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[Pigking/CrazyDad] Comics

Anyone is free to share the content they have.
To be fair i probably butchered the link. Its just the $60 patreon is way to high month to month basis
I like him too, but I agree with the comment, in addition, almost 1 episode comes out of 4-5 pictures, only the dialogs change.
Family Sins - Parte 72
@CrazyDad how regularly is pigking1.wixsite.com updated? when are the new chapters added to there albums/categories?
Almost every day we post a new story. On average four to five episodes a week. Just look at the advertising.
Family Sins - Parte 72 Coming Soon
Capa ENES.png
Hey Admin,
Is this thread for sharing or advertisement?
Both. It shouldn't matter anyways since any replies other than those sharing or advertising are simply for asking for other titles so it's not like actual conversations are being had in the thread.
Is there another place for sharing this stuff?
What's the problem?

This thread is as good as it's gonna get. I don't know if you were around when the 8muses forum was online but the CrazyDad3D thread there was more organized and new content was being shared on a regular basis. This thread is like the wild west compared to the old one.
I think the Problem is that there is hardly any new content!
The problem is that there was an exchange of PDF files on the 8muses forum. Each PDF file had to be purchased separately on the official website.
Now, by purchasing a subscription for $50, you get access to all PDF files and the need to exchange disappears.
The problem is that there was an exchange of PDF files on the 8muses forum. Each PDF file had to be purchased separately on the official website.
Now, by purchasing a subscription for $50, you get access to all PDF files and the need to exchange disappears.
That, and also the fact that the 8muses forum followed some kind of a delayed schedule so as to not share the newest comic upon its release. I don't think the creators ever made a big stink about their comics being shared there as much as they do here. Also, this thread is a mess when it comes to sharing. You got people sharing certain titles out of order with big chunks missing in between.
What's the point of always introducing the new comics here but not sharing them? Everyone knows that they exist!
I would see the author's presence on the forum as something positive.
And, honestly, I don't see how wanting to advertise here is flawed.
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