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[District13/Niniのスタジオ] Her Work

What about TOD v4 ? when it will come out ? …… we hope next V6 we will see some sex scene . 💐
TOD V4 was released a month ago ... afterward, Nini's Patreon review started ... coincidence ... I think NOT. TOD V4 will never be published here under current rules, so for our group, it's a mute point. It appears, since the troops may be getting a wee bit impatient on Patreon, Nini may acquiesce to their demands, based on the preview images she released ... but will it be actual penetration, or just some perfunctory dry-humping & grinding ... with maybe a hand-job? :unsure:
Your guess is as good as mine. :cool: :coffee:
Who did you hear that from? What does it say on page one of the group intro? I believe it says the "two week-waiting rule still applies on new videos"

In other news ... some announcements concerning TierB:

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.... but wait, there's more:

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PS ... Nice to see she's finally using her new "teen" models. It took her long enough!

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It reminds me of a cousin who groped, I think that's where that story goes. lol xD
Don't upload anything from NEET, I don't want to fall into temptation, it's September without fap, this year I have to win. 😳😮‍💨
Any new about five color ranger ?
Hopefully soon. It could be any time, but I expect something to be released around the middle of the month ... say the 15th if Nini goes back to her older release patterns. Maybe Five Colored Rangers?
Hello, does anyone know if billiar 5 has sex scenes? I want to subscribe to Nini's Patreon again but I don't want to spend months waiting for a sex scene. 😅
Hello, does anyone know if billiar 5 has sex scenes? I want to subscribe to Nini's Patreon again but I don't want to spend months waiting for a sex scene. 😅
We feel your pain ... but this is Nini we're talking about ... get used to waiting. For her, "teasing" IS "foreplay." :whistle:
Yes, I know what she's like, but what she's doing with this animation and with five colors is ridiculous, these animations already had episodes released, there was no need to re-release practically the same episodes, especially after months of hiatus.
I humbly disagree. Billiards has been completely revamped and organized. 5 Colored Rangers ... there was a definite design problem with one of the characters, so she had to revise it, that takes time. Still not sure why she bothered to release Truth Or Dare, considering the back-lash it caused her; but it was her call.
There Are other groups or sites out there ... I'm not certain what kind of response you're expecting? You could always subscribe, I suppose, to complain
to her somewhat directly ...? Otherwise, we're all in the boat. Those of us how have been around for a while are kind of used to this ... maybe "numb" is a better
way of describing it ... :unsure:
You're new here, so patience just comes with the territory. So, unless you're shelling out money for a subscription with her ... moaning is pointless. Constructive
is always welcome, though.
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But that's the thing, I'm not new, I've been following her content for over a year, and that's exactly why I decided to stop subscribing to her Patreon. She has the potential to make perfect animations like the incense animation, but she insists on leaving the animations in a state of only teasing and in the end she doesn't deliver half of what was promised, like business trips. I was thinking about subscribing to her Patreon again, but since she continues with this part of only teasing in the animation, it doesn't make sense to subscribe to her Patreon. As you can see, what was the last big animation that had sex scenes? She's been doing almost a year only teasing animations, when she could really do more, and it's not just that sex isn't the main thing, because if it weren't for sex, no one would be here, including you and me. 😅
But that's the thing, I'm not new, I've been following her content for over a year, and that's exactly why I decided to stop subscribing to her Patreon. She has the potential to make perfect animations like the incense animation, but she insists on leaving the animations in a state of only teasing and in the end she doesn't deliver half of what was promised, like business trips. I was thinking about subscribing to her Patreon again, but since she continues with this part of only teasing in the animation, it doesn't make sense to subscribe to her Patreon. As you can see, what was the last big animation that had sex scenes? She's been doing almost a year only teasing animations, when she could really do more, and it's not just that sex isn't the main thing, because if it weren't for sex, no one would be here, including you and me. 😅
I think that's ok if you don't want to subscribe to her right now everyone has their standards and I understand what you want so thank you for supporting her in the past.For me tho her style for me it was I like maybe because is grown on me lol.
