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[District13/Niniのスタジオ] Her Work

If you've "already put in" your time, you already know the reason we can't post it here ...
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Like I said, Catalog numbers and exact titles have been obscured over time. There are a few known, but for the most part, the Housewife Series is kind of hit and
miss ... especially the early ones. It would be nice if someone had the actual release dates and could share them with the group. My archives vary and they're from 2018 upwards ... even then, Nini's earliest works were head-scratchers, title wise. I have lists that I've posted here ... just need a Rosetta-Stone to decipher them as they're incomplete, or cut off. I think the title "Housewife Series" was created by someone other than Nini ... it probably made it easier to organize for posting ...
Volunteers ... anyone ... Bueller ...?

View attachment 654241
I've already put my time in ... :eek:
Its a very nice collection my favorite one is txk-tok, i hope Nini could make more content like this in the future... very good job
Its a very nice collection my favorite one is txk-tok, i hope Nini could make more content like this in the future... very good job
That one took me a while to get used to ... I know many of you good folk out there watch Nini's work on your phones, while I, on the other hand, prefer to watch on my 24" PC monitor, or my "big screen" ... so the reduced vertical image was disconcerting to me ... still, it's a very good story overall, especially relevant these days, as many are addicted to their phones and social media in particular. 😵‍💫
I came across a title from 2018 called Placental Worm, but it's just the beginning, I wonder if it's part of the mini-clips of your Nini brainstorming :unsure:

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Your particular shot is from PC02 [重案調查組前傳] Major Crimes Investigation (Prequel] ... Placental Worm takes place in a similar story, but an "Ancient
" is hidden in the city's subway system. The key character is named Yui Meijiao, who, unfortunately, investigates the rumors ... :eek:
MediaFire: [D13] Placental Worm [Clip.GIF]

SCP Episode 1_Placenta Worm [08.18.17].jpg

PS. Images NOT included ... :whistle:
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Like I said, Catalog numbers and exact titles have been obscured over time. There are a few known, but for the most part, the Housewife Series is kind of hit and
miss ... especially the early ones. It would be nice if someone had the actual release dates and could share them with the group. My archives vary and they're from 2018 upwards ... even then, Nini's earliest works were head-scratchers, title wise. I have lists that I've posted here ... just need a Rosetta-Stone to decipher them as they're incomplete, or cut off. I think the title "Housewife Series" was created by someone other than Nini ... it probably made it easier to organize for posting ...
Volunteers ... anyone ... Bueller ...?

View attachment 654241
I've already put my time in ... :eek:
Ojisan can you please upload Grandfather part 3 I haven't found this video on the other website this is my humble request sir please upload Grandfather part 3
About to hit that century mark and still going strong. Keep enforcing the rules. I'm proud to be part of this great forum. For All who's gotten us this far I give a big pat on the back. Keep up the great work. 👏👍🏿👌
Ojisan can you please upload Grandfather part 3 I haven't found this video on the other website this is my humble request sir please upload Grandfather part 3
Repeating a request that CAN'T be filled as it violates APC Rules, accomplishes absolutely nothing ... except wasting time. It's a shame, but Grandfather 3 can't
be posted here due to "shota" content; so please stop wasting everyone's time. More deletions will follow.
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iam lurking now but i see you almost everyday repeat the site rules idk how you do it o'jisan 🤣
You can see I changed my Avatar description from "Active Member" to: "Editor-in-Grief" ... I feel the new title speaks for itself (sigh) :rolleyes: . Not much I can do about
members who either don't bother reading the rules (on either Site Rules, or on our Group Title Opening), or choose to ignore them. It seems like a no-brainer to me ... but obviously some don't feel obliged to read the rules, or boyher to follow them ... the rules here are for our collective protection.
We're almost at 100 pages (!!) ... let's keep this loco-motive going. (y);)
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That one took me a while to get used to ... I know many of you good folk out there watch Nini's work on your phones, while I, on the other hand, prefer to watch on my 24" PC monitor, or my "big screen" ... so the reduced vertical image was disconcerting to me ... still, it's a very good story overall, especially relevant these days, as many are addicted to their phones and social media in particular. 😵‍💫
different preferences! Personally I prefer to enjoy it on my screen in 4K resolution. :cool:
Your particular shot is from PC02 [重案調查組前傳] Major Crimes Investigation (Prequel] ... Placental Worm takes place in a similar story, but an "Ancient
" is hidden in the city's subway system. The key character is named Yui Meijiao, who, unfortunately, investigates the rumors ... :eek:
MediaFire: [D13] Placental Worm [Clip.GIF]

View attachment 658912View attachment 658925
PS. Images NOT included ... :whistle:
Well, I'm relieved to see that Nini wasn't born knowing how to animate hehe! It is strange to see these old works and how much they improved at the time with TK17 and not to mention now with VAM, I feel relieved because I will look at my current work later and laugh when I see how bad it was hahahaha!! :LOL::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Thanks Bro for taking the time to share this (y)🤗

