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[District13/Niniのスタジオ] Her Work

jisan any plan to upload videos in NM site again??? it was easier there to find your videos..,
Already only we were just missing this :cautious::cautious::cautious::cautious: Nini under patreon review 😭😭😤😤

What a difference 10 hours makes. This would explain a lot that has happened recently ...
If she passes muster with Patreon (?), I doubt we'll be seeing a TOD V4. I wish to Hell she would've started to use her "older" teen creations.
Keep your fingers crossed, Ladies and Gentlemen. 🤞
God damn, just when I had just paid the subscription for TODV4 only
Many of us, including long-timers, are in the same boat. We have three possibilities coming out of this: Nini comes out unscathed and it's business as usual, but
with a few more limitations as to her releases; Nini changes venues, possibly a move to SubscribeStar or some other platform (she's done this before when she had problems with FanBox); or, worst case, she up and quits. It could happen, as she's older now, and has a child. You have to remember that this is just a hobby of sorts ... when does this stop being fun? Maybe she'll stop "District13" and resurface somewhere else under a new name?
Still, she's pretty stubborn and needs a creative outlet, so we just need to see what happens, and hope for the best (or acceptable) outcome.
if he retires then he retires as a great for me there is no problem if he retires in this hobby.
I hope Nini continues making videos. Like you, I'm sure I can live with it IF she retires. It's been a long run (for both of us!), yet it would be a damn shame if she
suddenly disappeared ... there are very few story tellers out there, especially with the knack for creating engaging tales, that draw in people like me, who get quickly bored with 10 to 45 second videos that only contain sexual gymnastics. Over the past year, I've felt as a group, we've been slowly hemmed in, with fewer options for sharing Nini's stories. I know some people find some of her stories "offensive" ... I myself find some of it "cringe-worthy" at times ... but when all is said and done, it really is just fiction/fantasy ... mostly just a series of pixels, that harm no one in any way, shape or form. Her stories may offend certain sensibilities, but in the end, it's only fiction ... and usually entertaining, whether it's your tastes, or not. Choose to read it, or not.
Such are the times we live in currently ... so batten down the hatches, lads, there's rough seas ahead. :cool:
I hope Nini continues making videos. Like you, I'm sure I can live with it IF she retires. It's been a long run (for both of us!), yet it would be a damn shame if she
suddenly disappeared ... there are very few story tellers out there, especially with the knack for creating engaging tales, that draw in people like me, who get quickly bored with 10 to 45 second videos that only contain sexual gymnastics. Over the past year, I've felt as a group, we've been slowly hemmed in, with fewer options for sharing Nini's stories. I know some people find some of her stories "offensive" ... I myself find some of it "cringe-worthy" at times ... but when all is said and done, it really is just fiction/fantasy ... mostly just a series of pixels, that harm no one in any way, shape or form. Her stories may offend certain sensibilities, but in the end, it's only fiction ... and usually entertaining, whether it's your tastes, or not. Choose to read it, or not.
Such are the times we live in currently ... so batten down the hatches, lads, there's rough seas ahead. :cool:
what is a NM site?
patreon has been censoring xxx artists for a long time... why doesn't nini switch to subscribestar? I know that platform is much more liberal
Hopefully the review process will vindicate Nini ... but who knows? Maybe other subscribers didn't like SubscribeStar because they don't accept PayPal. She has shown interest in the past, so maybe ...? Still, it's always a hassle to move ... even if it's just virtual.
Good news this morning, Nini's patreon page is back, which means she passed the patreon scrutiny? :unsure: .......!!Yuuupii!! 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳
Well, this has been disturbing somewhat ... but NOT unexpected on my part.
Interesting ... I just checked Nini's Pixiv Page (as anemic as it is ... ) and the 4 or 5 pictures she had there previously, depicting scenes with MILF-Momma and
obviously younger male partners (though heavily mosaic-censored) are now suddenly gone! I think Nini has come to the realization that she can't continue
the way she has been, basically flaunting her "forbidden" animation to anyone interested. If she wants to continue making adult-animation ... well, it needs to
be done with adults from this point forward.
As fans, we somewhat understand these videos of Nini's ... we "get" the joke. 10 and 12 year old boys do NOT have the equipment Nini is fond of endowing
them with. Let's face it, any male porn-star worth his salt, would be in high-demand with a "member" of that size and girth! Hence, we have the numerous
videos populated with her infamous "midgets and dwarfs". So why all the controversy surrounding her work? The problem is ... it appears, to the casual viewer,
that under-aged sex is happening, regardless of the stated age in the story, or the references to the males being "dwarfs". It just doesn't appear that that is the
case! Explain it any way you want ... the arguments just don't hold water.
Nini spent time developing "older" teen males. They are half a head shorter than Nini's voluptuous females ... so she needs to start using them, exclusively. In
this day and age we live in, it seems to me, that Nini needs to move-on, if she wants to continue her animation hobby. It is self-destructive to continue in the
manner she has been, in light of multiple reviews of her work by different platforms recently. It would be nice, especially on my part, to be able to share all of her newer works without having to "deny" certain stories, or worry about being banned, due to content. I have messaged her time and time again about this very subject, but her responses have always been evasive at best.
Some of you in the group, who are die-hard shota fans, need to realize that this is the path forward for Nini .. Hopefully, Nini will continue her intriguing story telling without the need of these gimmicks. Otherwise, she'll end up either completely banned by almost all popular platforms that cater to "Western" tastes, or a niche-artist who can only release her works in countries that allow these sorts of videos ... but they will be heavily censored.
Let's be thankful she's been given another chance. Time will tell. :unsure:
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