I really understand that an animation must have a story and I love it because Nini knows how to make a good story and also provoke those who are watching, but going months without a decent sex scene is ridiculous. I love her content and respect her a lot, but as a subscriber for more than a year I'm sure that Nini should be more famous and have a lot more subscribers, but she just keeps making provocative animations while people are waiting for more, it gets to a point where it gets tiring to have to spend money and in the end have nothing and only dialogues like it's happening with Billiar. ;/
I really understand that an animation must have a story and I love it because Nini knows how to make a good story and also provoke those who are watching, but going months without a decent sex scene is ridiculous. I love her content and respect her a lot, but as a subscriber for more than a year I'm sure that Nini should be more famous and have a lot more subscribers, but she just keeps making provocative animations while people are waiting for more, it gets to a point where it gets tiring to have to spend money and in the end have nothing and only dialogues like it's happening with Billiar. ;/
Tbh I don't think she wants to be famous or well known it probably a place for her to explace her imagination plus earning money for those who like this type of content.
Yes, I think so too, but I was referring to her level of art because with such incredible art she should be famous just for existing. 😂
But that's the thing, I'm not new, I've been following her content for over a year, and that's exactly why I decided to stop subscribing to her Patreon. She has the potential to make perfect animations like the incense animation, but she insists on leaving the animations in a state of only teasing and in the end she doesn't deliver half of what was promised, like business trips. I was thinking about subscribing to her Patreon again, but since she continues with this part of only teasing in the animation, it doesn't make sense to subscribe to her Patreon. As you can see, what was the last big animation that had sex scenes? She's been doing almost a year only teasing animations, when she could really do more, and it's not just that sex isn't the main thing, because if it weren't for sex, no one would be here, including you and me. 😅
I get it. I'm in it for the long haul. She's had a bumpy road lately, mostly self-inflicted. I think she may have put 5 Colored Ranger on the back-burner, because her choice for the Evil-Emperor was an underaged-looking "dwarf" ... scratch that idea. I think she was fairly far along with the rendering, and the idea of going back in and changing multiple scenes, didn't sound like fun. Why she jumped into Truth Or Dare, I have no clue ... I even DM'd her NOT to continue ... but she did, explaining that "shota" is okay in Japan. True ... but when your subscribers (not all) and your platform both are in the "West" ... given the current right-wing and religious agenda seeping into the western societies lately ... schools, libraries, etc., it makes so sense, from a commercial standpoint, to put a bullseye on your back like she did. She was noticed and someone complained.
My advice ... DON'T subscribe to her if it's driving you crazy. Nini is resistant to change. I hope this past month has made her rethink subject matter in her videos.
Hopefully, the dust will settle and she'll get back on a regular schedule like before. As she has stated MANY times: she's NOT a pornographer ... she's an erotic story teller ... and I agree. That is why, frustrating or not, she plans her stories out the way she does ... a LOT of teasing, which may or may not be why we find her stories so intriguing. She grew up on Japanese Manga ... and manga authors, for the most part, play the "long game", before something juicy happens. Make the
audience hungry for more.
PS ... as an added thought; I would still be interested in her stories, without sex ... as long as her MILFs paraded around in bikinis and underwear! YUM!!! 🤪
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Yes, I think so too, but I was referring to her level of art because with such incredible art she should be famous just for existing. 😂
True probably Like my friend they're really good at drawing porn but they not famous because they didn't engage in social media or with another artist that's much at all even tho they had social and post on it too same thing as what Nini does they just want to do this kind of thing but still kinda exist peacefully.
