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[District13/Niniのスタジオ] Her Work


What the heck? Has Nini ever been on the run from the law before? So many aliases :unsure:
you're in discord ojisan, feel free to drop by
While it's true, I do visit discord now and again to check on certain things, I don't actively participate on that or other platforms. Too much "noise" in my life already. :cool:
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Yes, there IS a Grandfather Part 3, which we can't post here due to "shota" content. A shame too, as it ends on a funny note ... but rules being rules, we're unable to post the conclusion to that particular story on APC
I did'nt know that. Thank you for the information
The first two chapters doesnt have that type of content
I did'nt know that. Thank you for the information
The first two chapters doesnt have that type of content
There's a BIG reveal in the last third of Part 3 ... like most of Nini's girls, Penny was abused and used ... yet again. I'm not sure if it's posted anywhere else. If I run across it, I'll at least be able to post what site it's on, even though it can't be a direct link.
Quick question for you guys (and gals); I'm working on the fan-edit for Billiards V4. My question: I'm planning on releasing the original and fan-edit at the same
time. Since this is the actual end of the first chapter, would you like a V1.0-V4.0 released. This time out, I'm not doing a "complete" version once the story is complete, as I did with Business Trip ... there were too many complaints about the length and the G-Bytes involved. The plan is to release parts 1 (practice), part 2 (losing) & part 3 (sex) separately, Is that OK with you all? Or do I have another potential opus on my hands? Just curious? :unsure:
Quick question for you guys (and gals); I'm working on the fan-edit for Billiards V4. My question: I'm planning on releasing the original and fan-edit at the same
time. Since this is the actual end of the first chapter, would you like a V1.0-V4.0 released. This time out, I'm not doing a "complete" version once the story is complete, as I did with Business Trip ... there were too many complaints about the length and the G-Bytes involved. The plan is to release parts 1 (practice), part 2 (losing) & part 3 (sex) separately, Is that OK with you all? Or do I have another potential opus on my hands? Just curious? :unsure:
That's probably make the file easier to download
That was my thought ... any other opinions? Chapter One combined will be over 1.5GBs as is. :unsure:
That was my thought ... any other opinions? Chapter One combined will be over 1.5GBs as is. :unsure:
I would prefer every part compiled into one as I have no issues with files being 1.5GBs or higher but that's just me.

If you're able to release the combined story alongside the 3 parts that would be awesome. I'm cool with any. I just don't wanna make you work overtime Ojisan:sleep::coffee:

Appreciate it always!
Now that that's over with ... her other announcement concerns "other" works, and I'm happy to say that a favorite of mine appears to be back on the schedule, but she needs to finish a prior work first 🥳 ... again, apologies for not being able to post "Truth Or Dare" on these pages. 🥱 :coffee:

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PS. Reading this announcement carefully (and after a French-Roast "Grande"), what can we read into this? A Pokeman-Type story (Gotta "fuck" 'em all), bestiality story, maybe? Kokomi possibly returns for the "My Childhood Sweetheart Abroad" tale ...? Finally, the "Orb of Truth" story ended with the permanently hypnotized Mom being discarded onto a garbage pile, then found ... hmmm? :coffee: :unsure: :coffee:
a robot picked up from garbage dump and then a mother acting weird seem like an old flash game plot I've played. I'll wait and see if my guess is correct :D
Quick question for you guys (and gals); I'm working on the fan-edit for Billiards V4. My question: I'm planning on releasing the original and fan-edit at the same
time. Since this is the actual end of the first chapter, would you like a V1.0-V4.0 released. This time out, I'm not doing a "complete" version once the story is complete, as I did with Business Trip ... there were too many complaints about the length and the G-Bytes involved. The plan is to release parts 1 (practice), part 2 (losing) & part 3 (sex) separately, Is that OK with you all? Or do I have another potential opus on my hands? Just curious? :unsure:
You are doing great job . Do as you want . you are the Boss ! We always respect your decision.
thank you for your service captain!!
I would prefer every part compiled into one as I have no issues with files being 1.5GBs or higher but that's just me.

