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[District13/Niniのスタジオ] Her Work

I know a lot of you are fans of DakoAssMan's work ... myself included. I found myself in a position to view his latest opus, Chocolate Paradise 2 ... I was also in a
position to find myself critically viewing the video during an editing process. While I grant you, his MILFs are very voluptuous, getting serviced vigorously by large cocks, usually, against their better judgement.
Still ... the complaints I receive daily from members of our group made me realize the difference of videos produced by females, (Nini, YeYeBirdie), versus males is profound. The women write stories, silly as they may seem, which seem lacking in sexual acrobatics, as most of the males viewers bemoan. However, DakoAssMan's vids, while technically, seem very similar to the output of his female counterparts ... the difference is astounding. Yes, he does present a "set-up" scene, that lasts 2-3 minutes ... then that is followed by another 10-15 minutes of endless loops ... lasting about 3 minute each, with no change or variation in said static sex scene ... then moving on to the next position ... another multi-minute static loop ... ad-infinitum. :rolleyes:
Not that the videos are BAD, per-se, just boring as hell. 😩
It takes a lot of effort for each artist to render their videos. Still, I can't help but think of the endless complaints about "the lack of sex scenes" in Nini's videos. She
obviously pushes a lot of buttons here, concerning her scenes, but many complain about the length of the lead-in to the inevitable climax. What's the rush?
Perhaps Nini is right. As frustrating as her videos may seem at times ... as she puts it: "it's what you men like". We like the tease, then the pounce. As having a certain amount of dating experience in the past, I can attest to the fact that the hunt is sometimes more satisfying than the end result. Sometime the conclusion
is WOW!!!! Other times ... meh ... :cool:
Just my two-cents ... :whistle:

I think we have to be careful when we generalize male artist versus female artist with very few examples. While I would agree with your view when comparing DakoAssMan to Nini. That is all it is...a comparison of two artist where one happens to be male and the other female. There is so much more variables at play like Asian, America, South American, European...cultural aspects, etc. All of those IMO plays into how folks conceptualize their art. I mean when you think about it, Nini bucks the assumption of "female friendly" porn as some of her stuff is no where near that. Then again...what does "female friendly" even mean.

I will take myself for example. Last I checked I'm a male. :cool: LOL, all 30+ of my videos from the three series, usually about 30+ Minutes a piece are one big fat connected story in a single universe. I go for realism in story themes and a focus on "urban" characters (Black characters that don't look crazy)...which seems not to garner me much views, but I don't do this for the clicks. My stories are fairly layered often consisting of multiple flashbacks and cut scenes to cover background context and other aspects someone may be thinking about, "Well why did that happen?" The difference with me is that I run through multiple 5-6 minute sex scenes in a single video. I don't like straight to sex unless the story calls for it. I totally agree for 3D animation a 20+ minute sex scene with loops at different angles will get boring fast.

However what else gets boring fast is constant use of the same damn poses all the time. I get it most people are moving to VaM where most poses are just downloaded and used as is; or worst need to be purchased. But I am a strong believer in mastering the tool you are using. For me it is TK17 and I modify every and any pose I use.

Basically all I am saying, I think there is a balance...I don't think Nini is right or wrong. It is just her preference. I think she can still tell a story without the insanely long multiple 30+ Minute episode lead in before getting to the juicy bits. I get it Manga tends to do this, but even JAV videos based on those stories will speed that timeline up.

Any way just my perspective from a Male creator who makes stories.
I was specifically musing about DakoAssMan ... but while I do admire his style, in general, the storylines are usually reed-thin, which is fine if that's what you're
looking for. My "gripe" per se is the general moaning surrounding Nini's work because she doesn't "cut to the sex" scenes with each chapter. But the difference
between the two styles is like comparing apples and oranges ...
I will say your works to have a solid story, and follow characters over multiple episodes. Unfortunately, you are an exception to the rule. Many animators in this field bow to the wants of the Patrons, who generally clamor for more sex, whether it's chicks with dicks, animals, monsters ... whatever. The goal seems to be lots of penetration, even at it's mind-numbing worst. I tend to like stories that play out over time. It is a fact that women view sex differently than men do, for the most part.
I lean more toward the Japanese NTR manga model, in which stories tend to play out over multiple chapters. Just my preference. I was somewhat floored by the lack of creativity in the current DakoAssMan opus ... never watched sex scenes get so boring, so quickly; no camera movement whatsoever. I'm sure that his followers are perfectly happy with the brief intros and lengthy sex scenes. He definitely could use a bit more judicious editing ... just to tighten things up a bit.
Just a observation and critique on one artist, whose work bears physical similarities to Nini's.
I completely agree that TK17 makes the users work a lot more on story than "flash" appeal. I still look back on Nini's TK17 period, which I believe most of her
best stories still reside. She worked a lot harder at making her stories shine ... possibly due to the software limitations ... but she often times achieved greatness.
Many animators in this field bow to the wants of the Patrons, who generally clamor for more sex, whether it's chicks with dicks, animals, monsters ... whatever. The goal seems to be lots of penetration, even at it's mind-numbing worst.

This right here. Probably the truest thing I have ever seen anyone say. Should make this my sig.

Patreon and the like have really fucked this shit all up. Everyone is now bowing to the needs of...in some cases their most weirdest subs that are willing to put up major dollars for the mind numbing shit they want to fap too. So much Futa, monsters, bugs, incest, and underage shit. I mean FUUUCKKKK!!