I get it. I'm in it for the long haul. She's had a bumpy road lately, mostly self-inflicted. I think she may have put 5 Colored Ranger on the back-burner, because her choice for the Evil-Emperor was an underaged-looking "dwarf" ... scratch that idea. I think she was fairly far along with the rendering, and the idea of going back in and changing multiple scenes, didn't sound like fun. Why she jumped into Truth Or Dare, I have no clue ... I even DM'd her NOT to continue ... but she did, explaining that "shota" is okay in Japan. True ... but when your subscribers (not all) and your platform both are in the "West" ... given the current right-wing and religious agenda seeping into the western societies lately ... schools, libraries, etc., it makes so sense, from a commercial standpoint, to put a bullseye on your back like she did. She was noticed and someone complained.
My advice ... DON'T subscribe to her if it's driving you crazy. Nini is resistant to change. I hope this past month has made her rethink subject matter in her videos.
Hopefully, the dust will settle and she'll get back on a regular schedule like before. As she has stated MANY times: she's NOT a pornographer ... she's an erotic story teller ... and I agree. That is why, frustrating or not, she plans her stories out the way she does ... a LOT of teasing, which may or may not be why we find her stories so intriguing. She grew up on Japanese Manga ... and manga authors, for the most part, play the "long game", before something juicy happens. Make the
audience hungry for more.
PS ... as an added thought; I would still be interested in her stories, without sex ... as long as her MILFs paraded around in bikinis and underwear! YUM!!!
Yes, I understand that Nini is not pornographic, but at the very least she should make that very clear with a fixed notice on her Patreon page because most of her subscribers subscribe to her Patreon because they want to see sex scenes and whether you like it or not it is very frustrating to wait months paying $25 to only get animations with dialogues or for her to simply stop making the animation like it was with Goblin Hero and the animation of the terrorist and the female police officers. Because she started with a great project and got everyone excited only to not continue in the end, I know it was probably because of necrophilia but Nini should be more transparent with her subscribers, she should at least leave a fixed notice for new customers to let them know how she works. Because you use it whether you like it or not it is very frustrating, spending months waiting for now and paying for it and not having even half of what you expected is very dishonest, she should make all of this very clear.
I don't think it's dishonest ... it's just her way of doing things ... like she always has.
It's a good idea for you to unsubscribe if you still have a subscription ... BUT, let her know your reasons.
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I get it. I'm in it for the long haul. She's had a bumpy road lately, mostly self-inflicted. I think she may have put 5 Colored Ranger on the back-burner, because her choice for the Evil-Emperor was an underaged-looking "dwarf" ... scratch that idea. I think she was fairly far along with the rendering, and the idea of going back in and changing multiple scenes, didn't sound like fun. Why she jumped into Truth Or Dare, I have no clue ... I even DM'd her NOT to continue ... but she did, explaining that "shota" is okay in Japan. True ... but when your subscribers (not all) and your platform both are in the "West" ... given the current right-wing and religious agenda seeping into the western societies lately ... schools, libraries, etc., it makes so sense, from a commercial standpoint, to put a bullseye on your back like she did. She was noticed and someone complained.
My advice ... DON'T subscribe to her if it's driving you crazy. Nini is resistant to change. I hope this past month has made her rethink subject matter in her videos.
Hopefully, the dust will settle and she'll get back on a regular schedule like before. As she has stated MANY times: she's NOT a pornographer ... she's an erotic story teller ... and I agree. That is why, frustrating or not, she plans her stories out the way she does ... a LOT of teasing, which may or may not be why we find her stories so intriguing. She grew up on Japanese Manga ... and manga authors, for the most part, play the "long game", before something juicy happens. Make the
audience hungry for more.
PS ... as an added thought; I would still be interested in her stories, without sex ... as long as her MILFs paraded around in bikinis and underwear! YUM!!! 🤪
You're not the only one who's been following her for a long time, my friend. I've been following her since before she even started using VAM, and you'll agree with me that her current animations don't even come close to her old ones. She knew how to balance story and sex in the same animation, but now we only have simple dialogues and the same thing in each animation. In Billiar, we only had something different now in v5, because in the other versions it was practically the same thing, just with slightly different dialogues. I'm not here to criticize Nini, I'm just sad and disappointed with the way she's treating her subscribers and the animations that were once incredible.
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