If you're able to release the combined story alongside the 3 parts that would be awesome. I'm cool with any. I just don't wanna make you work overtime Ojisan:sleep::coffee:

Appreciate it always!
I'll always be releasing each post one at a time. When the combined episodes of each chapter reach the end, I'll post those combined as a complete chapter. I'm
assuming Billiards will be three chapters, as Nini has mentioned in her posts; I'm also figuring each will be between 1-2 GBs. All three will be available in our 3D Library. If there are enough requests, I'll post the Completed story combined, in one large file; which won't be a problem for me, as I always make an edit for myself to watch, like I did for Dance and Business Trip.
a robot picked up from garbage dump and then a mother acting weird seem like an old flash game plot I've played. I'll wait and see if my guess is correct :D
As for the story seeming similar to something you may have watched ... no surprise there. Nini gets a lot of her "inspiration" from stories she too sees on the
Web, like the rest of us. She's an avid Manga reader, as many Japanese of all ages consume on a daily basis. Tribal, a fan-favorite of hers, was lifted for the most part, from a manga, Awakening of the Goddess; though Part 4 (brilliantly animated), is completely out of her own imagination ... or from some other source.
At any rate, Billiards will be available in multiple forms and edits in the Library, when completed ... however long it takes Nini to finish it. ;)
I'll always be releasing each post one at a time. When the combined episodes of each chapter reach the end, I'll post those combined as a complete chapter. I'm
assuming Billiards will be three chapters, as Nini has mentioned in her posts; I'm also figuring each will be between 1-2 GBs. All three will be available in our 3D Library. If there are enough requests, I'll post the Completed story combined, in one large file; which won't be a problem for me, as I always make an edit for myself to watch, like I did for Dance and Business Trip.

As for the story seeming similar to something you may have watched ... no surprise there. Nini gets a lot of her "inspiration" from stories she too sees on the
Web, like the rest of us. She's an avid Manga reader, as many Japanese of all ages consume on a daily basis. Tribal, a fan-favorite of hers, was lifted for the most part, from a manga, Awakening of the Goddess; though Part 4 (brilliantly animated), is completely out of her own imagination ... or from some other source.
At any rate, Billiards will be available in multiple forms and edits in the Library, when completed ... however long it takes Nini to finish it. ;)
Speaking of tribal ntrman the author who made awaking of goddess just released the awakening of goddess the game
Speaking of tribal ntrman the author who made awaking of goddess just released the awakening of goddess the game
Maybe Nini may be inclined to make another Tribal chapter ... she kind of transplanted his original ending onto the finale' of Supporting Education.
Ok, It's time to vent. All the admin has put in the work with rules for this forum. READ THEM AND STOP ASKING FOR FOR WHAT'S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN HERE. Do your research elsewhere to find your Shota, Dwarfs and Pedo Shit. This goes for all new persons to the forum as well as members who have been here for awhile. It's not going to happen. This forum stays in existence because of the rules and work that admin has set forth. I need not apply names. You know who has kept the forum alive. 👏👏👍🏿. No more babysitting is needed. All the best to our brothers and sisters who has worked hard to keep bringing us the great work that what this forum is all about. We're still here because of you all. 👌👏🤗👍🏿. Venting said and done
Beating a dead horse, my friend. The babysitting and/or "nanny-cam" is always "on" here ... it's just part of my job. Newbies come in here and don't bother reading the rules. Maybe they're expecting the same freedom we originally had over at 8Muses, before it was unceremoniously pulled out from underneath our collective butts. This site was put together by moderators and active participants from 8Muses. They know exactly what happened over at 8Muses and "why" it was finally closed down. They were up front with me when I started this group, and while I may not agree with every restriction, I trust their reasons. They don't want a repeat debacle here.
People will ask for banned stuff and that's okay, but they will be denied, because "thems-the-rules".
Members who are warned, then keep repeating those requests, will either have their posts deleted ... or will be reported to administration. That's all we can do on our end.
So don't take it to heart, Blackgold ... and don't lose any sleep over it. It's just the cost of doing business here and keeping our group alive. Peace! ✌️
It's a shame that Tribal can't be shared here. I think that's where Penny looks more innocent than ever. :love::love::love:


But rules are rules my dear friends ;)
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