This why my shit is free.99....LOL.
Hello friends, here to let you know that chapter three of Tixk-Toxk 2024 is now available on our sister page, with this we complete the releases of this recreation of the invaluable gem of District13 :love:🥴🥴🥴


Very Important Note: Questions, comments and more please post them on our sister page mixed-3d-animated-topic-and-discussions
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The Novice Parts 1&2 + Atonement Nun 2 +Loops [OG] New
  • 3D
  • The clock just stuck the Midnight hour in Singapore ... now the 22nd of September. The Vernal Equinox is upon us and Fall is in the air ... unless of course, you
    happen to live below the Equator ... in that case, Happy Spring!
    Time for a couple of "random" videos that I hope you all will enjoy. Both are about a woman of faith confronted by EVIL ... failing in her mission, only to endure
    her interminable penance for over-reaching ... punishment AND pleasure.
    Not quite sure who the animator is, as it was completely anonymous ( 🤭 ). Maybe you recognize the style? It definitely looks familiar ... somehow ... :unsure:

    MEGA: The Novice Pts. 1&2 [Fan.Edit]
    KEY: kZiVUsTUBLbvMQthV_8-gbm1gApHpk0evcm0sx1ZhKU
    MEGA: Atonement Nun Part 2 [+Loops]

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    What are you "slack-jaws" staring at? Nini must still be out-of-town. Game of Billiards, anyone? ... I'm waiting ... is it sweaty in here, or is it just me?

    BD V6_00b.jpg
    The clock just stuck the Midnight hour in Singapore ... now the 22nd of September. The Vernal Equinox is upon us and Fall is in the air ... unless of course, you
    happen to live below the Equator ... in that case, Happy Spring!
    Time for a couple of "random" videos that I hope you all will enjoy. Both are about a woman of faith confronted by EVIL ... failing in her mission, only to endure
    her interminable penance for over-reaching ... punishment AND pleasure.
    Not quite sure who the animator is, as it was completely anonymous ( 🤭 ). Maybe you recognize the style? It definitely looks familiar ... somehow ... :unsure:

    MEGA: The Novice Pts. 1&2 [Fan.Edit]
    KEY: kZiVUsTUBLbvMQthV_8-gbm1gApHpk0evcm0sx1ZhKU
    MEGA: Atonement Nun Part 2 [+Loops]

    View attachment 859355
    Sorry to bother but can you convert part 1 and 2 to 720p? Nearly out of space can't download with MEGA.
    The clock just stuck the Midnight hour in Singapore ... now the 22nd of September. The Vernal Equinox is upon us and Fall is in the air ... unless of course, you
    happen to live below the Equator ... in that case, Happy Spring!
    Time for a couple of "random" videos that I hope you all will enjoy. Both are about a woman of faith confronted by EVIL ... failing in her mission, only to endure
    her interminable penance for over-reaching ... punishment AND pleasure.
    Not quite sure who the animator is, as it was completely anonymous ( 🤭 ). Maybe you recognize the style? It definitely looks familiar ... somehow ... :unsure:

    MEGA: The Novice Pts. 1&2 [Fan.Edit]
    KEY: kZiVUsTUBLbvMQthV_8-gbm1gApHpk0evcm0sx1ZhKU
    MEGA: Atonement Nun Part 2 [+Loops]

    View attachment 859355
    I loved this work, it's already one of my favorites!!!! Thank you so much for allowing us to enjoy them.
    The Novice Eps. 1&2 [FanEdit] 720p New
  • 3D
  • Attachments

    • NOV 01.JPG
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      109.1 KB · Views: 64
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    • NOV 06.JPG
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      110.2 KB · Views: 88
    Where can I find truth or dare V3 or 4? I know it's not allowed but I heard those are out? Only ones I can find are 1 and 2
    Interesting updates over at Ohentai involving their District13 episodes ... I think it's the first update over there in at least 3 Years! :oops::eek:
    Will wonders never cease?!! :unsure:
    I want to ask something
    She is not countinue fitness v4 or something ?
    Where can I find truth or dare V3 or 4? I know it's not allowed but I heard those are out? Only ones I can find are 1 and 2
    Hah, hah ... you two are sooo hilarious! There is the little rule strictly forbidding shota material on this site (and many others for that matter).
    Seriously though, Nini retired Fitness due to the Tony problem ... a 42 YO dwarf who resembles a 12 year old kid! I doubt seriously if she will ever finish that particular story ... which is a shame, as the plot was pretty good otherwise ...
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    The clock just stuck the Midnight hour in Singapore ... now the 22nd of September. The Vernal Equinox is upon us and Fall is in the air ... unless of course, you
    happen to live below the Equator ... in that case, Happy Spring!
    Time for a couple of "random" videos that I hope you all will enjoy. Both are about a woman of faith confronted by EVIL ... failing in her mission, only to endure
    her interminable penance for over-reaching ... punishment AND pleasure.
    Not quite sure who the animator is, as it was completely anonymous ( 🤭 ). Maybe you recognize the style? It definitely looks familiar ... somehow ... :unsure:

    MEGA: The Novice Pts. 1&2 [Fan.Edit]
    KEY: kZiVUsTUBLbvMQthV_8-gbm1gApHpk0evcm0sx1ZhKU
    MEGA: Atonement Nun Part 2 [+Loops]

    View attachment 859355
    Is this Internship Nun Part 2 or Atonement Nun Part 2? I remember Part 1 was called Internship Nun
    Internship Nun actually ... Parts 1&2 combined. The names were changed to protect the "not-so-innocent" creator ... ;)
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