialidade''. Boa sorte com seus novos planos a Dr. Brandie.)
"Simple to resolve this dilemma, if you don't like puppies, just don't download stories that involve that kind of subject. Since you're so moralistic to this extent, I suggest you find a church and convert or a psychologist to treat your anomaly instead of staying here consuming 3D pornography."
I hope we see more Scooby Doo parodies or maybe even something completely wild like a TMNT parody
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