PS: The images are incredible, the D13 logo ''Esta Perron'' (very good) 😱🤩(y)
Looking at some of her earliest releases, many are quite crude compared to her later TK17 epics. Her "police" phase, along with Book of Evil, all have the look of someone who's learning the craft as they go. Her work started coming together technically with Math Teacher, My Sex Slave and the Grandfather saga ... the following stories are fan favorites, of course. Though her animation was somewhat primitive compared to now, her main strength has always been her story telling, and the plight of the female characters in those tales. IMHO, it's what sets her apart from the usual fare out there. Technically, other animators may have a slicker look compared to her's, but most are lacking as far as story goes. She's a "manga" artist at heart, which is the "hook" for many of us.
Why are we yelling in here?
@O'jisan I think I asked this before, but has Nini said anything about giving us uncensored versions of some of her most important works? Business Trip, for example. I've been waiting patiently just so I can subscribe to her content, but nothing happens.
If it is not too much trouble, could you forward this question to her?
Why are we yelling in here?
@O'jisan I think I asked this before, but has Nini said anything about giving us uncensored versions of some of her most important works? Business Trip, for example. I've been waiting patiently just so I can subscribe to her content, but nothing happens.
If it is not too much trouble, could you forward this question to her?
I wish I had a dollar for every time I've asked Nini that very same question ... to no avail ... or better yet: her standard answer, "when I find the time" ... or my
favorite ... "when I finish the work already on schedule" ... and of course ... "you've already ask that question yesterday" ... :rolleyes:
I find the more I ask these and other questions, she just digs in a little bit more. I don't think she's dodging on purpose, I just think she has a lot on her plate. She never finished Exchange Student 3 from the old TK17 days (though, she is questioned about Part 3 by others from time-to-time). I think she has a lot of ideas bouncing around in her head, and maybe gets ahead of herself planning out a schedule. Plus, she easily loses interest in a project if she hits a roadblock
of sorts ... hence, the pause on Five Colored Rangers.
I hate asking her these types of questions. I feel like I'm putting myself in her "Pain-in-the-Ass" enemies list. 🫣

Get a life, Fanboy!.gif
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I wish I had a dollar for every time I've asked Nini that very same question ... to no avail ... or better yet: her standard answer, "when I find the time" ... or my
favorite ... "when I finish the work already on schedule" ... and of course ... "you've already ask that question yesterday" ... :rolleyes:
I find the more I ask these and other questions, she just digs in a little bit more. I don't think she's dodging on purpose, I just think she has a lot on her plate. She never finished Exchange Student 3 from the old TK17 days (though, she is questioned about Part 3 by others from time-to-time). I think she has a lot of ideas bouncing around in her head, and maybe gets ahead of herself planning out a schedule. Plus, she easily loses interest in a project if she hits a roadblock
of sorts ... hence, the pause on Five Colored Rangers.
I hate asking her these types of questions. I feel like I'm putting myself in her "Pain-in-the-Ass" enemies list. 🫣

View attachment 660946
what a juicy bitc
I'm back to ask if anyone can post Yellow Poison and The Aftermath from the TK17 map, it looks to be more tentacle than shota.

Second I'd like Ojisan to revive the links for:
College Photography clip - Dec 19
Breast Checking - 24 Feb

The more I explore the District the more I find out how much is missing. 😅
I'm back to ask if anyone can post Yellow Poison and The Aftermath from the TK17 map, it looks to be more tentacle than shota.

Second I'd like Ojisan to revive the links for:
College Photography clip - Dec 19
Breast Checking - 24 Feb

The more I explore the District the more I find out how much is missing. 😅
I tried to get the first part of the Yellow Poison/Medicine posted here, but it was rejected because the villain of the piece is a "dwarf" ... even though he's not
involved in any of the action (unlike Part 2), it was rejected based on his nudity alone ... which sucks, but I suppose him "monologue-ing" his evil plans was considered pornographic ... he should've worn a speed-o. Part 2 is definitely a "NO-GO"
The link for Breast Checking has been refreshed. I couldn't find College Photography clip anywhere on Dec. 19th (of course, I haven't had my coffee yet), so if
it's there, please add the Post # for me ... :coffee: 😵‍💫 :coffee:
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By George ... I think he's got it!! The color threw me off. Unfortunately, we can't post the entire video here ... but here's an edited clip.
Please be mindful of what images can and can't be posted (even if there is no sexual contact) :rolleyes:
MEGA: [D13] College Photography Club [Clip-Edit]
Unfortunate that they include shota, the covers made it seem like it'd be more tentacle alligned. Well, it's what it's I guess.

I'll be waiting for her new works. 😁
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