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[District13/Niniのスタジオ] Her Work

Sorry 'bout that, Chief. We need to change our spots occasionally, right?
Not sure the coffee's any good, tho' ... :coffee::cautious::coffee:
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You should have sent a link to the "Welcome Refugees" group. After they booted Sam998 out of the OP seat, I realized that "something is rotten in Denmark" ...
( I apologize to any Danes in the group ... but I happen to be a Norwegian/Swedish kid ... so I can't help it ... I blame my DNA for rudeness and Jovialousity".)
Anyway ... I check up on F95 every now and the and drop a message of two ... or three!
PS. Kind of weird last night with this site being offline ... thought to myself; not again ....?!?
... I must've dropped a bunch of hints at the D13 group over at F95 this AM ... I just directed them to lamythefirst's message in the "Refugee" group ... I hate that I can't be up-front with them over there. All those wayward fans pining for Nini ... (sigh)
Btw, I posted links to here on the 2 threads at f95 and got banned for it. Be careful o'jisan.

PS. I panicked when the website went down:eek::eek:. Glad it's up and running!
Btw, I posted links to here on the 2 threads at f95 and got banned for it. Be careful o'jisan.

PS. I panicked when the website went down:eek::eek:. Glad it's up and running!
Yea ... do not post a direct link to this site. What I've been doing is using their own links in the "Refugee group" ... there are a ton of links in their own site to
direct former members here. I'm trying to alert former members by playing with their play-book; if they ban me for that ... well, who cares if I can message or reply in a place like that? Not me, that's for sure.
But I swear ... no one is paying close attention to my posts, for the most part ...? Are they drinking the KoolAid there?
Five Color Rangers V0.1 [Original]
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  • Just remembered, I forgot to post this one too ... Nini's original release for the Five Color Rangers V0.1. Enjoy ...
    MEGA: [D13] Five Color Rangers V0.1 [Original]
    KEY: 8hOa8xXmdly4sME_A3QgsYzkhGpsDUsNIOF2uxhsv70


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    Hi can I get some info regarding the discord or is there something in the tos here preventing that?
    I have mixed feelings about a dynamic opening shot on the "front page". Let's face it ... as regulars, we were patient enough to wade through 9+ episodes of Business Trip before the sexual fireworks even started. I seriously doubt most "casual viewers" would put up with that. Most want to jump right into the sex without any kind of plot whatsoever. So putting shots of Penny, Miyoko or Kokomi going through their sexual calisthenics is truthfully "false advertising." Maybe I'm selling the average viewer short, but I believe most are looking for 60 second shorts of women getting royally pounded by large cocks from many different species (not that there's anything wrong with that). I settled on this particular shot because it visually starts the story of a casual conversation, that slowly escalates into a full blown NTR tale. So for now, since there is enough controversy about our chosen author, let's leave it be as is ... we can always update the page, which is what I originally had in mind.
    If someone were to design a large GIF or a short loop we could post, we could post that too ... I just don't want it cluttered.
    PS. I did, however, add multiple captures to the "reader" mode, so the casual, but curious, can sample Nini's work from each video ... I should add a disclaimer,
    though ... "
    Watch at your own risk ... repeated viewings may be habit-forming!" ...
    Hi O'Jisan, I admit that I had not yet seen the "Reader Mode": it works perfectly, and that actually makes it of little use to place other screens on the home page. This thing is a great feature ! :)
    Hi O'Jisan, I admit that I had not yet seen the "Reader Mode": it works perfectly, and that actually makes it of little use to place other screens on the home page. This thing is a great feature ! :)
    It does make it easier than having to find stuff by browsing page after page. I hated that in the old group on 8Muses ... plus, many refused to learn the search option. I even lost track of some of my posts. Personally though, I always enjoyed browsing through the pages of the "OLDE" D13 Access group in the Request forum. I learn a lot there and found some real great older stuff. Alas ... it was gutted before 8Muses took a dump on everyone. R.I.P. :cry:
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    Last post for the evening ... uh ... morning :sleep: . Nini just posted a "prologue" to Kokomi and Grandpa's Secret. She just has that touch other artists don't. I'll post a few images tomorrow. This means a New Years Posting. So, you'll either be partying when it's posted, or (dependent on my personal status), we'll be staring at it through the haze of a hangover ... or not. Completely depends on your lifestyle choices. Here's a peak ...


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    I found other forum few days ago may b Nini dwarf work could b shared over there n I have posted forum link at discord give n try 👍
    A few images from Nini, continuing the story of Kokomi and Grandpa, now titled Urban Strange Tales, posted in the early hours this morning. To be posted in two weeks, on the New Years Eve .... cause to celebrate! (y)


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    I found other forum few days ago may b Nini dwarf work could b shared over there n I have posted forum link at discord give n try 👍
    I would like to keep talk of dwarfs and shota to a minimum here ... we know the rules; and PLEASE, post no links to outside sources that contain material about
    that subject matter. I'd hate to get frozen for a review. Die-hards ... we know how to search the web independently.
    Sorry for the reminder. :rolleyes:
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    Breast Checking [clip.ext]
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  • Here's a new set of clips, combined with an older set of clips, from June of this year ... judiciously edited to pass muster. I believe in self-checking ... still, it's more fun to invite a friend, when necessary. Just clocks in at three minutes. She reminds me of the librarian I visit ... in my dreams ... o_O
    MEGA: [D13] Breast Checking [Ext.Clip]


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    I would like to keep talk of dwarfs and shota to a minimum here ... we know the rules; and PLEASE, post no links to outside sources that contain material about
    that subject matter. I'd hate to get frozen for a review. Die-hards ... we know how to search the web independently.
    Sorry for the reminder. :rolleyes:
    I just wanted to inform about that forum so may b Nini's restricted contents could b shared over there n sorry about dw*** or sh*** topic i will never bring up about dat topic again 👍
    I just wanted to inform about that forum so may b Nini's restricted contents could b shared over there n sorry about dw*** or sh*** topic i will never bring up about dat topic again 👍
    It's alright ... being a District13 group, we're already under more than the usual scrutiny most groups get, due to Nini's earlier works. That's my only concern, as I don't want others to think links to outside sources are allowed. Not singling you out ... just seemed like a good opportunity to remind the group at large what this site allows and doesn't. We can discuss, just not share.
    PS ... we even have a special mention in the banned content section: "District13/Nini - No 3D shota allowed." (unfortunately ... means dwarfs, too)
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    Welcome! Sorry, but Eye Of Truth would be considered on the "no-no" list here, due to the young appearing teens. The cost of doing business these day, I'm
    afraid. Nini has acknowledged it has become problematic for her, so she has withdrawn all her "questionable" videos ... she's even redesigned the teens so
    they're now height and age appropriate in appearance. Sign of the times we live in ... even if it's just make-believe.
    Damnn...but i'm still glad i found ya'll i hope this place become our new home...event thou this place have they own rule...but yeah Soo glad to find ya'll👍
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